Chapter 5

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Date Published: November 10 2020

Word Count: 916

Percy's POV:

Four months after the Capture the Flag game, Angelica had started to warm up to Camp Half Blood. To say the demigods were shocked and weary of her after her display of power was an understatement. Most of the camp avoided her completely.

Us big three kids took the opportunity to get closer to the guarded half-blood. Used to being alone and feared we understood what she was going through. In a short amount of time, we all grew closer as cousins.

After a while, the camp started to see the sarcastic, sassy side of my sister that lurked just beyond the surface. They realized that she was kind of like me in a way. Also, the fact that her other fatal flaw was personal loyalty helped them to trust her more. After a while she had finally found a home that would hopefully be more permanent than any of her foster homes.

Angelica loved Camp Half-Blood and Camp Half-Blood loved her. Little did I know that wouldn't last long......

Couldn't leave you guys there could I! ( Please note I'm internally dying, I've always wanted to do that! I'm following in the footsteps of Uncle Rick, the god of trolls. ;)

Still Percy's POV:

I was getting ready in my cabin to spend the rest of my afternoon with my cousins. The hunters had arrived yesterday and we had made a tradition that whenever the hunt was around, we would spend the day hanging out in the mortal world bonding and stuff like that.

Our "bonding" consisted mostly of Thalia, Jason, Nico and I arguing, teasing and mocking each other with Hazel and Angel trying to chide us to stop. After they gave up and we almost died due to an array of powers, ( but honestly when are we not about to die) we all made up and spent the rest of the time together around Manhattan, finishing the day off with our routinely game of Laser Tag, Zeus against Poseidon against Hades before we all went to dinner.

Just then, Thalia ran in covered in blood, a jagged cut running from her wrist to her shoulder blade and another prominent wound stretching across her calf.

" Gods Thalia, What happened!? " I asked already running across the room, to the hurt daughter of Zeus.

" Gorgon.... border...... Maya " She said through deep intakes of breath and shuttering sobs. I helped her out the door, just to find the tanned face and blonde curls of Will Solace stalking up to my cabin.

" THALIA GRACE! " He screamed helping her off my shoulder and on to the steps of the Poseidon Cabin as he tended to her many cuts and scrapes. " The next time I tell you to stay put because you almost died, don't go running off into gods know where! Or you'll be on the same doctors orders as your cousin.... " He muttered the last part as he stood admiring his work.

" Sorry no can do Sunny D! " She replied cheerfully a cheeky smile forming on both our faces " I'm a hunter and we all know how your doctors orders ended up last time... "

Will flushed and quickly ran away, leaving us in fits of laughter but that quickly subsided and Thalia's face grew somber again.

" What were you saying about Maya.... " I trailed off already knowing the answer. Thalia started crying again and I walked over and sat beside her, placing my arm around her as she cried into my shoulder.

Maya was a daughter of Hermes who was born with a rare power of the children of the messenger god.

Super speed.

This made her the Hunters secret weapon in Capture The Flag games and a true force to be reckoned with. I mean, I admire anyone with even the sheer will power to muster a word to Thalia. With her punk look, cold blue eyes and not to mention, the hefty title of daughter of Zeus and the Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis, she was really intimidating ( I will deny ever saying that ) but she and Maya became fast friends.

I guess it's not that surprising. They're both strong willed, powerful hunters who will not hesitate to beat anyone up. They were also crazy good with knives and a bow and arrow. I hadn't know Maya for long, she had attempted to teach me archery but deemed me hopeless after only a session. The time that I did spend with with her however, I found she was really nice and funny. At least, when you weren't on the other end of her dagger. Above all that, she was my cousins best friend and anyone who could return the sparkle to the daughter of Zeus's electric eyes was valued very high in my books. And now that amazing, auburn haired demigod was having a shroud made for her. For the first time ever, the fastest girl alive lay completely motionless.

And CUT, I didn't know where to go after that.......Keep Maya in mind, she'll be back later! I'm excited we're finally getting to the good parts of this story. Basically imagine Maya as a cross between like Thalia and Hazel. Strong willed, not afraid to speak her mind and an amazing fighter but also kind and sweet. This was just a transition chapter to introduce the daughter of Hermes and tell y'all that Angel has adapted and now fits in at CHB. I hope you enjoyed!

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