• Prologue •

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"What's so wrong with liking boys?" Gon asked. "Because it's disgusting! Duh!!" Retz pokes him. 'I don't think it's disgusting...

Gons POV:
Hi I'm Gon! And I like on this island village called whale island! I'm a citizen living in this village with my Aunt Mito! I love my aunt mito so much, well she's the closest thing I have to a parent. Well, I was told my mom died, and my dad abandoned me, and gave me to mito. So I've been living with her!

When I was little, and still to this day people made fun of me because they thought I was weird, and a freak for liking boys.. I was picked on a lot. But my aunt mito encourages me! She pushed me on and doesn't make fun of me! She's the best!!

Killuas POV:

Hi I'm Killua, I'm one of 5 Zoldyck children. Well the Zoldycks are kinda important, what I mean by that is, we are royalty. It may seem pretty cool and sounds fun, but it's not. It sucks having all these responsibilities, I often get stressed a lot and run away to the garden.

My little sister, Alluka is the only one who understands me.. my family mistreats her for being well.. Transgender. She was born a boy, but chose to be a girl. But my family still calls her a boy. I'm the only one who calls HER a girl. Because she is.

My brother Illumi was supposed to be the heir to the thrown, but he kinda ran away, and we haven't seen him since. Next was my brother Milluki. Honestly I'm not surprised that he isn't next in line. He's extremely immature, and all he does is eat and jerk off He eats a lot, so is extremely fat. It's funny to watch him walk.

So it's down to me, I'm the heir to the thrown. Crazy right? The middle Zoldyck child. Heir to the thrown, I don't want to be the heir, I want a normal life, without all this stress and responsibilities. I want someone to love..

My prince (killugon) Prince AU / DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now