• Chapter 5 •

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Killuas POV:


"WAH! FATHER!" I say letting Gon go and sitting up quickly to look at him. Gon slowly sits up to look at my father as well. "Why do you like this boy so much? Why not a princess? And if not that, a towns girl!" "Have you been watching us?!" I yell back at him. "That doesn't matter. Now answer me! Why him?!" I growl at him, and hug Gon from behind.

"Gon is different. He isn't like others. Not like bratty girls! And I want HIM. Not some preppy princess." I say still holding onto Gon tightly. "Killuaaaa! To tight!" "Oh sorry Gon." I say letting go of him. "And if I can't have him. Then I refuse to be the heir, and you'll have to pick the fat ass that is Milluki, because it's YOUR fault that Illumi just ran away!"

I get up, "so how about you get off your fat ass for once, and be a better FATHER!" I yell. He looks at me in disbelief. "Hm.. very well son.. but so you know, if you two ever do get married, prepare for the towns people to be extremely mad at your decision to marry a man." He says bluntly and walks inside.

"I'm sorry Killua.. I'm causing you all of this trouble.." he mumbles "No, stop. You have not caused me any problems at all." I say sitting back down and hugging him. He leans back into my chest, laying his head under my chin, I move my head to be buried in his hair until..

"AUNT MITO!" He yells quickly sitting up, head butting me in the process. "Ow." I say holding my nose. He turns around to look at me. He looks at me with horror and worry. He completely turns around and puts his hands in his face.

"I-.. I-" he says, he sounds like he's about to cry.. He puts his head down with his hands in his lap "I-.. I-.. I-I'm.." I take my hand off my nose and put it on his chin, and bring it up to face me. "It's not your fault Gon." I say smiling at him. His eyes widen, but he turns his face away. "Y-yes it I-is! I-I'm so sorry!"

"I-it won't h-happen again.. I-I'm sorry K-Killua.." he says bringing his hands up to his face. I chuckle, and take his hand, and use my other hand to take his chin and force him to look at me. "Are you scared of me Gon? I think that's what it is. You're scared because I'm higher class than you?" I say with a smirk on my face. "W-what?! I'm not scared of you! Promise!" I'm gonna tease him.. "hmm very well then, so I guess it would be ok if I told my father about you bumping into me? See what happens then?" I say bluntly and smirk. He looks at me in horror "w-wait.. p-please don't.. I-I'm.. i-I.." he says stumbling over his words. I laugh "I'm just joking Gon, I would do that ever, especially to you."

His face relaxes a bit. I smile lightly at him. "So, what's your answer? Have you got one yet?" I ask. His face turns a little red, "U-um... I-I.." he looks away, then slowly nods his head. My eyes widen and I look like this:

I give a warm smile, this is the happiest I've been in ages

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I give a warm smile, this is the happiest I've been in ages. I bend down to his level with one arm on my knee, and use my free hand to lift his chin up. He slowly opens his eyes to look at me, I look back and we end up staring into each other's eyes. "Can I?" I ask, his eyes widen a little, and nods. I slowly lean in, and my lips softly touch his. I place my hand on his cheek and rub it. I pull away to look at him. His face looks like a tomato, I chuckle "You're all red Gon." He turns his head "A-am not.." I laugh, "You're so cute.." I say as I sit on both my knees. "And you're so mean.." he says and completely turns his body around. I laugh, and take his hand. I bring it up to my mouth and kiss it. "I love that." I say and hold his with both hands in my lap.

I hear the door open and turn my head, "Onii-Chan!!" I hear Alluka say. "Alluka." I say back. I let go of his hand to stand up, I bend down a little to take his hand to pull him up. "W-wah! Hey!" He laughs and falls onto my chest. I catch him, and look back over to Alluka. "Do you need something Alluka?" I see stars in her eyes. Oh no. She runs over and grabs Gons hand and shakes it. "I'm Alluka! Onii-Chan's little sister! Nice to meet you!!" She says happily. I can tell he's a little nervous, but shakes back. "U-uh.. I'm Gon.. nice to meet y-you too Alluka." She giggles and backs up a little, letting go of his hand. "Sorry about that.." she says scratching the back of her head. "No! It's ok." Gon says nervously.

"Onii-Chan has told me a lot about you!" She says. My eyes widen as a hint of pink shows up on my cheeks. I turn to look at Gon, the same happened to him, except a lot redder. "Alluka!" I yell. She giggles "Sorry onii-Chan!" She says. I sigh, and roll my eyes "so what do you need?" She snaps out of her giggle fest, "oh ya! It's dinner time! Gotoh has been looking all over for you." She says. "So hurry up!" She says and runs back inside. "Very well then." I say and then to look at Gon who is looking at me. I put my hand out "Ready to go?" I ask. "Y-yeah." He says and takes my hand.

I smile and we start walking inside.

My prince (killugon) Prince AU / DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now