• Chapter 2 •

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Killuas POV:

We finally arrive at the village, and I look around in awe. Everything looks amazing.. we step out and immediately Gotoh and Canary get on both sides of me. I sigh and put my hands behind my head looking around. I looked at the towns people and when they saw me, they bowed. Wonder why they did that..

We kept walking through the streets, until Gotoh and canary both get distracted with someone stealing some food from a shop. I quickly look around and run out of there. Finally alone.. I slowly stop running and looking around the shops.

As I'm walking someone bumps into me, and I fall on the ground. I look up to see a boy my age rubbing his head. I stand up and look down on him. He looks up, "I-I'm so s-sor-" he stops and his eyes widens. He puts his hands over his mouth and he looks like he's about to cry. I stare at him with shock, I bend down. "Hey hey, are you ok?? Are you hurt??"

He crawls back and stands up. "I-I'm so s-sorry.. y-your highness.. please don't hurt me.." he says with his hands over his face bowing. He thinks I'm going to hurt him? Why?? "I'm not going to hurt you. Stop bowing and look at me." I say in a kind of demanding voice. He immediately looks straight up at me.

I see his face stained with tears and he's clutching his pants. I look him up and down, he has a pretty feminine body, curved hips, skinny legs, and skinny arms. Everything you would want in a girl. I look up at his face and he's staring right back at me with a confused innocent look on his face.. he looks.. cute?

"I-is there something w-wrong your highness.. if there is I can change it immediately!" He says looking himself up and down. I walk up to him and lift his chin. He looks back up at me, I shake my head, "Nothings wrong. But I think you dropped this." I say pulling a loaf of bread out from behind me.

His eyes widens and slowly grabs it from my hands his skin is so soft.. and he bows. "I'm so sorry for causing you all this trouble your highness.." he sniffs and stands back up. "What's your name?" I ask. His eyes widen, "G-Gon.. G-Gon Freecss.." he says. Hmm.. Gon Freecss huh.. I love his name.. it fits.

I smile at him and I turn around to see Gotoh and Canary running towards me. I roll my eyes as they get closer. I look back at Gon to see him gone.. I frown at start walking to them. "Your highnes-" "Lets go, I'm tired and want to sleep." I say walking past them. They quickly follow behind and we start walking back to the carriage. Gon..

Time skip to back at the castle.

We step out of the carriage and I walk back up to my room. Gon.. Why can't I stop thinking about him.. him and his beautiful hair.. nice body and soft skin. I blush a little and smile. I'll meet him again. Just wait. As I'm walking I hear soft tip toeing behind me. I smirk and I turn around quickly and start tickling Alluka. She gasps but starts laughing, I start to laugh along with her. We both fall in the floor laughing.

After a while we both get up, "Sorry Alluka, I couldn't help myself." I say shrugging. "It's ok Onii-Chan! How was it! What was it like?!" She says running up closer to me with stars in her eyes. I pat her head, "Let's go to the garden and I'll tell you all about it, sound good?" She quickly nods her head, she grabs my hand and starts running. I laugh but run along with her.

Gons POV:

All I remember is I was running and bumped into someone.. not just anyone.. the prince. I was really scared for my life there, what If I never got to see aunt Mito again? Would she worry if I disappeared? What if he is coming to kill me?! Am I gonna die?!!? I had to get out of there, so right as he turned around, I made a run for it..

That probably wasn't the best move, but I was terrified. I didn't want to be in his presence any longer.. so I ran and ran until I got home. When I walked in I was immediately yelled at for being late. But I still gave her the bread and she made some dinner. We sat down and ate, I then went to my room and changed into my night clothes.

I sign falling onto my bed thinking about today's activity's.. the prince.. he looked kinda hot.. I blush AHH what am I thinking?! He's the prince! Could I die for thinking that?! Is he going to kill me? I sit up yawning. I shouldn't think about it to hard.. I should go to sleep... I lay down and close my eyes and fall asleep.

Killuas POV:

"Onii-chann! Onii-chann!" I feel myself getting shaken. I open my eyes and I see Alluka smiling down at me. "Good morning Onii-Chan!" "Hmm"
I sit up and she gets off of me. "Come on! Breakfast!!" I get up quickly, "beat you there!" I say running out of my room. "Hey!! No fair!!" I hear her say as she chases me.

We both run down the stairs to the dining room, I win obviously. We both stop and I pat her head. "It's ok little sis, maybe you'll beat me next time." I shrug and sit down. She sits down next to me and we look around.

"What?" I say to my father. "So, son since your old enough to marry-" "no, not happening." "But son-" "not happening!" I say as I slam my hands on the table. He signs. "Fine, will you do it if I let you pick anyone you want?" My eyes widen, "Anyone?" I look at him with a smirk. He nods and I knew exactly who I wanted.

"But after we finish eating." I nod and wait for the food. When the food gets out I immediately start digging in. "Manners kil." I roll my eyes and start to eat a bit slower.

Once I'm done I sit there waiting for my father to be done so I can tell him who I want.


that's who i want..

My prince (killugon) Prince AU / DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now