• Chapter 1 •

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Gons POV:

"...on.. gon.. GON!" I quickly sit up and look around. "Aunt mito? What's wrong?!" I look at her worried. "Gon what did I tell you about waking up early? And didn't I say to take a bath? You stink." She says holding her nose. I giggle, "Ya I'll take one" I say standing up and stretching. Aunt mito walks back, "Oh, and I need you to go get bread from Mrs. ito!" She says walking out of my room. "Ok!" I yell back at her.

I sigh and yawn as I walk around my room to get my shoes so I could go out to the lake, since we weren't rich enough to afford a wooden bath, we had to bathe in the lake! It's ok, I don't really mind. I like to look at all the fishies!

Killuas POV:

I sit up as I hear a knock on my door "Come in" My door opens and a servant comes in and bows "Your majesty" he says "Yeah yeah, Gotoh, you don't have to call me that. Just call me Killua." I say as I shrug my shoulders. "Kings orders your majesty. Anyways," he stands up straight and looks at me. "The king would like to see you now." I nod, "Ok, tell him I'll be down in a minute." I say as I shoo him away.

He walks out and closes the door, I get up yawning and stretching as I look over to my dresser. I sigh and walk over to it seeing as my clothes already set out for me. I roll my eyes as I see what's in front of me. A blue vest, with golden yellow patterns are scattered across all over. The vest is kinda long in the back with two flaps at the bottom. I look over and see a white button up shirt, and some black formal pants. I pick them up and go to my bathroom to change.

The servants used to have to change me, but as I got older i got kinda weirded out by it, so I ordered them not to and I would do it myself. I finished putting on my clothes and put on my shoes and walked out of my room down the huge hallway, down the long stairs and into the thrown room.

"Yes father?" I say as I bow. I look up and he clears his throat. "Yes Killua, since you are the heir to the thrown-" I roll my eyes as he says that. "You are going to be going down to the village and look around, all rulers should know what they are ruling over, and what it looks like. I did this when I was your age with my old man."

I widen my eyes trying to hide my excitement. "Really?! Are you serious!" I say not even trying to hide the excitement in my voice. He nods, "glad you are actually happy to be ruling for once." My excitement slowly goes away as I cross my arms glaring at him. "So when are we leaving?" I put my hands behind my head still glaring at him. "Now." NOW?! WHAT?! "Like right now?!" "Yes I already have the l carriage ready for you, Gotoh and canary are going with you, so you won't be alone." I roll my eyes.  dammit

Gons POV:

I just finished my bath and now I'm headed to put on my clothes. I look on my mattress and see my clothes. A white button up, with a dark green worn out vest, with orange patterns on it, and some tan pants. I smile as I pick up the clothes and put them on. I grab my comb and brush out my hair and it starts to stick up, like it always does. No matter what I do to it, it just always sticks straight up!

Anyways, I walk out of my room to be greeted my Aunt mito, she hands me a slice of bread and some coins for the loaf of bread. I take them both and smile at her, putting the bread in my mouth. I take a big bite. "Twhank yhowu! (Thank you!)" she hits me on the head "no talking with food in your mouth! Manners Gon."

I slightly smile while rubbing my head. "Sorry Mito.." "it's ok, now run along! We don't have all day now." She says as she starts pushing me to the door. "Yes ma'am!" I say as I walk out getting a wiff of the fresh air. I smile as I start walking to the shops.

Killuas POV:

I get in the carriage while looking outside the window. I sign, I had plans with Alluka to look in the garden today.. i roll my eyes as I look around at Gotoh and canary, sitting straight like always. "You guys don't have to be so formal around me you know." I say turning my head looking out the window.

"Kings rules your majesty." Canary said not moving an inch. I sigh and continue looking out the window, amazed at what I see. You see I haven't been out this far from the palace, so it sure is exciting to be able to see new things!

Gons POV:
I arrive at the shops and start looking around. I walk up to a lot of stands ooing at all the cool stuff. There was a lot of fruit! I love fruit, it's my favorite food ever! I didn't realize that I was out there wasting time for so long until I looked up and saw it was almost dinner time.

Oh no! I'm gonna be late for dinner! I gotta hurry up and get the bread! I start running to Mrs. itos bread stand, which takes about 5 minutes before I get there and calm down, and start catching my breath. I greet Mrs. Ito and pick out the loaf and pay her, I look up and see it starting to get darker. I take the loaf in one hand and start running as fast as I can, until....


My prince (killugon) Prince AU / DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now