• Chapter 8 •

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Killuas POV:

I wake up, and slowly open my eyes, and I feel something heavy on my chest. I rub my eyes and look down. Gon.. I smile, and kiss his forehead. His breathing is steady, and I watch as his chest goes up and down. I move my attention to his face. His adorable sleeping face. The face that when I first saw it, I loved it and wanted it to be mine. All mine. And I always get what I want. And I am, he's all mine..

I soon hear a knock on the door. I groan aggravated, and slowly pull myself from under Gon, as not to wake him. I walk over to the door and open it. "Your majesty." Gotoh says and bows. "Gotoh, you gotta be more quiet." I whisper. And point behind me "Gons sleeping." He nods, "His wardrobe is ready in the room next to yours, and breakfast is ready." He whispers. I nod back, "During breakfast bring the wardrobe in my room." I whisper. He nods "yes your majesty." He bows and starts walking away. I close the door and turn around.

I walk over to the bed, and look down at the beautiful adorable figure below me. I kiss his forehead, and whisper in his ear "Gon." He groans and starts squirming around. He turns to his side, and I laugh. I lean down to his ear once more, "Wake up or I'll kiss you~" I purr. His eyes open wide, but he smirks and turns to lay on his stomach. I sign and he giggles. "Fine then, guess I'll just tickle you then." I smirk. He quickly sits up. "I'm up!" He yells. I chuckle, he turns around and I give him a peck on his lips. "Gotcha~" I say with a smirk. His eyes go wide for a second and his face turns red.

He covers his face. "You really get flustered easily dont you?" I ask patting his head. He shakes his head "Nuh-uh!" He says. "Fine, your clothes are in the room next door. I'll be waiting here for us to go to breakfast." I say taking his hand, and pulling him up. He nods and yawns. He lets go of my hand, and starts walking to the door. I smile as he walks off.

Once he leaves I look over to my wardrobe, and I see my clothes already set out. I walk over, and start to put the clothes on. After a few minutes I get it all on. And I walk out, and wait for Gon in the big hallway.

About 5 minutes later he walks out, "This is so expensive.. am I even allowed to wear this?" He asks. I laugh "of course you are, and you look stunning." I say with a wink. He walks over next to me, "oh stop it princey." He says and sticks his tongue out. "Nice nickname, lemme think of one for you." I say thinking. We start walking down the hall, "Hmm.. How about.. Angel? Because you look like one, Beautiful." I say with a smile. He looks over at me, glaring with his face all red. "Aww is Angel flustered? Your face is all red and cute." I say as I take his hand, I bring it up to my mouth and kiss it.

"Why are you like thisss!!" He stutters out as he covers his face with his free hand. "Don't say you don't like it? Fine guess I won't love on you anymore." I say and let go of his hand. I just look straight forward and ignore him. He crosses his arms. "W-what ever.." he whispers. I smirk, "Even with one word, you're still bad at lying." I chuckle

We make it to the dining hall, and we walk over to the chairs. My father doesn't eat breakfast, as well as my mother so it's just us, the kids. I pull out the chair for Gon, he smiles, thanks me and sits down. I sit down next to him. Father and mother don't eat breakfast with us, so we eat alone.

Anyways, when the food comes out Gon looks down at the food amazing, again. "Never had pancakes Huh?" I ask with a chuckle. "Pancakes?" He asks confused. I laugh, "That's what these are called, they are sweet, and fluffy." I reply. He still looks confused, "how do you eat it..?" He asks. "You eat it like the steak we had yesterday, you cut it up." I reply, showing him. "Ohh, ok!" He giggles, and he starts to cut, and eat it.

Time skip after breakfast

Me and Gon are walking to the garden, "That was really good!" He exclaimed. "Yes, that's one of the many things we eat for breakfast." I respond. "There's more?!" He asks. Turning his head to look at me.

"Of course there's more" I laugh "Whatever.." he says and puffs his cheeks. Then his eyes light up. "Do you have a library!?" He asks excited. I nod, "Can we go?!" He basically squeals. I laugh, take his hand and I start to lead him to the library.

When we get there, he immediately lights up, and runs to the nearest bookshelf. I laugh and walk up to him. He is already reading one of the books. "I take it you like books Huh?" "Yes! I love book! For my birthday, Aunt mito got me new books. She was the best." He says sweetly. "Then let's sit." He turns around and starts to follow me. We both sit down in fancy leather chairs, and his face turns to stars.

I just sit and stare as his face changes as he continues to read. I could stare at this all day, and I want to. After about of hour of this, it's about 10:00, and my dad bursts through the door. "Kil, you and Gon come down to meet your new butlers." He says. Gon looks up, and back at me confused. "Come on." I say to him standing up. He sets the book down, and stands up with me, we walk over to my father and he leads us to the throne room.

My prince (killugon) Prince AU / DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now