Chapter 7

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I realize this is a completely random update and it's quite short, but I wrote it on my iPad, because I'm currently away from my laptop. Anyways, if my iPad cooperates, there should be a picture of Cassie after the explosions in the sidebar. If not, don't be too upset, lol.


"Niall, no!" Harry yelled, grabbing the Irish lad's arm before he could walk away. The blonde's pale face turned a lighter shade of white, as he stared down at where he was about to step. A camouflage-coloured grenade stood in front of his feet. "Niall, come on, let's go."

He stood there, his feet glued to the ground.

"COME ON!" Harry yelled, and when Niall didn't budge, he threw his friend over his shoulder and ran off to the other side of the church. The two had been running towards the basement when the bomb sirens had gone off around the town, Zayn and Louis already having gotten to the safe haven.

"Oh thank God," a soft voice was heard from the basement, as Harry helped Niall down the ladder. As he followed suit, he was faced with darkness. As he placed a hand over Niall's shoulder, a light illuminated the dark basement, revealing two disheveled looking figures.

Louis' hair was sticking up in all directions, his tanned skin caked with ash. Zayn's blazer was turn, to which he shrugged it off and threw it across the basement. His face was scratched up in some places, but still, his hair remained untouched.

"You alright, mate?" Zayn asked Niall, after seeing his perplexed expression.

"I-I almost died," Niall spoke, his voice croaking.

"Oh, Nialler," Louis sighed, enveloping the Irish lad into hug. Niall's arms lay glued to his sides as his blue eyed friend wrapped him in embrace.

Once Louis pulled away, however, Niall spoke once more.

"Where's Liam? And Cassie?"


"On three, we get up, got it? And follow me," Liam whispered, his forehead still pressed to Cassie's. They lay in the same position as they had when the first bomb had exploded, which meant Liam was still protecting Cassie's body with his own, his arms wrapped protectively around her head.

"Oh-Okay," she replied, her breathing quickening again. Liam gave her a reassuring kiss on her lips, something they had done often since the first bomb had exploded as well.

"One," Liam whispered, loosening his grip around Cassie's head.

"Two..." he continued, releasing his grip and placing his hands on the ground on either side of her head, lifting himself into a push-up position.

"Three!" he exclaimed, jumping up quickly. Cassie did the same, and in seconds they were sprinting to the other side of the church, towards the basement. To both of their amazement, other loud noises were heard.

"G-Guns?" she panted, as the shots were fired once more. They both ducked their heads as low as they could, and as if on cue, the doors to the basement were open in a second.

"GET IN!" Harry exclaimed, waving them over. He disappeared in the dark abyss below, leaving Liam and Cassie one choice: to jump. Liam ran and jumped first, his legs kicking at the air until he landed, kneeling onto the floor of the basement. As quick as he had landed, however, he was upright, holding his arms out. Down came Cassie, falling right into Liam's arms with a squeal. He fell to his knees, his arms wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

Louis and Zayn shut the basement doors and locked them, turning around to find something they didn't think they would see. Liam was sitting back on his knees, Cassie wrapped protectively in his arms. His chin rested at the top of her head, a tear slowly falling down his cheek.

"That," Harry said, scratching the back of his neck, "Was a close one."

"Indeed, it was," Niall agreed, having fully recovered the sudden near-death trauma he had gone through.

Liam stood up, holding Cassie in front of him to assess of any damage. It wasn't much, her face also covered in ash. There was a cut below her bottom lip, which was bleeding a bit, and a scrape on her forehead.

"We need to get out of here," Louis spoke, running his hands through his ash-caked hair. "And I don't just mean the church, Liam. I mean the country."

"What're you saying?" Zayn asked.

"I'm saying," Louis began, rubbing his hands together, "We need to move."

"B-But what about Laura? A-And Oliver? And my parents?" Cassie asked, being the selfless person she was.

"Cassie," Liam said, putting his hands on her shoulders, "You have to think about yourself for a moment. Do you think it's safe to stay here?"

She shook her head, and Harry managed a quiet 'I thought so.'

"Then where do we go?" Niall asked.

"Good question," Louis replied, pacing. "Some place where no one can find us."

"Not even fans?" Zayn asked.

"Not even fans."

"Well, what sort of place?" Liam asked, whipping out his phone, and punching in a few things.

"Hmm... Woodsey. A cabin of some sort," Harry piped up.

"I've got it!" Cassie said, snapping her fingers. "It's completely random, and they refuse to speak English there."

"Where?" Zayn asked.

"Montreal, Canada."

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