Chapter 3

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A/N: Grrr... I'm not too fond of this chapter -_- Just a heads up, this story takes place during January of 2011. So if I mention something that is different now than before (example: Liam's kidneys) don't think I'm a directionator or behind on everything ;)

And a VERY happy birthday to Nialler :D

“I have to warn you, they’re a bit-“

“Liam!” someone with an Irish accent chirped, interrupting Cassie’s fiancé. They both turned to the elevator door, which was now open, to face two boys. One had dark hair that was up in a quiff and the other was blonde with blue eyes. Liam sighed, putting a hand on Cassie’s shoulder as they walked in.

“Cassie, this is Niall,” Liam said, motioning to the boy with blonde hair. “Niall, this is Cassie.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” he said, smiling widely at her, exposing his braces. Cassie enjoyed his playful presence and smiled back.

“And this is Zayn,” Liam said, turning her around to face the dark haired boy. He had chocolate-brown eyes, and she noticed a tattoo that looked like a hand with crossed fingers on his right arm.

“Nice to finally meet you,” Zayn said, smiling at her as he shook her hand. He stared down at the engagement ring on her left ring finger, and frowned. “Have we missed the wedding?”

“No,” Cassie answered. “This is just an engagement ring. I actually have no idea when the wedding is…”

“A few weeks, I believe,” Liam finished for her, smiling. “Where are Harry and Lou?”

“Behind you,” someone suddenly said, making Cassie jump, as well as Liam. They turned around to face a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, a smile plastered on his face. He stuck his hand out in greeting and said, “Hi, I’m Louis.”

“I’m Cassie,” she said, smiling back at him.

“Ah, so you’re the famous wifey, aren’t you,” another boy said, and Cassie turned at the sound of his voice. He had curly brown hair that was messily swept to the side of his face. Cassie shook his hand, and he introduced himself as Harry. They all sat in Niall’s living room, conversing over basic topics and such.

“I’m hungry,” Niall said, rubbing his stomach. Liam’s eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at the Irish boy. “Are you hungry, wifey?”

Cassie turned around from her conversation with Louis and looked at the blonde haired lad, raising her eyebrows. She then pointed at herself, silently asking if he meant her when he said ‘wifey.’ Niall merely nodded, a smile spread across his face. Cassie turned to Liam with a look of confusion, and her husband-to-be just sighed and shrugged, becoming distracted by his phone.

“A little, yes-“

“That settles it. Nando’s we go,” Niall said, getting up and clapping his hands together. He stared at the others, expecting them to get up. Harry merely blinked at him and Zayn yawned. Louis rolled his eyes and Liam was still occupied by his phone. “Oh come on, lads! Don’t make me look like an idiot in front of Wifey…”

“Is that my nickname, now?”

“Yes,” Louis answered for Niall, before he could open his mouth. “And if you didn’t know, Niall eats a lot. That’s part of the reason why we don’t want to-“

Louis was cut off by Niall placing a hand over his mouth, flicking the side of his head as he did so on purpose. Louis arched his eyebrows and crossed his arms in defeat, his eyes rolling towards Niall’s direction. He licked the Irish boy’s hand, who quickly jumped away and wiped the saliva on Zayn’s sweater. Zayn’s nose wrinkled in disgust and he stared at the place on his arm that Niall had wiped his hands on.

“How about we go back to my flat, yeah? Cassie? Okay, we’ll see you all later, goodbye,” Liam quickly said, grabbing Cassie by the wrist and yanking her off to the elevator that connected to all floors. Cassie found it interesting how each boy had a floor to themselves, and that there wasn’t a door that separated the elevator to the rest of the flat. She realized she would have to get used to not having as much privacy, not that she minded, but just as a precaution.

“Why do you seem so nervous?” Cassie asked Liam as they got into the elevator, the door closing on the wide eyed and jaw dropped boys on the other side. Liam walked backwards until he hit the wall of the elevator, leaning his head back so it hit the wall as well. He sighed, rubbing his tired eyes.

“I didn’t want them to make a horrible first-impression,” he said, closing his eyes. “They have a bad habit of doing that. Don’t tell them I said that.”

Cassie smiled in response, loving how he was worrying about the first impression. She looked at the little screen at the top left corner of the elevator, which said the floor levels as they passed. They arrived at the third floor, Liam’s flat, and the doors opened. Cassie walked over to the living room and plopped down on the couch, finding the television remote on the coffee table.

“Cassie?” Liam called, making her turn her head towards him. She adjusted the plaid shirt she was wearing and looked up at the boy, who was twiddling his thumbs and his cheeks red.

“Yes, Liam?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. Liam sighed and strutted over to the couch, where he sat next to her and grabbed her hands, looking deep into her eyes.

“I know you’ve probably thought of this already, but…” he said, looking away. He stared down at her hands that he was holding, and toyed with the engagement ring with his thumb. “I need you to know that your whole life is going to change.”

“I think both of ours is going to change, Liam,” Cassie replied, smiling at him.

“No, I mean…” he said, sighing. “I mean that… Yes, you’re going to be Mrs. Payne soon, but that’s not the point. I wanted to warn you about the fans.”

“The fans?”

“The fans,” Liam repeated. “They may send you hate.”

“Yes, I know that,” Cassie replied with a smile, as Liam ran his thumb over the engagement ring again. She looked down at their joined hands back at his face. “I’ve mentally prepared myself for everything. Don’t worry about it one bit, alright?”

“Okay…” Liam said, still unsure about things. Cassie sensed this and put a hand on his shoulder, making him look up.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Mr. Payne,” she said, and he smiled at her, poking her nose. Cassie scrunched up her nose and backed away a bit, a weird smile placed on her lips. Liam merely laughed and stood up.

“I always will, Mrs. Payne,” he mocked, walking to the bedroom.

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