Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to MacKenzie because she is perfect and I love her.

Oh, and she made the banner on the sidebar. Wicked, innit?

The days went by quickly, and soon it had been a week since the group of six people - five lads and one gal - had moved to Montreal. Louis’ and Zayn’s girlfriends were due to arrive the following week, which they were very excited for.

As Cassie was doing the dirty dishes that had been the left over of the evening meal, she couldn’t help but glance at Liam, who was pulling the curtains back a bit and looking through the window every so often. He’d scrunch his lips into a pout and arch his eyebrows when he looked away, his demeanor impatient.

“Liam?” Cassie called, as she dried off a glass plate.

Her fiancé jumped at the sound of her voice and turned to her with wide eyes, as if a child hiding something he knew he would be scolded for. Cassie put the plate and the towel down and made her way over to the window, where she pulled the curtain back a bit to see what he was all excited about.

“What’re you looking at?” she questioned, as his right arm snaked around her waist, his stubbly chin resting on her shoulder as he looked out as well.

“A surprise,” he replied, keeping his gaze fixed on her, “It’ll be here soon.”

“Surprise?” Cassie repeated, as Liam pressed a kiss to her temple, his lack of shaving tickling her skin as he pulled away, “What kind of surprise?”

“Surprises aren’t fun if I spoil it, Cass,” he said, ruffling her hair as he walked towards one of the cabinets, pulling out a glass and filling it with water before taking a sip, “Besides, you’ll find out soon enough.”

Cassie gave Liam an annoyed look as she pulled her hair out of the pony tail that he had messed up. In return, the brown haired boy raised his eyebrows at her as he drank his water.

“I still don’t understand why you’re keeping secre-” Cassie began, but cut herself off with a squeal as she pulled the curtain back again, seeing someone walking towards the house in the snow. “Laura!”

Liam couldn’t help but smile as she sprinted down the stairs, running towards the front door and yanking it open. She ran through the snow, forgetting about her tennis shoes she had been wearing, and tackled her friend with a hug. Laura laughed as she hugged Cassie back.

“You’re safe,” Cassie whispered, as they pulled away from the hug, “You’re alive, you’re safe.”

“So are you!” Laura said, motioning at Cassie with her hands, “I’ve missed you, Cass.”

“I’ve missed you too, Laura,” Cassie smiled, continuing, “Any word from Oliver?”

“No, actually,” Laura said, Cassie’s smile falling as the words left her lips, “But I talked to your parents.”

“You did?” Cassie exclaimed, “Are they okay? Have they heard from Oliver? Where-”

“Calm down, Cass,” Laura chuckled, turning her best friend around to face the brightly lit house that was standing out in the dark night, “Let’s head inside, I’ll explain everything.”

Cassie sighed, sagging her shoulders, and said, “Okay.”


“Oi,” Louis said, as they approached the door, “No wet shoes in my house. Off, now.”

“Again, Louis,” Cassie sighed, as Laura laughed, “It’s not your house. We all share it.”

“True,” Louis said, raising his eyebrows before leaning in to whisper in Cassie’s ear, “Harry doesn’t know she’s here.”

“He’s going to be so excited,” Cassie smiled, as she pulled off her wet tennis shoes, greatful that they were waterproof on the inside. As she and Laura pulled off their shoes in the front, Harry walked past.

“Niall, mate,” the curly haired boy said as he walked down the stairs, “Have you seen my-”

He stopped short and stared at the two girls in the doorway, one of them being Laura. His eyes went wide and his lips parted as his jaw dropped a bit, his brown eyebrows going up high enough to be hidden in his mop of curls.

Cassie stepped aside in the doorway to the living room, leaning on one side and watching the couple as they just stared at each other. When a familiar pair of arms snaked around her waist once again, she didn’t move an inch.

“Is this their form of PDA?” Liam whispered in her ear, to which Cassie laughed lightly.

“Oi, you two,” Louis said from the other room, to which Harry and Laura turned to face him, “Kiss already.”

“Louis,” Liam groaned, “Let them do what they want.”

“Maybe they haven’t kissed yet, Lou,” Zayn said, coming in dressed in a pair of sweats and no shirt, his hair sticking up everywhere. It was evident he was still not adjusted properly to the time difference, having slept on and off.

“Looks like you’re missing a shirt, mate,” Niall said, “What was Harry calling me fo- oh.”

“Hmm?” Cassie said, looking at Niall, who merely pointed at where Harry and Laura were standing. 

He had his arms wrapped around her waist, hers looped around his neck. His forehead was pressed to her neck, her chin propped atop his shoulder. Once Cassie saw the tears forming in Laura’s eyes, she knew she had to leave them alone.

“Uh, Liam,” Cassie said, twisting in his grip to face him, “Maybe we should leave them two alone.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, and motioned with his head for the boys to go up to elsewhere. “That’s what I call PDA, now.”

“Shut up...” Cassie laughed, as they left the room.


“I... I thought you were...” Harry mumbled against her skin.

“Yeah, same here,” Laura said, tangling her fingers into his curls, “I’ve missed you, Harry.”

“I’ve missed you too,” he replied, lifting his head to press a kiss to the top of her head, “I thought of you every day.”

Laura’s eyes watered again, but she couldn’t stop the tears from falling as they dripped down her cheeks and onto Harry’s t-shirt. He noticed, pulling away from the hug and wiping her cheeks with his thumbs.

“Don’t cry, love,” Harry said, “You’re going to make me cry.”

“Sorry,” she sniffled, smiling at him through her tears, “It’s just... How did you escape the church?”

“We found the basement door, all of us,” Harry said, wiping her tears, “And we hid there until the bombs stopped. How about you?”

“We were escourted to some sort of shelter,” she said, “No one was telling us where, though. Caleb was there, too. They were out looking for you guys.”

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he said, “Caleb? That man that Liam dispises?”

“I guess so,” Laura said, remembering the lad, “But then Cassie’s parents came and freed me, I suppose.”

“What do you mean by ‘freed’?” Harry inquired.

“Harry, when I said they’re looking for you guys,” Laura said with concerned eyes, “I mean they’re looking specifically for Liam and Cassie. Caleb’s finding anyone and everyone he can to get to them, but no one’s uttering a word. He sends us all to some sort of camp afterwards...”

“Oh, God,” Harry said, his eyes widening, “Are you telling me...?”

“Yeah, Harry,” Laura said, “We’re on the run.”

A/N: Not my best... Sorry... Hope you liked it, though.

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