Chapter 4

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Cassie woke up in the middle of the night a few days later, still keeping her eyes closed. She didn’t want to open them, for fear of not being able to fall asleep again. After a few minutes of insomnia, her eyelids flickered open, and her eyes widened. She was nose to nose with Liam. Even though Cassie was aware that she would be his wife in a few weeks’ time, she still wasn’t used to the fact that they had to share a bed and act like a couple. They usually slept as far apart as they could from each other on the bed, considering it was a massive king sized bed, but that night they both seemed to have rolled over in their sleep and ended up face to face.

Cassie slowly scooted away from him, going towards her side of the bed. She just continued scooting, forgetting about the size of the bed. At one point, she found herself face first on the floor, the area below her eye throbbing like mad and her shoulder hurting.

Liam heard something and opened his eyes, using his left hand to feel for Cassie’s sleeping body beside him. He did this often, every night when he woke up. He’d usually feel her there, but this time she wasn’t. Sitting up, he pulled the covers off of himself and looked around the room to find it empty.

“Cassie?” he called, swinging his feet to the floor. Cassie groaned in response, after a failed attempt of getting up. Liam stood up and listened to the sound of her voice. “Cassie, where are you?”

“Over here,” she croaked, and he walked over to her side of the bed, to find her face flat on the floor.

“Are you alright?” he asked, hooking his arms under hers and pulling her up. He sat her on the bed and knelt in front of her. Her eyes fluttered open and she managed a weak smile. Liam let out a chuckle, getting up and pulling her up also. He turned on the bedside lamp and stared at her, arching his eyebrows in confusion as he saw the reddening skin under her eye. “Come with me.”

Cassie sleepily followed Liam to the kitchen, where he pulled out an ice pack out of the freezer and handed it to her. She pressed it to the spot right under her eye and leaned on the counter, staring around the kitchen. Both she and Liam stayed silent for a moment, before Liam broke the silence by opening the refrigerator.

“Want some milk? I’ll warm it up,” Liam offered. Cassie nodded, sitting on one of the bar stools that was next to the counter. She leaned her cheek on her left palm as she used her right hand to press the ice to the area under her right eye. Her eyes began slowly closing. “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me.”

Cassie let out a sleepy laugh and opened her eyes, seeing Liam smiling at her with two glasses of milk in his hand. He handed one to her, and she gladly took it, feeling the warm liquid go down her throat. They both jumped at the sound of the elevator. The doors weren’t even fully open when a groggy looking, but alert Niall stumbled in, along with a tired eyed Harry.

“We heard something,” Niall said, running towards the kitchen. His eyes widened at the icepack on Cassie’s face. He quickly turned to Liam, who had just set down his glass of milk on the counter. Harry walked over to Cassie, pulling the icepack off her eye and gawking at the small bruise that was forming.

“Care to explain, Hubby?” Harry asked, his hands on his hips. The boys had gotten into the habit of calling Cassie ‘Wifey’ and Liam ‘Hubby.’ Even though Harry was so tired he would’ve fallen asleep on his feet, he kept an angry face on as he stared at the small bruise.

“She fell,” Liam simply said, taking another sip of his milk. Before he could put it down, however, he was pushed forwards, and the glass fell out of his hands and shattered on the floor. Niall held Liam in a head lock, one that Liam had taught Niall himself. “What are you doing!?”

“Punishing you,” Niall said through gritted teeth, tightening his hold around Liam’s neck. The poor boy’s face reddened as he began losing air.

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