Chapter Two

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You had been the manager of the volleyball club for a while now.

The Spring High Preliminary Tournament was just around the corner and the whole team had been staying back every day for extra practice.

The team also attended a five-day training camp. It was the first time you had been away from home this long.

The thought itself was exciting, let alone the fact you were going to spend five whole days with Kaori, Yukie and the other managers of the volleyball teams invited: Shinzen, Ubugawa, Nekoma and Karasuno, a new addition this year.

You were excited to see them play. It was clear that they weren't the 'flightless crows' anymore, not since nearly defeating Aoba Johsai in the semi-finals of Interhigh.

The first day had gone by in a flash along with the second.

The team played practice match after practice match. You couldn't fathom how they had so much energy and determination.

You did feel extremely proud, however, knowing that Fukurodani had the highest winning streak.

Kaori, Yukie and you were also extremely occupied, running around taking notes of the games and skills of other players.

It was definitely stressful but you were slowly getting accustomed to your role as a manager.

In fact, you enjoyed the responsibilities and seeing the smiles the team gave you as you handed them towels or water bottles was always fulfilling. Slowly, they were becoming your second family.

Evenings were also another one of the things that you thoroughly enjoyed.

After dinner and overlooking extra practices, you would gather in the girls' room with the other managers to gossip and play games.

The third day was the same as the previous two. After all the official games, you sat on one of the side benches in the gym, looking through the notes you had made that day.

You heard the squeaking of shoes against the floorboards and looked up. Bokuto stood right in front of you, staring directly into your eyes.

"(N/N)-chan! Come with me, pretty please?" he pleaded. "We need your help!"

We? you thought. Who's 'we'?

Akaashi appeared behind Bokuto. You tried to hide your pleasant surprise.

"If it doesn't trouble you, could you keep score for us, (L/N)-san?" he asked. "We're going to play a three-on-three match with some others."

"Sure?" you answered, feeling your ears turn red.

Akaashi gave you one of his rare smiles. "Thank you, (L/N)-san."

A feeling of ecstasy rushed through you. "It's o-okay, Akaashi-san, I don't mind the job."

"Alright, (N/N)-chan! Follow us!" exclaimed Bokuto.

You stood up from the bench and followed them to another gym where four other people were waiting.

"Our awesome manager will keep score for us!" boasted Bokuto.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N) from Fukurodani. You can call me (N/N)," you introduced nervously. "Please take care of me."

The boys divided themselves into two teams. Hinata, Bokuto and Akaashi as the Owls against Lev, Kuroo and Tsukishima as the Cats.

You eyed them curiously, recalling their skills you had observed from the earlier practice games.

Kuroo, Nekoma's captain, was a devious middle blocker and Lev was their new, clumsy, first-year regular with his height to compensate for his sloppy plays.

Then there were the two from Karasuno. Tsukishima, the first-year middle blocker and Hinata, Karasuno's cunning decoy, a formidable player when he was paired with Kageyama.

Hinata was no doubt an interesting player but you couldn't help but notice Tsukishima. He was clearly skilled and manipulative when it came to blocking, yet he had no passion for the sport. You couldn't help but wonder why.

But the thought was quickly replaced by Akaashi.

"Bokuto-san!" the black-haired setter had called out.

You stared, transfixed by the way he moved and how the slight touch of his fingertips sent the ball flying over to where Bokuto was about to spike it.

The ball barrelled straight past Tsukishima's arms, slamming against the floorboards.

Akaashi smirked. And that's when you knew it.

Ah, I definitely have a crush on Akaashi-san.

"HEY, HEY, HEY!" screamed Bokuto. "(N/N)-chan!"

His outburst broke you from your thoughts. "Y-Yes?"

"The scoreboard, (L/N)-san" reminded Akaashi. "A point to the Owls. Bokuto-san just scored"

"O-Oh, yes, my bad. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," you rambled, fumbling as you flipped the scoreboard.

Kuroo narrowed his eyes at you. Then a smirk grew on his face. You were too busy trying to calm yourself down to notice.

He approached you after the match had ended.

"Hello, Kuroo-san, that was a good match," you remarked.

Kuroo hummed in agreement but said nothing.

"Do you need anything from me?"

"Oh nothing," he answered. "Just wondering..."

"Wondering about what?" you asked curiously.

"Why you were so distracted during the match?" he probed. "Anyone take you fancy?"

You willed yourself not to blush. "What do you mean?"

Kuroo's smirk grew wider. "Perhaps for, you know, a certain black-haired setter?"

Your cheeks flushed red. "Is it that obvious?"

Kuroo's chuckled. "Don't worry, little (N/N)-chan. Your secret is safe with me. Besides, I think you have a pretty good chance."


Kuroo grinned and stared intently behind you. You turned around and saw Akaashi. His eyes met yours for a split second before he glanced away. You felt your heartbeat quicken.

"Now do you see what I mean?" said Kuroo.

You shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide how flustered you were. "That probably didn't mean anything. Anyway, why are you talking to me, Kuroo-san?"

"Cause you're interesting," he drawled, shoving a piece of paper into your hand.

You stared sceptically at Kuroo then unfolded the paper.

text me ;)


You couldn't help but laugh. Kuroo winked at you.

Akaashi's ears perked up at the sound. He frowned. Why were you like that when you were with Kuroo?

"See you later, (N/N)-chan," drawled Kuroo, walking off.

Kuroo-san is the one that's interesting, you thought, a hint of a smile on your lips.

An odd feeling stirred in Akaashi.

It was jealousy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lmao reader-chans, if you can't tell, y'all guys personalities in this x-reader are semi based off me lol.

I'm outgoing with friends but shy around strangers and crushes  (づ。◕‿‿◕).

I'm awkward as hell in real life. Maybe that's why my love life is basically non-existent. ಥ_ಥ

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