Chapter Fourteen

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Warning: Manga spoilers!!!

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MSBY Black Jackals vs. Schweiden Adlers | Chapter 392


Atsumu's fingertips grazed the ball and the subtlest of movement sent it flying over to Bokuto.

Bokuto jumped and swung his arm, the ball sneaking past three blockers, landing just beside the white line marking the court boundaries.

"Score! What an amazing from Bokuto Kōtaro!" praised the commentator. "His line shots today have been— Wait, what's this?

It seems as if the last shot was out-of-bounds. The ref is signalling that it touched the pin."

"Aww, out of bounds?" you said. "That's a pity."

Akaashi looked on curiously. "He's been doing well, so far today too. In fact, I think a little too well. He's been seeing things too clearly..."

Tenma shrugged. "It was still a good play."

Bokuto stared blankly at the net.

Aw, it was out...Man, my line shots were feeling so good today though, he thought.

His crestfallen expression soon brightened, however, with the revelation: their blockers are shutting down my line so hard because I'm good at them!

Romero served the ball, with Hinata barely receiving the brute force of his serve.

The ball sailed up high and Atsumu got straight underneath it, skilfully manipulating it so it soared straight towards Bokuto. He leapt up into the air.

"Here it is! Bokuto #18's super inner cross!" announced the commentator excitedly.

Bokuto grinned, a surge of energy rushing through him. Kay, I'll hit it over there instead...

He smirked and with all his might, slammed the ball right across the court, leaving no chance for it to be dug.

The ball bounced into the air and rebounded against the stands. The stadium roared.

"One, two, three, Bokuto BEAMMMM!!!" they cheered exuberantly.

"HEY, HEY, HEY!" screamed Bokuto back, grinning as sweat dripped down his face.

"A player like that must exist to bring up the team's atmosphere. It really keeps the morale up." remarked the commentator, chuckling slightly. "It is important to be energetic all the time rather than sometimes."

"Fufu," laughed Akaashi from the stands, clapping his hands together softly.

You laughed as well.

"Bokuto has sure changed," he remarked.

"Indeed so," you replied, "but he's not the only one."

You winked at him, smiling slyly. Akaashi looked at you endearingly and squeezed your hand.

"Whose fault do you think that is?" he asked teasingly, taking off his glasses and planting a kiss on your lips. "Look where that ended you up."

You grinned happily, admiring the new addition on your hand. Akaashi followed your eye line and smiled when he saw you looking at the ring.

He took hold of your hand and planted a kiss on it. You giggled.

Tenma, who was sitting beside Akaashi, faked gagged. "Why are you two like this? This is not fair for single people let alone a non-shoujo mangaka," he whined playfully.

You laughed. "Maybe you should go find a girlfriend sometime," you teased while Tenma rolled his eyes light-heartedly.

He sighed. "Zombish is ending and now this? This is too tiring," he said, running a hand through his messy hair. "Then I have to start drawing storyboards for my next idea."

Tenma groaned, sliding down his chair.

"Knowing all things come to end just gives more reason to start anew," stated Akaashi. "We should continue doing our very best."

You smiled softly. "Should we go interview Bokuto now?" you asked.

Akaashi and Tenma nodded and the three of you made your way down the stands towards Bokuto.

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MSBY Black Jackals vs. Schweiden Adlers Aftermath | Chapter 401

"Hello, Bokuto," greeted Akaashi.

Bokuto's eyes lit up in excitement. "HEY AKAASHI! (N/N)! TENMA!"

"Can we interview you for a special feature on the Olympics?" asked Tenma.

Bokuto nodded excitedly. "Sure, sure!"

Akaashi smiled. "Thank you for agreeing with our interview."

"You're welcome, Akaashi!!! Let's finish it quickly and go eat some beef tongues!"

You stifled a laugh. Akaashi smiled wrily. Bokuto's mood swings may have disappeared but apart from that, his personality had definitely not changed.

"First of all, congratulations to you today. You had a really good condition," commented Akaashi.

Bokuto furrowed his brow, seemingly confused. "I don't rely on my condition anymore," he said seriously. "I'm not the moody, streaky player I was in high school. I am ordinary now."

Akaashi disguised his snort as a cough. "No, I wouldn't call that particularly ordinary," he stated bluntly.

"Wah?! Nobody has ever told me I'm wrong before in an interview!" exclaimed Bokuto.

A confident look crossed his face, his golden, owl-like eyes widening.

"Maybe, Akaashi, you are not aware that I became ordinary?" questioned Bokuto. "Don't tell me you didn't see the normal me out there?"

Akaashi stiffened. I felt this little by little since before but Bokuto and I have a different understanding of this word called 'ordinary'?!

"No, sorry," retracted Akaashi after 0.5 seconds of thought. "I meant it as you are super ordinary now."

"Right, isn't it amazing?" Bokuto grinned, stars in his eyes as he rocked his chair. "Extremely normal!"

Tenma stared at you, visibly confused.

What are these people talking about??? he thought, not knowing whether to look at Akaashi or Bokuto.

You leaned forward and whispered into his ears: "This is the epitome of bromance. Shhh."

Akaashi looked at you quizzically, wondering what you were saying to Tenma. You winked at him and Akaashi smiled in response. Bokuto looked at him, wide-eyed.

"Akaashi!!! (N/N) has made you go all soft!"

"What do you mean, Bokuto?" asked Akaashi, raising a brow. "I'm engaged to her, of course I would want to be gentle to her."

Dramatically, Bokuto clenched his shirt near the chest. "Ah, this is not fair to single people!"

"Exactly!" agreed Tenma. "Even Bokuto knows what I'm talking about!"

"Nevermind that," you said excitedly, "let's go have some beef tongue now!"

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Damnn Akaashi, you smooooth, real smooooth.

Tenma and Bokuto? I feel you guys. #singlesquad 😔



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