Chapter Three

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The training camp had finally ended.

You remembered the thrill during the last match against Karasuno, especially when Bokuto went into his emo mode.

It was clear by then. Fukurodani was not just a team that was the best by relying on the ace and you couldn't help but look proudly on.

The barbecue lunch was also exciting. You laughed seeing how much food Yukie piled onto her plate and how Komi and Konoha attempted to flirt with Kiyoko.

But a part of you felt sad. I don't want to leave, you thought.

Kaori and Yukie stumbled upon you sitting by yourself, away from the others.

"What's wrong, (N/N)-chan?" asked Kaori. "Why do you look so down?"

You sighed, eyes downcast. "I feel sad leaving," you confessed. "I'll miss hanging out with the other managers and the team like this."

Yukie patted your back. "It's okay, (N/N)-chan. We going to make a managers group chat. And as for the team, we will still be the same, only closer now."

"Ah, I see," you said, smiling. "A managers chat would be fun."

Kaori then smirked. "You know who (N/N)-chan will be close with?" she said slyly.

Yukie's eyes widened in realisation and she joined Kaori smirking. You stared at them, confused.

"Black-hair, blue eyes, setter," listed Kaori. "These things remind you of anyone?"

"Mo, Kaori-chan," you whined.

Yukie whistled suggestively. "How about vice-captain, setter of the team even?"

You pouted, cheeks flushed. "Fine, I do have a crush on Akaashi-san," you admitted. "Is it that obvious?"

Kaori and Yukie exploded into laughter. "Your face says it all, (N/N)-chan."

"Ah, that's embarrassing," you said shyly, burying your face into your hands.

They giggled. "We really do have such a cute kōhai!"

"Gosh, what am I even supposed to do about it?"

"You're not going to confess?"

You shook your head violently. "It's too soon," you said. "I've only just established I have a crush on him. That doesn't exactly mean I will come to like him. For now I'm content where I am."

Besides, I'm too afraid of rejection...

Kaori sighed. "Gosh, you're so practical, (N/N)-chan."

"Eh, just do you, I guess," drawled Yukie, a subtle smirk on her face.

You stared at her quizzically but quickly brushed the matter off when Coach Yamiji called everyone onto the bus.

Yukie leapt up and ran onto the bus. You looked at Kaori and she shrugged, an equally confused expression on her face.

"Bokuto, you're sitting with me," insisted Yukie.

"Eh, why Yukippe?"

"You'll see."

Just as Yukie dragged him into the seat next to hers, Kaori walked in. Her eyes widened when she saw the sight.

Yukie winked at her and she smirked in return, sliding into the seat beside Coach Yamiji.

"Suzumeda? Why are you not sitting with Shirofuku?" he asked curiously.

Kaori giggled. "She's sitting next to Bokuto."

"Not Akaashi?"

"(N/N)-chan is the only one not on the bus right now," stated Kaori.

Coach Yamiji snorted. "Youngsters these days are so cunning."

"Come on, Akaashi and (N/N)-chan would make a great couple."

Coach Yamiji hummed in agreement. "They would look good together," he mused.

The bus was nearly full when you boarded. You blushed when you saw the only empty seat was the one next to Akaashi, usually occupied by Bokuto.

You narrowed your eyes, looking at Kaori and Yukie. They had the biggest grins on their faces.

Slowly, you walked towards the free seat, feeling more nervous by the second. Akaashi smiled at you then resumed looking out of the window.

You sat down, trying to ignore how close you were to Akaashi.

The sunlight reflected Akaashi's skin, highlighting his face beautifully. The sight made you tense up.

Akaashi-san really is pretty, you thought.

You didn't even notice you fell asleep after the thought crossed your mind.

Akaashi was surprised when he felt something on his shoulder. Then he smiled, seeing your peaceful, sleeping face. A light blush rose to his cheeks.

Ah, (L/N)-san is quite cute.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"HEY HEY HEY!!!" screamed Bokuto as he scored the winning point, ending the semi-finals against Nekoma in straight sets.

The whole team screamed hysterically, apart from Akaashi who smiled more than you ever saw him.

"Go, go, Bokuto!!! Go, go Bokuto!!!" cheered the stadium.

"WE'RE GOING TO NATIONALS BABY!!!" yelled Bokuto, jumping up and down.

You smiled sheepishly at Kuroo who was smirking despite his loss. "Sorry for Bokuto's hype," you hissed through the net as you distributed water and towels.

Kuroo smiled knowingly. "It's fine, (N/N)-chan. Besides, we're going to nationals anyway when we win the representative playoffs," he bragged.

"That's if you're good enough," you said jokingly.

Kuroo smirked. "Just watch."

"(L/N)-san?" called out a distinctive voice. Akaashi's. You froze.

Kuroo glanced back and forth between you and Akaashi who was standing just metres away.

A sly smile appeared on his face. "Oya, oya, oya, little (N/N)-chan still hasn't confessed?"

"Stop it, Kuroo," you whined. "It's still early."

"Hm, whatever you say, (N/N)-chan, but wouldn't you like to kiss him?" teased Kuroo. "Be his girlfriend?"

"Seriously, Kuroo, it's not funny," you replied, ears turning red.

Kuroo grinned and was about to say more when he was called away by one of his teammates.

You sighed in relief. At least he wasn't here teasing you any more about your crush on Akaashi.

"Um, (L/N)-san?" called out Akaashi again. "Did you hear me? May I have more water?"

"Yes! Uh, I mean sure, Akaashi-san!" you answered, quickly handing him a bottle.

Akaashi grabbed it, thanked you, then proceeded to drink. Your eyes wandered to his lips. Instantly, Kuroo's teasing came into your mind: wouldn't you like to kiss him?

Your face grew red.

Akaashi stared at you, confused. "What's wrong, (L/N)-san?" he asked. "Do you feel unwell?"

"I'm fine!"

"(N/N)-chan?" called out Konoha. "Could I have a towel please?"

"Ah, sorry Akaashi-san, I will go now."

Akaashi stared as you rushed towards him. A feeling came over him. Not jealousy this time. But longing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The day Akaashi feels jealousy for me is the day I can die peacefully. (⋈◍)


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