Chapter Twelve

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This is a FANFICTION so remember, things are NOT canon.

Warning: Some manga spoilers-ish!!!

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Fitting to Bokuto's image, the graduation party he hosted was anything but tame. The gym was filled with balloons and streamers and for once, there were no nets set up.

Loud, techno music was blasting through the speakers with the third-years dancing in the middle of the gym.

You, however, sat on the sidelines as you sipped slowly at your fruit punch. Akaashi noticed you and decided to take a seat beside you.

"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" he asked gently.

You sighed and shuffled closer to Akaashi.

"I will miss them..."

A pensive look crossed your eyes, a sad smile on your face. Akaashi patted your back soothingly.

"I understand how you feel," he replied, taking your hands into his. "But I think we should savour all the time we have left with them instead of being wistful."

You smile softly, rubbing your glassy eyes. Akaashi continued on: "I've made happy memories with everyone that I will cherish forever.

I did not enter Fukurodani with great ambition but I am glad to be part of such a school and volleyball team. And if I did not go here, I would have never met you."

You laughed. "I don't think you realise, Keiji, but you can pass off as a flirt sometimes."

He looked at you, confused. "Sometimes you say weird things yet they are still endearing," he remarked.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Here you go with the flirtatious words again."

A slight smirk appeared on his face. He kissed you quickly on the lips.

"AGAASHIII!!! (N/N)-CHAN!!!" screamed Bokuto, flailing his arms around in an attempt to dance. "STOP BEING ANTISOCIAL LOVEBIRDS ON THE SIDELINES AND COME OVER ONTO TO COURT TO HAVE SOME FUN!!!"

You started giggling. "I will so miss this."

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Before you knew it, your third year of high school passed by. Akaashi became captain of the volleyball team and mentored the newcomers while you recruited new managers.

Fukurodani had made it to the semi-finals of the Interhigh Nationals before losing to Inubushi East High.

This had only made them work harder to prepare for the qualifiers of the Spring Tournament. For the second year in a row, they came second to Itachiyama.

The first three days of Nationals were gruelling but with sheer determination, they defeated Itachiyama in the semi-finals and managed to play against Ichibayashi in the finals again.

The game was long and intense. Losing the first two sets, morale was low but with Akaashi's encouragement, the team managed to pull through with a major comeback, bringing the score 2-all.

With Akaashi's ingenious, delicate sets and his ambitious setter dump during the last moments, Fukurodani managed to come out at the top against Ichibayashi.

Winning the Spring High Nationals actually made you burst into tears along with the rest of the team; even Akaashi let a few slip.

Bokuto had even taken a break from professional volleyball to witness the match, congratulating Akaashi and ruffling his hair in happiness as Akaashi achieved what he couldn't do as a captain.

The both of you scored flying colours in your entrance exams for Tokyo University. You studied (D/N) whereas Akaashi majored in literature.

Luckily, most of your classes aligned so the two of you usually met up after lectures, going on mini-dates or just hanging out at each other's dorms.

For your final year of university, lectures were often just once or twice a week. Most of the time, you would study with Akaashi and work on your portfolio.

The two of you applied for many different companies to work at and fortunately for you, you received an internship at a reputed accounting firm.

However, though Akaashi majored in literature, he ended up working as an editor of a famous shonen magazine from a major publisher.

Despite the change, Akaashi was content with his job and began working with Tenma Udai, otherwise known as 'The Little Giant.'

Today was one of the days Akaashi had to work late to finalise a manga draft. You frowned when you walked into the room, seeing him slouched over the tablet.

"Keiji, are you not going to rest?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.

"Mhm," he said, not looking up at you.

You sighed. "Please, Keiji?"

He groaned softly, running a hand over his face. "I have to finish this soon," he replied, yawning.

Akaashi got up from the chair and stretched his back. You walked over to him, giving him a gentle massage.

"Ahh, thanks (F/N)."

You smiled, pecking him on the shoulder. "Just take it easy, okay?"

Akaashi nodded and returned to his seat as you left to get on with your own work. He continued working through the manuscript and before long, he was done.

You visited him an hour later, only to find him sleeping. Carefully, you brought a blanket from his room and draped it over him.

Seeing the mess on the table, you helped organise his other projects. You softly giggled when you heard his quiet snores and you kissed the top of his head.

"You work too hard, my dear," you whispered before leaving the room.

Akaashi woke up early next morning, finding a blanket over him. He smiled lovingly when you came into mind.

He looked up to see his papers neatly arranged. His smile only widened.

On top of one of the piles was a note you had left. It read:

Sorry for heading home without telling you but I didn't want to wake you up hehe. I made you some food so please eat + take care of yourself!

Hope you don't mind me sorting your projects! Love you <3

And that's when Akaashi knew. In his final year of university, at the mere age of 22; he wanted to marry you.

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Hey, hey, hey, reader-chans! This is more of a sweet, fluffy, filler-sort of chapter from third-year to end of university (totally not because author-chan has writer's block and cannot think of how to write university life for the two of you lmao).

This is personally my representation of what happened after Karasuno's loss in the quarterfinals :)))

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