Chapter Ten

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Akaashi Keiji was a very organised person. He studied well, his notes were neat and he was early for everything, especially volleyball practice. And here, the same Akaashi, was at home, panicking, with twenty minutes before the scheduled time of the date.

What should I wear? What should I do on the date? I acted on impulse; am I overthinking this?

It was time for the last resort. Calling Bokuto.

"Hey, hey, hey! Akaashi! What's up?!" screamed Bokuto.

Akaashi winced, holding the phone away from his ear. "Bokuto-san, please refrain from shouting into my ear."

"Yea, yea, Akaashi, whatever. Why did you call?"

"Well, say, hypothetically, if I were to go out with (L/N) and—"


"Bokuto-san, please, don't shout. And yes, I did ask (L/N) on a date. We have been dating for a month already. Isn't it normal?"

"You want advice from the great ace Bokuto, Akaashi?"


"Well, first, stop calling her (L/N)! I'm not even dating her and I call her (N/N)-chan! Kaori, Yukie and the others do it too!"

"It's disrespectful if I do not address her this way."

"Akaashi, she's your girlfriend! If you're not going to call her by her nickname, is it going to take fifty years for you to kiss her?"


"You can even use tong—"

"I'm going to hang up—"

"Wait, Akaashi! I'll give you proper advice. Just have fun! It doesn't matter what you guys do or how you dress!"

"Oh, thank you, Bokuto-san."

"You're welcome my favourite kyōhai! Side note, it doesn't hurt to kiss—"

"I'm hanging up Bokuto-san. Bye."

"You're so—"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three minutes. Akaashi ran to the town square, arriving with three minutes to spare.

The town clock chimed ten. Akaashi glanced around, trying to find you amidst the crowd. And there you were.

After much teasing from Kaori and Yukie, you had finally decided how to dress.

Akaashi looked at you, shock evident despite his seemingly blank face. And you couldn't help stare at him either.

He was dressed chicly. Inadvertently, you two were matching.

Akaashi broke the silent first: "You look good," he complimented, fiddled with his fingers. "Cute."

"You too," you returned, feeling flushed.

"What would you like to do...before we go to the shrine?" you asked.

Akaashi looked expectantly at you. You glanced around and grinned when you saw a certain building.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By now, it was late afternoon. After countless rematches at the arcade, a satisfying lunch and three hours spent window-shopping, Akaashi and you were waiting at the station for the train to get to the shrine.

Crowds swarmed the area, with a stranger nearly knocking you over.

Akaashi noticed and frowned, letting go of your hand and protectively wrapped it around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You smiled, resting your head against his shoulder. The train soon arrived and before long, you guys had arrived at your stop.

The two of you trekked through the snow, arm in arm, up the hill to the shrine. Christmas lights illuminated the path.

"Pretty, isn't it?" you sighed, admiring the sunset.

Akaashi looked at you. "Yes, definitely pretty."

You giggled.

Both of you then began burning incense and made a wish for the New Years.

I wish that Fukurodani will make it far in Nationals next year/I wish that the volleyball team will win Nationals... but most of all I wish Akaashi/(L/N) and I can continue to stay this happy!

You opened your eyes to see Akaashi staring at you. You looked at him curiously. "What did you wish for?"

"It's a secret."

"Aww, Akaashi, a little hint won't hurt?" you pleaded.

"Then could you do something for me?" he asked in a serious tone.

You tilted your head to the side. "What do you need me to do, Akaashi?"

"Keiji," he stated plainly. "Please call me Keiji from now on."

"W-What? I can't do that!"


Your eyes widened as he called you by your first name. You sighed, a small, relenting smile appearing on your face.

"Let's go get our 御御籤 - omikuji fortunes now...Keiji."

Akaashi smiled and swiftly you gave him a peck on the cheek, giggling. He smiled softly at you, interlocking your hand with his.

You two lined up to buy omikuji. Eagerly, you unwrapped yours and read through it quickly.

"What did you get, (F/N)?" asked Akaashi.

You frowned, showing him your fortune. "Uncertain luck? What about you?" you asked.

Akaashi smirked. "Excellent luck."

"Ehh, that's not fair!"

"You're just unlucky," teased Akaashi.

I don't need that much luck when I'm already with you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The end of your first date arrived sooner than you would have liked. It was already 9pm and Akaashi decided to send you home.

You were on your front porch, reluctant to leave his side.

It wasn't just you that felt this way. It didn't seem like it, but Akaashi was extremely flustered right now. For the whole day he had been overthinking what Bokuto said to him over the phone call.

Is it going to take fifty years for you to kiss her? You can even use tongue...

It took 5.5 seconds before Akaashi made up his mind. He stared at you intently, taking a step forward.

I'm going to do it...

Your eyes widened when you felt his soft lips press against yours, making your cheeks heat up. Akaashi pulled away and looked in the opposite direction, his ears red.

"C-Could you do that a-again?" you asked, feeling giddy.

He smiled shyly and leant forwards, cupping your face, both of you closing your eyes.

Slowly, your lips met. The kiss was slow and gentle. Your heart raced faster than watching Fukurodani using a pinch server to seize the match point.

This time, you pulled away. Coyly, you buried your head in his shoulder, hiding your flustered face.

"Keiji, you make me crazy."

"And so do you," he whispered into your ear. "Happy New Year."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~





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