Chapter Fifteen

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Over the next few months, things became extremely busy for you.

Amidst work, you and Akaashi had to search for a house together. The two of you eventually decided on a 3ldk (3 bedrooms, living room, dining room + kitchen) apartment.

Wedding preparations also stressed you out. You busied yourself in your free time calling planners and booking all necessary things such as the venue or cake.

Akaashi decided it was best if you took a day off so he took you out on a date.

It was simple, nothing too fancy yet it was all that you needed. Akaashi had prepared a small picnic for the two of you to enjoy at the park.

When night came, he lit some sweet-scented candles and held you against his chest as the both of you star-gazed.

"Such pretty stars," you commented, admiring the numerous stars dotting the vast expanse of the deep night sky.

"Mhm, very pretty stars," agreed Akaashi. "Yet there is only one star I lay my eyes on."

You bit your lip, trying to hold back an ever-growing smile; it almost hurt your face smiling this widely.

"You're such a dork, Keiji," you murmured, "thank you for this."

Akaashi kissed your temple and caressed your fingers, running his hands over your ring. "Anything for my darling fianceé," he whispered into your ear.

Soft laughter escaped your lips. "You'd make a really good husband, Keiji."

Akaashi just smiled then kissed your lips.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You stood in your dress, giving a twirl so you could admire it. It was elegant, complementing your appearance.

Kaori and Yukie were beside you, admiring how you looked.

"You look so good, (N/N)! Akaashi is going to love it for sure!" exclaimed Kaori, clapping her hands together excitedly.

Yukie started taking pictures of you.

"Mo, Yukie, stop," you whined, blushing.

Yukie giggled and wrapped her arms around you, taking a selfie.

"I have to commemorate this moment; our cute little kōhai is getting married!" said Yukie dramatically, fake sniffling. "She's all grown up now!"

Kaori laughed then wrapped an arm around your shoulder, joining in the selfie. A bright smile appeared on your face when the thought crossed your mind:

Keiji...I'm so nervous but can't wait to be married to you...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Akaashi looked nervously at the mirror in his dressing room. He had already adjusted his tie three times in the past minute.

All the preparations for the wedding were perfect yet he couldn't help but feel a wave of anxiety beginning to overwhelm him.

He stared absentmindedly at the ground until his view was obstructed by an all too familiar person. His best man. Bokuto.

"Akaashi, you're nervous, aren't you?" teased Bokuto, dancing around him.

Akaashi just stared at him blankly. "Is it not normal to get nervous when you're about to marry the person you have been with for over eight years?"

Bokuto pouted. "It's been nine years since I've met you yet you still haven't changed!" he remarked light-heartedly. "Loosen up! It's your wedding after all!"

Akaashi began subconsciously fiddling with his fingers.

His thoughts were interrupted when Bokuto started whistling. He winked at Akaashi, smiling playfully.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Without waiting for an answer, Bokuto grabbed Akaashi by the arm, dragging him out of the room towards the priest standing by the altar.

He stood proudly beside Akaashi, along with Washio, Komi, Sarukui, Konoha, Onaga and Anahori as the groomsmen.

Akaashi glanced around, heart racing at the sight. It was all so surreal.

His breath hitched when he laid eyes on you, arm in arm with your father, walking down the aisle.

Beautiful...I'm so lucky to marry her...

You smiled at him, a light blush dusting your cheeks when you got closer.

Akaashi was dressed in a chic suit and had his hair styled to the side. Your eyes never left his face.

The opening remarks went by quickly along with the readings and officiant's address. The time had come to exchange vows.

Akaashi held his hand across his heart, looking at you straight in the eyes.

"(F/N), I vow to make you just as happy as you have made me these past eight years. I cannot imagine my life without you and I feel so fortunate to have someone like you to become my wife."

Akaashi paused and smiled lovingly at you. "You are my everything and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to fulfil your every need. I want to love you without any reservations but most of all, I vow to love you forever.

Tears began prickling your eyes. You tried to hold them in. Pausing to gain composure, you began your vows.

"Keiji, I vow to continue to make happy memories with you. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I had never met you; just the thought scares me."

You stopped, a tear slipping from your eye. Akaashi gently wiped them away, causing the audience to sigh and his loving action.

"I want to remain steadfast by your side in whatever you do, just like you were with me when I was in my darkest moments. I would get lost for an eternity if it meant that I could just be next to you. Keiji, I love you so much."

After the vows, the two of you exchanged rings. The officiant spoke again:

"Do you, (L/N) (F/N), take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Akaashi Keiji, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Throughout this ceremony, the bride and groom have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each other.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Akaashi stepped towards you, wrapped his arms around your waist and started kissing you.

It was full of passionate and loving. Your mouth moulded perfectly against his and you could feel Akaashi's lips tug up into a smile. You rested your forehead lovingly against his.

Everyone started clapping and cheering. Akaashi pulled away and his next words sent a delightful shiver through you:

"(F/N), I love you so much that not even all the words in the universe can express how I feel."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Anyway, I feel the fluffiness emanating from the screen, screaming SINGLE. 😔😔😔

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