Chapter Four

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With Fukurodani's recent loss against Itachiyama in the finals of the qualifiers, the volleyball team practised harder than ever to prepare for Nationals.

Today's training was especially intensive. Bokuto was in a particularly good condition, bursting with energy as he flawlessly executed his line and cut shots.

By the time they had a break, they had been practising non stop for an hour. Kaori and Yukie finalised the notes of the matches and pumped up the volleyballs while you dutifully passed around water bottles and towels.

"Good job guys! You worked hard!" you praised.

"Anything to win Nationals," said Sarukui, smirking.

You laughed in response. "I'm sure you guys will do great but remember, please don't overwork yourselves and make sure you have plenty to drink," you reminded him, before handing a towel to Onaga.

"Thank you, (L/N)-senpai!" he exclaimed.

You chuckled before resuming handing out the remaining bottles and towels to the rest of the members.

"Thank you for the towel, (L/N)-san," said Akaashi coolly.

"Ah, no problem, Akaashi-san," you said back, smiling.

But you couldn't stop what you were feeling on the inside. You felt your stomach lurch as your pulse began to race yet again when you were near Akaashi.

This feeling has been going on for so long...I really do like him, don't I? thought the practical side of you.

Akaashi looked at you, worry evident on his face. "Is everything alright, (L/N)-san? You look a bit off."

"Haha...nothing's wrong, Akaashi-san..."

"I see," he said plainly, continuing to dab the towel near his forehead.

Gosh, how can he look so pretty and delicate even wiping his sweat away?

Maybe I should confess? came the sudden, intrusive thought.

You quickly brushed it away, flushing bright red.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" asked Akaashi, staring at your red face with narrowed eyes.

"I'm really fine, Akaashi-san, I just have something on my mind...Thanks for worrying though."

"Something on your mind?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. "If it's not too personal, may I know what is it?"

Your breath hitched, averting your gaze to the ground.

Should I ask him who he likes? It's the perfect opportunity to see if Akaashi even has the slightest of romantic feelings for me, you thought.

Confessing head on was a common scenario, almost encouraged but you were pragmatic; the thought of confessing based on a whim without gauging the other person's feelings made you cringe.

An uneasy silence hung in the air. Akaashi face was blank but inside he felt a pit looming in his stomach. Perhaps I have gone too far? he thought.

"I'm sorry, (L/N)-san, you don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable," he apologised.

"No, Akaashi-san, it's not your fault," you said, quite flustered. "It's just that the thought...well, it's quite a sudden you might find it a bit weird..."

A soft look crossed his face. "You can tell me anything, (L/N)-san, I promise I won't judge you," said Akaashi sincerely.

"P-Promise you won't laugh?" you requested meekly.

He nodded solely. "I won't."

I can't believe I'm going to ask this... You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself. "I was just wondering, you, do you have anyone you like?" you blurted out.

Akaashi looked taken aback but he quickly reverted back to his blank face. He ignored the shive that went down his spine.

"I guess you could say that I have someone I like..." he replied eventually.

His tone was different. It almost seemed as if he was shy. Your heart shattered. It's not me, is it? you thought dejectedly, trying to not let is reflect your face.

"I see," you whispered, the hope rushing out of you. I really don't have a chance do I...

The silence grew thicker. Another thought crossed your mind.



"Could I ask a question?"

He nodded, showing the tiniest hint of curiosity.

"Say, what kind of girl is the one you like?"

His eyes widened for a split second.

"N-no, it's fine, you don't have to answer," you said, seeing his discomfort. "I'm sorry for asking such a private question."

You were about to walk away when he started speaking:

"She's reserved, yet she can be outgoing. She's considerate and takes care of the people around her. And she doesn't realise just how many people appreciate her."

Your insides twisted and the irrational thoughts came fast and heavy. Would Akaashi-san be describing me?...

"Do you ask me this question because you have someone you like?" asked Akaashi, interrupting your chain of thoughts.

"What, Akaashi-san?" you said, startled. "N-No! I mean yes! Yes, I do have someone I like."

Akaashi didn't know why but he felt his heart sting. Hearing those words coming out of your mouth made him uncomfortable. Why am I feeling like this? he thought, confused.

You continued on, a blush tainting your cheeks: "He's really calm and composed but he's also really gentle."

"Oh," was all Akaashi could say in response.

And he's also the one I'm talking to right now! you thought, half-amused.

A soft giggle escaped your mouth.

You started giggling. Akaashi stared at you, confused. "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about how dense he is," you murmured, smiling half-heartedly; he was never going to know.

Akaashi frowned, but you didn't notice.

"(N/N)-chan! Come here please! We need your help with something!" called out Kaori and Yukie.

You bowed to Akaashi. "Thank you for listening and answering my questions, Akaashi-san. I'm sorry, they were a bit invasive."

"Ah, it was fine, (L/N)-san. I don't mind it so please don't fret about it."

You gave him one last smile before you started to walk over to Kaori and Yukie.

He stared at your retreating figure, a wrenching feeling gripping his heart.

Why on earth does she make me feel this way?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay reader-chans, I think it's clear by now that I can't write romantic stories?

Probably cause I'm the author but I think it's going a bit too fast paced or nahhh??? Please comment/dm what you think :)

Anyway, Akaashi is just too cute and reader-chan is just too uwu. Ahshjskadf. The freaking autocorrect on my phone keeps correcting chan to cHiNa.

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