Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Manga spoilers!!!

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Spring High Nationals | Day Three (hell) | Quarterfinals: Fukurodani Academy vs. Mujinazaka High (Chapter 328-337)

From outside the court, my field of vision is so broad. At some point down the line while playing volleyball together with those people I unwittingly started to consider myself one of them. 

And then of all things, the unthinkable happened. I felt as though I controlled Bokuto-san...

"How laughably presumptuous of myself," laughed Akaashi drily aloud.

"What is this kid saying?" asked Coach Yamiji, furrowing his brow.

"Haven't the slightest," Kaori chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her nape. "It's hard for most people to tell with Akaashi but he's actually quite a weird one too."

As if someone like me was trying to sway the game...

You stared at Akaashi, hiding a smile. Akaashi had often expressed his thoughts in complex metaphors and analogies when he couldn't quite put to words what he was feeling.

After all, literature had always been one of his interests alongside volleyball. Sometimes it was hard for even you to even understand him but it didn't make him any less endearing.

The whistle blew, marking the end of the first set which Fukurodani had lost to Mujinazaka High.

"You good to go?" asked Coach Yamiji.

Akaashi nodded. "With a star before my eyes, all there is left for me to do is to play as I have always done and deliver."

Like I did in the match yesterday, like I did during the preliminaries, like I did during our practice matches...

"If playing as I have always done is what's required, then I can do it," said Akaashi determinedly.

A look of bewilderment appeared on Coach Yamiji's face. "Hey, what's this 'star' he's one about?" he hissed.

Kaori shrugged. "I'm telling you, I haven't the slightest!"

Akaashi fidgeted as he held the paddle for substitution, marked with the number '10', Anahori's number.

He came off the court, smiling brightly. "Good luck, Akaashi-senpai!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you, Anahori," replied Akaashi gently. "You played well."

Anahori beamed at the compliment and gave him a thumbs up in return.

You chuckled, going up to Akaashi. "You're not Kageyama nor Atsumu but Akaashi Keiji," you whispered into his ears. "The setter of Fukurodani, who is just as equally good as the others."

You gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I believe in you, Keiji."

All his nervousness disappeared.

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Spring High Nationals | Day Three (hell) | Quarterfinals: Fukurodani Academy vs. Mujinazaka High | Aftermath | (Chapter 337)

"Here we go again, Akaashi!!! But I have given this much thought. I can rebut your rebuttals today!" yelled Bokuto enthusiastically. "It's not 'impossible', it's just 'hard'!"

Akaashi raised a brow, looking confused before a small smile appeared on his face."You're right," he laughed, amused

"Now, let's go get 'em!" screamed Bokuto, walking off with the rest of the team, including Coach Yamiji.

Akaashi smiled at the sight.

"Bokuto knows you're amazing Keiji," you said softly. "We all know it. Keiji. We're all so proud of you."

Akaashi buried his face in his hands. "Thank you," he murmured through them.

"It's okay to doubt yourself or to overthink, Keiji, but just remember that I will continue to support you no matter what!"

Akaashi didn't say anything in response. Instead, he flung his arms around your neck, resting his face in your neck. 

This sudden display of affection from Akaashi surprised you but you received it gladly nonetheless.

"Thank you, (F/N), thank you for everything."

I'm so lucky to have you.

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Spring High Nationals | Day Four | Finals: Fukurodani Academy vs. Ichibayashi High |(Chapter 392)

THWACK! The sound of the ball hitting the ground echoed throughout the stadium. Akaashi could only stare at the ball in shock. 

A wave of emotions surged through him. This was it. This was the last game he would ever play with Bokuto.

Tearfully, Konoha bowed. "Sorry! At the last set, my toss was short! Sorry, Bokuto!"

"You are incredible being able to toss that ball..." remarked Bokuto, smiling sadly. "I've should have hit that. To be able to hit any kind of ball is an ordinary ace!"

Konoha laughed, wiping tears from his eyes. "You really troubled us," he said, "but I wouldn't be able to watch this sight if I wasn't on the same team as you. 

I'm so lucky! Thank you for all these years, Bokuto."

Bokuto grinned, slapping Konoha heartily on the back. Then he turned around abruptly, pointing at Akaashi dramatically.

"AGAASHI!" screamed Bokuto. "Win Nationals for us next year!"

Akaashi smirked then nodded, bowing. "Thank you, Bokuto-san, for these two years."

The whole stadium erupted into applause. 

In the corner of his eye, Akaashi could see you — smiling your ever sweet smile — softly clapping along with Kaori and Yukie.

"Go, go Fukurodani!" you screamed enthusiastically, brimming with pride.

Akaashi cast discreet, loving glances your way, a small smile on his face as he wiped the sweat on his brow away with his hand.

Throughout the four days, you had faithfully offered your support to the team, especially him and that only made him fall harder for you.

(F/N)...How could have I gotten through this without you by my side?...Thank you...Thank you for being my girlfriend...

The captains shook hands then the Fukurodani team lined up, each member standing upright and proud underneath the bright stadium lights.

"Thank you for this match!"

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I'm literally sniffling rn as I type this lmao. Fukurodani should have totally won. 😔😔😔

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