Chapter Eight

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"Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked. "You seem nervous."

"N-no, Akaashi-san, it's nothing," you stuttered in response.

"Are you sure, (L/N)-san?" he probed. "Is anyone on the team making you uncomfortable then? Perhaps...Bokuto-san?"

You flinched at his name. Akaashi noticed, narrowing his eye.

"Was he trying to get you to talk to me about my sets?" he questioned. "I'm working on them, okay? I just have something...someone on my mind..."

You could have sworn Akaashi blush for a second. A part of you felt envious, however of the mystery girl who Akaashi liked.

"...I can't help but think of her all the the point I can't even concentrate in class or during volleyball," he explained. "That's why I keep messing up in practice lately..."

"Oh..." was the only thing you could manage to say back.

"I'm sorry for bringing my personal life into volleyball," apologised Akaashi, slightly dipping his head in a bow.

"I shouldn't be bringing the team's standard down because of it...especially with Nationals to worry about..."

You shook your head. "It's okay, Akaashi-san...You couldn't help it..."

"I would be the one lucky to have her," said Akaashi plainly, fixing his eyes on you. You bit your lip, light pink dusting your cheeks.

The tension grew thick again. Akaashi couldn't even put to words how nervous he was right now. Just being in such close proximity to you made him flustered.

He admired your side profile, the way your long lashes curled over your eyelashes or how you clasped your hands together, fingers interlacing with one another.

Even those small details were enough for Akaashi's mind momentarily short-circuit. His feelings for you were slowly overwhelming him.

He almost couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps I should confess to her now? He gulped at the thought.

"...Do you remember how I described her?" said Akaashi, breaking the silence.

You nodded, albeit slightly taken aback at the sudden, arbitrary question. How could you forget the characteristics of the mysterious girl that the stoic setter had fallen for?

"She's reserved yet outgoing, considerate, takes care of the people around her," you listed almost wistfully. "But she doesn't realise how many people appreciate her..."

He sighed, running his hand across his face in silence frustration. "I'll add one more to the list...She helps out the volleyball team with menial but essential tasks."

Your eyes widened in surprise. No way...

A wry smile appeared on his face. "The one I like is you, (L/N)-san. I like you."

You froze. The only thing you could hear was your heart hammering furiously in your chest.

Akaashi Keiji, the person so many girls obsessed over and the one you liked for so long had just confessed, to you.

I like you, I like you, I like you. I like you.

The words kept repeating in your head. You were completely still as you processed the words that had just been spoken.

It was only three words. Simple and plain yet it was enough for your legs to feel as if they were jelly.

Akaashi rubbed his palms together, trying to relieve some of his nervousness. It wasn't helping.

His felt his heartbeat gradually increase in pace and his fingers couldn't help but tremble slightly. He squeezed his hands together in a vain attempt to stop them from shaking uncontrollably.

Words formed in your head nothing came out of your mouth. It was pursed, sealed shut.

Akaashi stood up nonchalantly, not looking you in the eye. "You don't have to give me your answer yet, (L/N)-san," he said as he started walking towards the exit.

"Take as much time as you need. We should go now."

Blood rushed to your head. You felt dizzy, nauseous even as if you were going to collapse any second in a faint.

Flustered, you struggled to find the right words to say to him:

'I like you too, Akaashi-san!'? No, that sounds too straightforward...

Maybe 'Be my boyfriend, Akaashi-san!'? Mo, that's too demanding...

How about 'Akaashi, I want to be your girlfriend!'? No! ARGH, why is this so hard?

His steps were slow and measured as if he was buying time, hoping you would come up with something to say something to him. You stared at his retreated figure, just about to exit the door.

It was now or never.

Gathering all your courage, you walked briskly towards him and grabbed his wrist.

"Akaashi-san...please stay...I have something to say to you..." you murmured softly, ignoring how red your face was at your bold move.

Akaashi stiffened but then he turned around to face you, raising a brow.

Your heart fluttered. Even that simple action could tug your heartstrings and make you fall in love with him all over again.

"What is it that you want to say to me, (L/N)-san?" he asked in his smooth, low voice.

Your lips parted but closed as quickly as it opened. You mentally groaned.

Get your act together, (F/N)! you thought.

You drew in a deep breath.

Okay...Here goes nothing...

"Akaashi-san," you said tentatively. "I want to give my reply now."

And before he could say anything, you blurted out, blushing bright red:

"I like you as well, Akaashi-san! Actually, I've liked you for a while now."

It was too embarrassing to look at him. But there was no reply from Akaashi. Curious, you looked up again.

A giggle escaped from your lips. It was the second time you had ever seen Akaashi Keiji this flustered, a pink hue covering his cheeks. He held a hand to cover his face.

"Please, (L/N)-san, don't stare," he mumbled.

"But I want to," you replied teasingly. "Besides, aren't you my boyfriend now?"

He looked at you straight in the eyes. "Yes."

Daringly, you planted a kiss on his cheek, blushing just as hard as him. The edges of Akaashi's lips curled up. You stared, entranced by his smile.

Shyly, Akaashi wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in his arms.

"Thank you, (L/N)-san, for accepting my confession," he whispered into your ear. "I really do like you. A lot."

And at this moment, your happiness rivalled that of when Fukurodani was set to go to Nationals.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have no words to say except for:


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