Part 17

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Gon's Perspective:

We waited a while for Killua to come back but he didn't. I started to get worried.

Me: Where is he? *looks around*

Kurapika: Don't worry he probably is just getting sick or something

Me: *worried look* No something doesn't feel right

Leorio: Maybe he decided to go back home with Illumi

Me: *eyes widen* No! *stands up* He can't go back!

Kurapika: Hey why don't we walk back to your house and wait for him, maybe he just got lost and is heading to you house

Me: O- Ok

We all get up and walk back to my house. When we got close I noticed that the front door was open. When we got inside I looked around.

Me: Aunt Mito? Hello?

Leorio: Oh I saw her at the market

Me: Then why was the door open?

*door slams shut*

We all jump and turn around. Illumi was standing there looking at us.

Illumi: Looking for someone?

Me: What do you want?!

Illumi: You

Kurapika: Why do you want Gon?

Leorio: Where's Killua? I bet you know

Illumi: I know where Killua is

Me: Where?

Illumi: Come with me and I'll show you

Me: *walks forward but gets stopped by a hand on my shoulder* Huh?

Leorio: Your not going *looks at Illumi* Bring Killua here

Illumi: I'm afraid I can't do that

Me: *brushes Leorio's hand off* I'm going

Kurapika: Do you have a death wish?!

Me: *turns around and looks at Kurapika* I want to know where Killua is, I don't care if I die in the process. If he's in danger I will help him no matter the cost.

Illumi: Very good now come with me *opens door and motions for me to walk out*

Leorio: Gon it's a trap! What are you doing? You can't-

Kurapika: *steps forward* Your not going alone

Illumi: *shoves me out the door and slams it behind him*

The next thing I remember is being picked up and seeing Leorio and Kurapika chase after me. But Illumi lost them. We were in the woods when I opened my eyes. I wasn't going to fight him, I wanted to know where Killua was. I don't want him getting hurt.

*10 minutes later*

Illumi drops me on the ground and I stand up and brush myself off. I look around and see Killua tied to a rock. I run to him and fall to the ground.

Me: Killua! Are you hurt?!

Killua: *looks up slowly*

Me: Why are you here?

Killua: Gon behind you!! *breaks free from the rock and stands behind me*

When I turn around in the split second I see Hisoka behind me with a card in his hand. Killua broke free from whatever was holding him down and stood behind me to protect me. Killua put his hands up to block his face (authors note: like an X with his arms you know?) Hisoka cut Killua's arm.

Killua: You won't hurt him!!

I couldn't move, did he just save my life again?

Illumi: You idiot, Hisoka you weren't supposed to get Killua

Hisoka: *licks card* My bad~

Illumi: *pulls nen needles out* I'll just do it damn it

I stand up and place a hand on Killua's shoulder. He turns his head and looks at me.

Me: Just let it go Killua, they won't stop until I'm dead

Killua: I'm not letting them kill you!

Illumi: Then do it yourself

Killua: *looks at Illumi* I would never! I won't let anything happen to hi-

In a split second Hisoka comes from behind me and puts one hand around my wrist and the other by my neck. He was holding one of his stupid cards against my neck just like before. Killua goes to turn around but Illumi grabs him. I close my eyes and my mind plays the scene from when this happened a month ago. I keep my eyes closed and ball up my fists. I heard Hisoka hum and could tell he had that creepy grin on his face.

Killua: GON!

The next thing I remember is opening my eyes and feeling blood drip from my neck. I fall to the ground. Was this the end? Am I really going to die? No. I can't. I have to be there for Killua. I looked up my vision getting blurry, everything felt like it was playing in slow motion. Illumi lets go of Killua and he runs to me. Hisoka and Illumi watch from where they're standing. I look past Illumi and see Kurapika and Leorio standing there in shock. Damn it. Killua lifts my head and looks down at me.

Killua: Gon please *cries* Don't leave me!

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