Part 2

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Gon's Perspective:

I get out of bed and run down the stairs. I was finally going to be able to see Killua. We haven't seen each other since we parted ways a couple years ago. I quickly get dressed in my usual fit and run down the stairs. It was about mid day so I was just sitting around waiting. I ran past my Aunt Minto who was telling me something. But I didn't have time, the ship was going to be here soon. I quickly ran to the dock where he would be. When I got there the ship was coming. I scream and wave when I see him. Dang he's grown a lot.

Me: *jumps up and down and waves* KILLUA!!

Killua: *waves and smiles*

Why wasn't he as excited as me? I ignore that thought and stand there waiting for him to get off. The ship came to a stop and everyone was getting off. I looked around to see if I could see him but didn't. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. I see Killua and give him a huge hug.

Me: KILLUA! *hugs him*

Killua: *laughs* Calm down Gon *hugs back*

I let go of him and look him up and down*

Me: *frowns* You've gotten taller

Killua: *laughs* And you haven't grown much

Me: *laughs* Come on let's go do something *jumps*

Killua: *still holding his bag* Can we go to your Aunt Minto's house first? So I can you know *motions to his bag*

Me: Yeah sure let's go!

We started walking back home and he was acting kinda different. I know we've grown up quite a bit and we aren't as childish anymore but it was different. Wait no, he isn't as childish as I remember. We get to my house and barge in.

Aunt Mito: Whoa Gon calm down

Me: I can't Killua's back! *smiles*

Aunt Mito: Welcome Killua *smiles*

Killua: Thanks

I grab Killua's hand dragging him upstairs. I take his bag and put it down.

Killua: Why are you so hyper?

Me: I am?

Killua: *laughs*

Me: Let's go do something!

Killua: Not right now

My smile faded to a frown.

Me: Why not?

Killua: Because I'm tired *lays back*

Me: *lays down next to him* We can go to that spot we went to a couple years ago and watch the sunset

Killua: *looks at me* Will it shut you up?

Me: *sits up fast* Yes yes yes!!

Killua: *stands up* Ok ok well come on *walks out of my room*

I stand up and follow him. We walked up to the spot and got there as the sun was setting. We both sit down next to each other and look out onto the view. I'm gonna fill you in a little bit. When me and Killua parted ways he didn't seem all upset about it. I feel like I was more upset than he was, because when I got home I cried for days. I don't like telling people that which is why I don't think I'll ever tell him. After a couple years I found out that I had feelings for him but brushed it off like it was nothing and forgot about it. But when he arrived today that feeling came back. I didn't think I could feel that way again. It was weird. I wonder if he has ever had that feeling. I look over at him and he looks at me. I look away quickly blushing. Damn it.

Killua: Gon? You good?

Me: Oh uh yeah *laughs*

Killua: *lays down* This is nice

Me: Huh?

Killua: It's nice to be back here, my family was getting annoying

Me: *lays down* Oh, hey I have a question

Killua: *turns his head so he's looking at me* What is it?

Me: *looks up at the sky* Do you ever get that feeling when you're around someone that you like or something?

Killua: What do you mean?

Me: You know when your around someone you like and you get that sick feeling in your stomach

Killua: Nope I've never had that feeling

Me: Oh

Killua: Why?

Me: Just curious

Killua: You like someone?

He sounded disappointed.

Me: I think so

Killua: Who is it?

Me: I'm not going to say who it is yet, I don't know if they like me back

Killua: Makes sense *looks up at the sky*

I wanted to tell him I really did but I couldn't. I couldn't do it. I didn't know if I really had feelings for him or not. I've never felt this way about a person before, so I don't know how to handle it.

Killua: Whatcha thinking about? Your crush *laughs*

Me: *blushes* Maybe

Killua: *sits up* Come on just tell me

Me: *sits up and faces him* I don't want too *looks down*

Killua: If you tell me who you like I'll tell you who I like

He likes someone?

Me: You tell me first

Killua: No way!

Me: Come on

Killua: No I asked you first

Me: *turns away* Then I won't tell you

Killua: Stubborn

Me: *faces him* I like you ok!

First part baby!!

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