Part 35

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Gon: There's no use in trying

Me: What?

Gon: We're going to be chained up until they decide to let us go, but iI'm guessing they won't let us go so

I haven't seen Gon like this before. He looked so defeated.

Me: But it's worth trying right?

Gon: No

Me: Oh

Gon: Sorry but there's no use in trying to escape, they got us

Me: You wouldn't be here if you had just stayed home

Gon: *lifts his head and looks at me* I came looking for you because I was scared ok. Like I've said before I don't want to lose you again

Me: Yeah I know but it was stupid for you to come alone

Gon: Kurapika and Leorio don't even know where I am right now, they told me to stay home. But I didn't listen and snuck out

Me: You idiot! You should've told them where you were going! That way if you hadn't come back they could come and help!

Gon: If I had told them they would've stopped me

Me: Sorry for yelling but that was a stupid move, you don't think before you act on things

Gon: Yeah I know-

*the door opens*

We both look at the door as my father walks in. I clench my fists as he walks closer to us.

Silva: *unchains Gon* You can leave *unchains me*

When Gon gets out of the chains I guess his legs were weak or something because he just falls to the ground. I look up at my father confused.

Me: Why now?

Silva: Are you wanting to stay?

Me: No

Silva: Then leave before your mother knows I let you go

Me: Ok, Gon you ok?

Gon: Yeah *gets up*

He held onto my arm as he got up and held onto me.

Me: You can't walk can you?

Gon: No I'm fine *lets go of me*

Part of me was hoping he would hold onto me a bit longer...

Silva: Now leave without anyone seeing you

Me: Why are you letting us leave-

Silva: I said leave

Me: Yes father

I grab Gon's hand and we run through the halls and get to the main floor. I heard someone walking and we hid behind a wall. I waited until I didn't hear them and we booked it out the front door. We ran through the woods and took a break from running when we came close to the doors.

Gon: *trying to catch his breath*

Me: Gon your bleeding

Gon: *looks at his arm* Oh

Me: What happened?

Hisoka: *throws card at the tree next to us*

Me: Dammit

Hisoka: Thought you could get away huh?~

Me: You hit him didn't you?!

Hisoka: *licks card* Maybe~

Me: What did I say about touching him?!

Hisoka: You can't kill me~

Me: Gon run

Gon: Your crazy if you think I'm leaving you

Hisoka: *laughs* I'm not here to take you back I'm here to say that Illumi found out that you guys are gone so you might want to get going~

Me: Then why the hell did you stop us?!

I grab Gon hand and we run down the mountain and back into the city. We stop running when we see Kurapika and Leorio. They spot us and run over.

Leorio: Where the hell have you guys been?!

Me: We were at my house chained up

Kurapika: Oh my god you guys are all beat up what happened?

Gon: We'll tell you later I just want to go to sleep

He rests his head on my shoulder.

Kurapika: Ok you guys can tell us everything tomorrow, we should get home now. The car isn't to far

Me: Ok let's go

Gon lifts his head up as we start walking. Our hands meet and we hold hands. He lays his head on my shoulder as we continue walking to the car. After about 10 minutes of walking we get to the car and we all hop in. Gon continues to lay on my shoulder and falls asleep, so do I but whatever. I wake up in Gon's bed. I sit up and look around. Gon was passed out. I lay back down and fall asleep.

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