Part 32

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Gon's Perspective:

Me: Do you know why Illumi and Hisoka were here?

Kurapika: Wait they were here?!

Leorio: Yeah apparently Killua went outside to talk to Illumi and Hisoka tied Gon up. I don't really know much we were hoping you'd know something

Kurapika: Well I didn't even know Killua left so I don't know anything

Me: AAhh! I just want to know why he went with them!

Leorio: I bet they went home

Me: Well we need to go-

Kurapika: We can't go there, what if they're waiting for us and are planning to kill you or hurt one of us? We have to be smart about this Gon

Me: *takes deep breath* Will he get hurt?

*Kurapika and Leorio look at each other and back at me*

Me: It's fine I'll just do it myself *gets up* I'm going to my room

Leorio: Gon wait-

Kurapika: Just let him go

I walk upstairs and go to my room. I close the door behind me and sit down in front of it. I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head down.

Me: W- *voice cracks* Why? Why did he go with them?

Tears stream down my face. Did I lose Killua for good? Was that the last time I'd ever see him? What if he- No he wouldn't do that. I heard footsteps and quickly wiped the tears away from my face and hopped into bed. I pull the covers over my head and pretend that I was asleep. The door opens.

Leorio: Gon?

Me: I'm sleeping

Leorio: *small laugh* Ok well goodnight *closes door*

I throw the covers off me and sit up. I look out the window. It was pretty dark out and not many people were awake. I hop out of bed and put on a pair of black pants and a black hoodie. I put my shoes off and peek my head out the door. No one was there. I close the door and lock it. I walk over to the window and open it. I jump out landing in front of the front door. I run. I ran as far as I could. I wanted to see Killua. I make it into town and rest. I was out of breath. I sat down under a tree and stayed there for a bit. I see people pass by every so often and they would just look at me weirdly. I pulled my hood up and got up. I continue walking, getting closer and closer to the mansion. I get up the mountain and make it to the gate.

Me: I've opened this before I can do it again

Zebro: Gon isn't it?

Me: What? Oh yeah

Zebro: Are you here for Killua?

Me: Yes

Zebro: I was told that you aren't supposed to be here

Me: I know, but I want to make sure he's ok

Zebro: I just saw- saw him earlier- he- he's f- fine

He was acting weird. He was stuttering a lot and kinda shaking.

Me: You're not really Zebro are you?

Zebro: What do you mean?

Me: Your Illumi

Zebro: *grins* You figured it out *takes needles out* How'd you know?

Me: *steps back* The needles made it a bit obvious

Illumi: Why are you here?

Me: Where's Killua?!

Illumi: In his room

Me: Let me see him

Illumi: He doesn't want to see you

Me: W- What do you mean

Illumi: Don't you know, he came home because he doesn't want to see you anymore

Me: You're lying!

Illumi: I'm not you might want to leave before I kill you for real this time, It's not like that clown will save you


Illumi: Leave now


Illumi: You have 3 seconds to turn around and leave

Me: *doesn't move*

Illumi: One, two-


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