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"Hey, let's stop here."

Luc turns around and stops jogging. Harry nods at a little street food spot in the park. "They do great juices, I feel like we've got enough miles for today."

Luc looks at her smartwatch and taps it two times. "Yeah, fine. Today was good. I thought we didn't run for that long."

"Usually when you don't listen to music and run with someone, time passes quicker," Harry says as they walk side by side towards the caravan. "Unless I'm with my trainer, then he's shitting on my technique every two minutes and it feels like a whole decade passes before we're done."

"I feel like I'm morally obligated to follow in his footsteps," Lucrecia nudges Harry, chuckling. "You have it too easy when we jog together. You just stare at my ass the whole time."

"That's not on me, love," Harry retorts. "You're too hot."

"Tomorrow morning," Luc says in a low voice as they join the queue at the street food place. "I'm running behind you and watching your ass bounce the whole time. Based on how I sleep tonight, I might make you wear bike shorts too."

"I literally don't own a single pair of bike shorts."

Luc grins and discreetly grips his ass with one hand. "Thankfully, I do." Her hand is gone as quickly as it appeared there. "You're the one always bragging about fitting into women's jeans and wearing them. Someone should finally hold you up to your words, no?"

Before Harry has the chance to say anything, Luc's phone rings. She rolls her eyes and pulls it out of her leggings. Upon seeing the screen, she frowns. "It's my aunt," she says. "I've got to take it. Don't get me anything green, I'll gag. Thanks."

Harry watches Lucrecia as she walks a few meters away, leaning against a tree. He can't really make up the exact words, but she's speaking in Italian. By the looks of her face, the furrowed brows and downturned lip corners, Harry can tell she's annoyed. When she rolls her eyes for the fourth time and starts gesticulating with her left hand, it's pretty clear that whatever her aunt is telling her, must be quite aggravating.

By the time she finishes her phone call, Harry's got their juices and is waiting for her on a bench. When she finally comes back, she takes the juice thankfully and gulps down a chunk of it right away, without sitting down.

Luc makes a face. "What did you get me?"

"Some citrus blend," Harry shrugs. "You said nothing green."

"It's weird," Luc says but takes another sip anyway. "Let's go, I think there was someone trying to take photos from behind a bush."

Harry suppresses a sigh and stands up. Every fucking time. They start walking back slowly, mostly in silence.

"What did your aunt want?" Harry asks after a while, letting his curiosity get the better of him. "You looked pissed off."

"Oh," Lucrecia raises her brows. "Nothing serious, she just started yelling at me for not telling anyone I'm getting married."

"Who are you marrying?" Harry asks between biting his straw. "I feel like you should've told me too."

Lucrecia laughs softly and grabs his hand. "I hate tabloids so much. We were getting earrings for my best friend's birthday but nope, we were in a jewellery store together, we must've been getting wedding rings. God forbid we would ever appear near a church or a city hall together, then we would've definitely gotten secretly married. It's so ridiculous."

"Can't forget about the time I was getting some gifts for a baby shower and everyone thought for a week we were having a baby together."

"Of course," Lucrecia scoffs. "My aunt gave me shit about that as well right now. Started calling me a sinner for already having a child out of wedlock and now she was threatening to tell her priest if I'm knocked up again. Said she would send Vincenzo and his friends after you to force you to marry me before the imaginary baby was born."

"Should I get another bodyguard?" Harry raises a brow.

"Please," Luc scoffs. "My dad's entire side of the family is out of it. I rarely even see them but ever since the tabloids back home started plastering my face on nearly every issue and writing entire fairytales without a gram of truth, they've been calling me up nonstop."

"I know how it sounds," Harry starts. "But you should change your number. I don't think there's a single person in this world who doesn't have some family members they would be content with never seeing again."

"I can't do that," Luc shakes her head. "Not worth the drama."

"Yeah, you're right," Harry agrees. "I mean, I probably wouldn't do it either. But I've blocked people's numbers before. Only temporarily, though."

As Luc goes to reply, she's interrupted by a girl appearing in front of them out of nowhere. Harry's mind looks for the response to panic for a split second before he realizes it's just a fan.

"Hi," the girl says, clutching her phone in her hand nervously. "I'm so sorry to bother you guys. I was just having a picnic with friends over there," she points to a group of people nearby, a few of them wave awkwardly. "I just wanted to ask you if I could take a photo with you? If not, it's completely fine. I'm sorry to barge in on you."

"It's alright," Harry smiles as he rubs his thumb over Luc's hand before dropping it. "What's your name?"

"I'm Mary," she says, a bit flustered. "Thank you so much. I felt horrible about disturbing you but I've been a fan for such a long time and I'd never thought I'd actually ever get to meet you."

"Thank you for being here," Harry says. "Don't feel horrible, it's alright. You want to take the photo or should I?"

"Actually," Luc intercepts. "I'll photograph you two, I don't feel like being in a photo right now."

"Oh, okay," Mary stumbles and hands Luc her phone. The poor thing seems mortified.

"Alright you two, smile," Luc says. They both do as Luc snaps a few photos and promptly hands Mary back her phone.

"I'd give you a hug too but I've just gone on a run so," Harry says and then a bright idea comes in. "High-five instead?"

Mary laughs but she high-fives him right away. "Thank you, really. And congratulations!"

"What for?" Harry frowns.

"Well," Mary clears her throat. "Everyone's been saying you're getting married, it's apparently been confirmed."

Luc lets out a humourless cackle. "This is hilarious. My aunt just called me about the same thing. But sorry, sweetie, we're not getting married. Don't believe tabloids."

"Yeah, something like that," Harry smiles nervously. "Anyway, it was lovely meeting you, Mary. Hopefully, I'll see you soon, on tour, or you know."

Once they've walked away enough, Luc sighs deeply. "I do not know how you do this, how you've been doing this for so long."

"Sorry about that," Harry says. "She was one of the better ones, was actually nice. Some just run up to you and take a selfie with you without saying a single word to you. It comes with the job, you know."

"I do," Luc sighs again and links her arm with Harry's. "It's not your fault. It's just so strange. Everyone knows you. And now, they know me too. I don't normally get approached when I'm without you but I do get weird stares very often."

"I'm sorry, babe," Harry says again.

"It's okay," Luc smiles. "You're worth all the strange looks I get."

"Then I'm glad I'm worth your time."



another chapter today!! more coming probably on monday since tomorrow (sunday, sep 6th) im kicking off my BOOK CLUB!! it's on instagram, at my profile @dattumblrgal_so yeah! we'll be going over the firs three chapters of my story glory in our defiance - ill be answering questions and sharing extras and headcanons and stuff :) hopefully you'll be able to join!!

thank you all SO MUCH for your votes and comments and all the love, ill make sure to read them all and reply to as many as i can! love you all, thank you

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