DS 5

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Happiness is fickle. When you're young, or perpetually depressed, you think that if you're happy, truly happy, you're just always beaming and having a great time and loving life. That's not quite true. Harry's a pretty optimistic person and even he, in times of what should be unwilting happiness, feels sad or bored or disenchanted.

However, love... well that's certainly one thing that helps keep that smile on your face.

Harry falls back into a relationship with Zayn almost unknowingly. It's one date at a restaurant with hushed laughter and a spilled glass of red wine. Then it's another date, this time at Harry's house, with only Evie to cast them looks as they eat a cheese board on the sofa because Harry wanted to cook but then he didn't feel like it. And then they never quite leave each other.

They talk, they don't hold grudges, they're not afraid to admit even the worst thing that's mingling inside of their brains. That is a difference that Harry welcomes with open arms. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine, but now they don't see that fact negatively. That's just life.

So yes, they're... dating, probably. They're not giving their relationship a label because "boyfriend" sounds silly considering their old wedding invitations are still hidden inside of Harry's walk-in closet. They don't live together, not yet, especially not since Amara spends a lot of time with Zayn at his house and in a very adult, intelligent manner, they decided that Harry shouldn't meet her until they're relatively sure their relationship won't come crashing down again. Babies and new people and all that. Harry gets it, it's pretty logical.

As Harry and Zayn spend more and more time together, and realize, once again in a very adult way, that they don't want to be apart ever again, that fateful day shall come at last. Harry's going to meet Zayn's daughter.

He's heard loads about her, seen many photos and videos, it almost feels like he knows her already. But Amara will probably see Harry as mostly a stranger.

Harry agreed that it would be best if he came over to Zayn's house since it's Amara's home, she's comfortable there, it's a safe space. Naturally, he's stressing the fuck out. Harry isn't worried about handing Amara, he's more worried about her parents. Harry gets babies and little kids, he loves them. He could have a sizable football team from all his godchildren so he knows all about bottles and nappies and childrearing. But he doesn't want to fuck up anyway. There's always the chance that something could go wrong.

Bribery is a way to go with kids so Harry came prepared with a cute plushie toy of a smiling sun since yellow was Amara's favourite colour at the moment. He thought about calling Alessandro about having some custom clothes with her name and stuff made for her but he didn't want to come in with the big guns. Gigi still doesn't like him for some reason and he doesn't want to attract too much of her attention. A simple plushie is fine for now.

Zayn opens the door and Harry tries to smile, but he's more anxious than he's probably ever been.

"Babe," Zayn sighs and pulls Harry inside of the entryway. "Please, don't be worried. Amara will love you."

"Will she?" Harry asks. "You can't know that."

"I can know that because I've been telling her about you for ages," Zayn says quickly and leaves a fleeting kiss on Harry's lips. Harry wants to chase after it, for comfort, for reassurance, but he knows there are more pressing matters. "Ready?"

"Not really," Harry forces a smile onto his face. "But let's do this."

"She's just a toddler, not the bloody queen," Zayn mutters as they walk into the living room. "Although she is our princess."

"As she should be," Harry nods. He doesn't have a chance to say anything else because suddenly, they're in the living room and he sees the adorable little girl he's heard so much about sitting on the sofa with dinosaur puffs and Dobby. Harry bites his lip and they stare at each other. Amara's blonde hair is let loose and her huge eyes are rimmed by impossibly long eyelashes. They're a few shades lighter than Zayn's but she has his sharp, facial structure, even with her adorable chubby cheeks. Harry takes a shaky breath and slaps on his best, warmest smile.

"Baby, do you remember Harry?" Zayn comes up to Amara. "I've told you about him many times. He's baba's special friend, darling."

Amara nods, her eyes still trained at Harry. "I remember."

"That's a good girl," Zayn smiles at her. "Do you wanna say hi to him?"

Amara isn't so sure as she doesn't reply. So Harry takes action.

"Hello, Amara," Harry says and he comes close to her, in the end sitting on the sturdy hardwood coffee table. "I'm Harry. It's very lovely to meet you. I've heard so many things about you. Your baba told me that your favourite colour is yellow, so I brought you this." He presents the sun plushie in front of Amara and she looks at it with interest.

"Thank you, Harry," she says at last and takes it from him, eyeing it in her lap. Zayn meets Harry's gaze and smiles at him, nodding. Alright, good move. Harry mentally pats himself on the back.

"What's your favourite colour?" Amara asks out of nowhere.

Harry nearly stutters at the shock. "It's yellow too. It's a very warm colour."

"Do you like cats?" Amara keeps chatting. Okay, kid investigation is a good step towards a child liking you.

"I do," Harry smiles and looks over at Dobby, who's purring contently at Amara's side. "Dobby is my old friend. We know each other from way back. I have a kitty at home too. Her name is Evie."

"Is Dobby friends with Evie?" Amara inquires further. Zayn and Harry exchange a look, smiles on both their lips.

"Not yet, sweetheart," Harry replies. "But I think they will be friends soon."

"Will we be friends?" Amara asks, her head tilted. The question is so innocent yet it holds more weight she could ever conceivably understand at this age. "Baba likes you. He talks about you."

Harry chuckles, throwing Zayn a look who only shrugs. "I hope we will be friends. I want to be your friend. Do you want to be friends?"

Amara shrugs, so much like her father. "I want to watch a cartoon first."

A couple of hours later, after two cartoons and a snack, Amara falls asleep on the couch between Harry and Zayn, with her head in Harry's lap. She was impressed by his braiding skills and proclaimed him her best friend. As she's napping, Harry's eyes go up from watching her doze off to Zayn, who's caught in the act of staring at Harry. It's enough then, for Harry to smile and find Zayn's hand on the back of the sofa. Harry clutches it like a lifeline and now, only now, he truly believes they will be fine. And if anything dare stand in their way, Harry's ready to make it come crashing down.


this is the LAST chapter of this sequence! i hope you liked it guys :) so ZARRY ARE OFFICIALLY BAAAAACK!!!!!!!

thank you so so so so so so so so much for your support over the years, it's been an insane ride honestly :) i'm gonna write one more chapter sequence and then an epilogue and that's it, that's the end :( thank you so much, once again, i wouldn't have finished (not yet but close to it) it if it wasn't for you all

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