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The first thing Harry does after waking up is calling his mum. He's still in bed, a very mild hangover stinging at his temples but he's anxious and he needs to talk to someone. Good anxious, this time because he has a fucking morning date like a grandad. Zero regrets there.

"Goood mooorning," Harry sing-songs into the phone. "Have you read my texts from last night?"

"Good morning, honey," Anne laughs. "Yes, I have indeed. I've also replied but it doesn't seem like you've checked your phone. How was the wedding?"

"Pretty good, yeah," Harry sighs. "Did you um, get the bit about Zayn?"

"I did, yes. You don't seem upset so I assume it went well?" Bloody mums and their telepathic tendencies.

"It did yes," Harry smiles. "Very well, I think. We have a date today. In a bit, actually. A morning walk by the cliffs, it's lovely here."

"Send me a photo of the cliffs, darling. So it's all good with you two? So quickly?"

"No, not quite," Harry sighs and rolls over in the bed to face the window. He has a lovely view of the sea. For probably the millionth time in his life, Harry's compelled to move to the seaside. "We're just on the same page, you know? We both want to give this a shot, we both regret that whole mess, yada yada."

"It's not yada yada, Harry, it's actually a few very important things," Anne reminds him like he's six again. "This time, it's different from before. There will be more challenges and obstacles."

"I know, mum," Harry sighs. A seagull lands at the outside windowsill. That must be an omen of some kind. He just hopes it doesn't mean he'll like, drown today. "I understand why you're worried, I really do. I'm worried too but I can only try, what else is there to do?"

"I trust your judgement, Harry, but you often lose your rationality when it comes to you and Zayn."

"Right, that was the old me," Harry emphasizes. "Now this is the new me that isn't as stubborn. Anyway, great chat, I have to go get ready. Can't come to a date looking like I've just rolled out of bed."

"Alright, hun, good luck today. I'll be thinking of you, keep my fingers crossed."

"Mum, I'm going on a date with the man I almost married, not going to race a horse."

"Whatever, good luck is never in vain. Talk to you later, darling!"

Harry laughs at his phone and plugs it in to charge while he showers.

He doesn't really fuss with his outfit, he doesn't need to impress Zayn. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. He'll survive Harry's wrinkled trousers, well-loved Vans and a vintage parka. And even with the lack of sartorial effort, Harry's nearly late. He looks longingly at the espresso machine in his room, wishing he had the foresight to make a cup of coffee earlier but all he can do now is grab his phone, sunglasses and car keys and leave.

When Harry gets to the car park near the walking path for the cliffs, he already finds Zayn standing nearby, looking down at his phone. He's got two cups of coffee in a holder in one hand. Harry falls in love with him again. With one last breath and a look in the mirror, Harry braves himself and gets out of the car.

"You're a life-saver," Harry says in lieu of a greeting, flashing Zayn a smile. "You still remember my order?"

"How could I not?" Zayn smiles and hands Harry one of the cups. "I woke up way too early so I figured you'd want a cup."

"I think this is probably the first time you've ever been early to anything," Harry remarks just before taking a sip of the coffee. They've started walking with no clear direction but it doesn't matter as the place is nearly deserted.

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