TV 5

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Next April, Harry finds himself in Ireland. Every single time he visits, he promises to himself that he's going to take a trip here that doesn't involve work and see a few castles, some nature, Niall's dad probably. He never does.

There was one specific event that brought Harry to Ireland this time as well. It wasn't a show, but rather Niall's wedding. It's strange, genuinely strange that Niall is the first one getting married out of the five of them. Niall was never dealing with any relationship drama while the band was still a thing. There was Liam with his girlfriends who kept breaking his heart, Louis and Eleanor fighting over what they wanted from their relationship. Harry had his flings and short relationships and at some point, Zayn was engaged to Perrie, which was a mess all on its own. The most prominent relationship nightmare was his and Zayn's fucking around. The boys had days where they met them at breakfast with nastly looks because of their screaming at each other the previous night. But Niall? He was always aloof, somehow having regular sex and never dealing with any drama. He didn't really do relationships and seeing him be the first one to get married is something Harry never would've put him money on.

Despite the odds, there Harry is, standing in front of the side entrance of an ancient catholic church in Ireland, putting his phone on do not disturb because god forbid someone decided to call him right as Niall and Claire are saying their vows. Harry clears his throat and smooths down the front of his suit and enters the back room.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," Niall's voice greets him. "I fucking through you were late. Everyone of importance is already in the church."

"Hello to you too, mister groom," Harry grins and pulls Niall into a hug. "Don't be so nervous, everything will be fine. Claire will still love you even if there is some small hiccup somewhere. Nothing like that is of real importance."

"Alright, Dalai Lama," Niall says and pats Harry on the back before pulling out of the hug. "What the fuck are you wearing?"

Harry looks down at his buttercup yellow suit. "Uhm, a suit?"

"The dress code wasn't 'be a lightbulb'," Niall raises a brow. "Don't you own a classic black suit or something?"

"Niall, this is a spring wedding, not a funeral," Harry scoffs. "It's a nice suit."

"It is but you're supposed to blend in with the crowd," Niall remarks. "Not overshadow the bride."

"If I wanted to do that, I would've worn a sequin suit or a white dress," Harry retorts. "I should go sit down, right? Is there like a seating plan, or something?"

"No, just sit wherever you want," Niall says. "There's like, name tags and everything for the reception."

Harry nods, "Okay, great." He gives Niall one quick hug again and kisses his cheek. "Everything will be fine, you'll do great. No matter what, at the end of the day you'll be married and happy and all that. I love you, mate."

"Thanks, Haz," Niall smiles. Harry can see that he's excited despite the fear and it warms his heart. Niall and Claire are such an amazing couple and they're madly in love. Harry is incredibly happy for them and he can't cry his eyes out at the ceremony. He loves love, what can he say?

Harry gets to the main body of the church moments before Niall and his brother come out from a different door leading from the side room. He sits quite at the front, but closer to the wall and not the aisle. To be quite honest, he has no clue who the people next to him are but it was the only spot that wouldn't let any other people sit next to him. A couple can't fit in there and Harry is definitely the only sore loser who isn't a groomsman or a bridesmaid who came here alone. No one comes to a wedding alone unless they're young and want to get laid, neither of which fits Harry's objectives for the event. He just wants to be a good friend and eat some cake. And maybe get blackout drunk too since he is in Ireland after all. If he manages to outdrink even just one Irish person, he'll be very proud of himself.

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