Part nineteen

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While they flew in Green, Lance was still noticeably angry. Keith still wasn't completely sure about what had happened but Pidge was still treating him the same as before so that was good.

He still didn't know why Lance was angry. 'Please. Please. Please, don't let it be because of me.'
He'd asked Pidge and she said she'd explain later so now he was just desperately trying to crush his anxiety or at least hide it away somewhere else for him to deal with later.

Pidge had been gushing about the planet they were visiting for a while now. Lance had been staring at the projections for a while now. He hadn't said anything, just stared.

Pidge and Keith talked for a while, although it was more Pidge talking animatedly and Keith nervously adding things every so often, he was still kind of unnerved after breakfast.

There weren't any sentient inhabitants but the planet was filled with edible vegetation and occasionally would host markets and other gatherings.
Because it was uninhabited, the Galra mostly stayed clear of it since it wasn't really much use to them other than the occasional emergency stops when they were low on food, which were rare in themselves.

The planet was constantly covered in a layer of snow and at least half of it would be snowing at any given time.
That may have been another reason the Galra avoided it. They really didn't seem to like the cold.

When they got there, Shiro had sent them a message about how the supplies really weren't necessary and they could just enjoy their time on the planet. 

Pidge lowered Greens ramp and the three of them trooped out.
Well they almost did.

Keith and Pidge has gotten about 50 meters when they realized Lance wasn't with them.
They turned back to see him still at the ramp, eyeing the snow nervously.
They watched as he prodded it with his foot and took off his helmet.

"Um Lance? What are you doing?"
He looked up at her and sheepishly muttered something.
"Er what? Lance we can't hear you when you mumble like that."
Lance sighed, "I'm never seen snow before... is this what it's normally like?"

The two of them looked back at him expecting some kind of punchline but all they received was a nervous look in his eyes.
"Wait you're serious? How have you never seen snow before?"
Lance shifted uncomfortably, "I grew up in the poorer parts of Cuba so my family didn't really have a tv or anything and then when I moved to America it was still too hot for snow.."

Keith was a little shocked, he lived in a desert and even he still managed to experience snow.
After a slight pause, Keith crouched down and scooped up some snow.
"Well, we might as well teach you a bit about it then." He smirked as Pidge's eyes glowed with a childish passion. Lance looked confused for a second but quickly pieced it together and smirked as he ran to take shelter behind one of Green's legs.

"You can't escape, Lancey Lance." Pidge cackled.

Keith hit Pidge in the side and ran off trying to dodge Lance's attacks.

It didn't really work.

Lance hit them both repeatedly, with surprising accuracy for someone who's never had a snowball fight, all the while buzzing about how the snow felt.
Pidge was squealing and Keith was laughing.
They'd all completely forgotten about what had happened backs at the castle.

By the end of the fight they were all cold and soggy. They trenched back into Green to enjoy warmth of the lion.

Pidge changed into some of the spare clothes she had onboard while the red and blue Paladins just stripped down to their under armor and curled up in the many blankets their gremlin had stowed away.

As Pidge flew, the three of them talked about the snow back on earth, Christmas and their childhoods.
"Hey Keith, If you live in a desert then how'd you know what snow was like?"
Lance was laid on the floor with his arms folded, propping him up.

Keith shrugged, "Well I was in the foster system for most of my life so I guess I just traveled a lot.."
Keith looked away from them and fiddled with his blanket.
"Hmm that makes sense.. Sorry man."

Pidge broke the awkward silence and declared what she estimated to be the date on earth. Apparently it was around late September, either the 22nd of 23rd.
They'd been in space for about 5 months apparently. It hadn't felt like it, but they definitely were pretty used to it by now though.

When they landed on the castle, the three of them were still chatting happily. Keith's laughter rang out and his eyes shone with their usual banter, although it had definitely died down a bit and wasn't as mean or harsh as before.

In the hangar they were met with Hunk who promptly left with Pidge.

Of course they wouldn't invite you Lance, they don't want you.

Lance shook away the thoughts and left with Keith to the training room.
The two of them lost count of how many levels they'd cleared together by the time Hunk came and got them for dinner.

Hunk smiled calmly to Keith and led the two of them to the dining room. The Samoan was beyond ashamed of how he reacted. Growing up, him and Lance had both suffered from racism a lot when they were younger, even a bit at the garrison. So it absolutely disgusted him how he and the others had reacted, particularly Allura.

 Hunk and Lance talked on their way there. Keith occasionally added to the conversation but they could all tell how tense he was getting the closer they got to the dining room.

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