"That good/bad day "

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The Next day i had to go to school,so i went to bed earlier.
I just woke up and took a shower before going for breakfast downstairs.
"Bryan? ".

"Wait what".

"Where's your driver? ".

"I told him to take a day off ".

"What i don't want to go to school with you and in that car ".

"Kim please,come with me i promise am gonna drive carefully and you'll be late for school ".

"Fine ".

We got into the car,driving and talking. Bryan never got his eyes off the road for once and the first time he did it a truck hit our car from behind and i hurt my head really bad. As the pain was getting worst,i couldn't  take it anymore,i felt sleepy and when i closed my eyes
I slept ,i don't know if i was dead or living. Everything around me was just blank.

Mr. Williams.
I  got a call from the hospital that Bryan and Kim got into an accident. Am already at the hospital waiting for the doctor.

"Mr. Williams ?". The doctor asked

"Yes,doctor ".

"Your son is gonna wake up after a few hours ".

"And my daughter,I meant Kimberly ".

"Maybe after some days and when they wakeup please don't tell them Lies cause it's gonna be hard to forgive ".

Why is he acting like he knows the truth about everything. Which doctor says such.

"Okay doctor,thank you ".

Everytime i remember what the doctor said i felt guilty about everything. Maybe i should tell Bryan the truth cause am scared if i tell him later it's gonna be worst.

Bryan is up after six hours i couldn't stay in that room any longer cause he was in pain and the doctor said there's nothing they can do about it.
But am sure am gonna tell him later when he calms down.
"So dad are you tryna say kim is my sister? ".

"Yes and am sorry for telling you now,Evelyn is Kim's surrogate mother ".

"O my world,dad your really serious ?,I can't believe this and where's she? ".

"Right there ,sleeping ".

I couldn't tell him she wasn't getting anything i said, he Knew  she was sleeping till days passed,a week passed and we took her home.

Hey guys am so sorry for the late update
I was so busy with everything.

I love you,wait I forgot to tell you that...........these story is gonna end soon cause I already wrote the last chapters in my notebook.

I love you all 💖💖💖💖💖
I love my stranger  nishijha15❤❤❤
Take this peg.

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