that Christmas party

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I woke up 2 hours ago,took a shower and now am going downstairs,i just bumped into my mom and dad they were heading downstairs.
So we had to go downstairs together while discussing about our Christmas party in two days. When we reached down stairs our jaws dropped. Seeing the cutest little girl i yelled surprisingly.
"What? ".i yelled.

"Good morning everyone,about the cooks?,don't worry i told them to take a break ".Kim said.

"When  did you get here? ".mom asked while   hugging her.

"Today,i just wanted to spend more time with my family that's why i came back ".Kim always goes straight to the point that's what i like about her.
My dad didn't say anything i guess is because he felt guilty for his actions.

"I love you all ".was the last word kim said.

Did she forgive her family after five months?.......
That thought went through my head the whole day. Before i Knew it was already the day of our Christmas party. We always have Christmas parties  at our house two days before Christmas. We invite our friends and family members. I invited all of my friends.

Kim .
I spent the whole day picking out a dress for tonight's Christmas party. Finally i found something to wear. I took a shower and now i have to get ready for tonight,i invited all my friends. This was my outfit.


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I didn't actually want to wear this but i didn't want to wear a Cinderella dress though. When i was done with everything. I rushed downstairs to get the door.

"Oh wow ".kay said.
He came with his friends namely:jack,Charles
and Andrew.

"Come in ".I said.

"You sure don't look like a Fifteen year old ".Andrew jokingly said.

"Are  you gonna come in or what? ".I asked.

They walked inn and i went upstairs. Thank god i left the door open so no one's gonna  tell me. "Go get the door "Kate and lily said.
I told them to come in,we talked about so many things like what Christmas gifts we were gonna get for our siblings.we decided to go downstairs together later........walking downstairs everyone was busy enjoying themselves. Don't ask me what they do at Christmas parties cause i don't know.
"Bryan ".i said.

"Are you okay ?".Bryan said .
"How can i be?,you know i hate hanging out
with your friends and you just left me behind to party alone,i hate you ".i said.pretending to be angry was the best idea ever.

"Please short stuff you don't have to be mad at your brother ".kay interrupted.

"Am not short stuff okay?,am almost half of your height  so please. ".I said while walking away.

"I don't know why ya'll are always teasing her,please whatever you do don't tease her i beg you in the name of god ".Bryan said while walking away.

"Sorry ".I heard a cute voice behind me.
Why would Kim ever tell me sorry.

"Why? ".
"Cause i made Bryan get mad at you am sorry it wasn't intentional " .

"Don't  be,it's fine ".

"Stay here and give me a minute I'll be back ".

"Okay shorty ".

"I would never accept your nickname for me ".she walked toward Bryan as she said it.

In like about two minutes,they hugged each other and then came to me.

"Am sorry kay ".Bryan said.
Did Bryan just say sorry?,he never says sorry no matter what. Who would have known that shorty can do it.

"It's Okay ".I said.

"I spoiled it and i fixed it tadaaaaaaar,I noticed that one person was missing me and she's not here. Where is she? ".kim said.

"At the hospital ".

"Wow,what would someone like her be at the hospital ".

"Cause she has cancer ".

"Are you serious?,is she gonna be okay soon?,i can't spend my Christmas without her ".

"Yeah,her bone marrow transplant surgery was yesterday ".

"I can't believe you hided it from me and for that i want to hate you but there's no way ".kim said.

Talking about who had cancer?,it's my twin Kayla. Her chance of survival was so small. Even if she wants to die it should be when she's a hundred years old.

"I really didn't mean to ".

"Fine,don't worry she's going to be Okay " .

How can i be thinking of her cuteness instead of praying for my sister.

Thanks for reading this chapter
I love you all ❤❤❤❤

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