Graciousness and Brake ups

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How ironic is it that this lady who hates me is having a heart attack and her life is pretty much in my hands.

"Oh crap what do I do?" I asked her but then realized she wouldn't be able to answer me.

I dialed 911 and a lady answered.

"Hello , 911 what is your emergency?"

"My boyfriends mom is having a heart attack I need an ambulance at 115 45 Florida street."

"Okay they'll be there as  - "

I hung up cause I don't got time to here that they'll be there as soon as possible bullshit.

By the grace of God I open the front door and is able to pick Tabitha up she looks unconscious but what do I know, I get to my car and lay her in the back seat I ran to my door and raced down the street to the nearest hospital on average it was a 20 minute ride but shit I was driving like a bat out of hell and got there in 8 minutes max.

I pick Tabitha up out the back and ran with her into the hospital. It would of been tragic if I would of dropped her while running.

"Help she's having a heart attack." I yell.

Immediately several doctors come and take her from me and get her into a room I follow close behind as they set her on a bed and connect various things to her arm. They turn the heart monitor on and I see  her heart rate and thank god she's still alive.

"She'll be fine, I just need you to fill out these papers so we know her age, what she's allergic to, etc." The doctor said hand me a clip board and pen.

"Okay well she's my boyfriends mom so I barely know anything about her."

"Well fill out what you know and get your boyfriend here."

"Okay, thank you doctor ...."

"Oh I'm nurse Hannah and doctor Bailey will be in here soon."

"Okay thanks again."

The nurse smiled then she left the room.

Shit now I have to call Anthony.

The phone rang then it went to voicemail. You have to be kidding me. I called again and once again it went to voicemail. How is it that it's a fucking emergency involving his mom and he can't answer his phone.

I called five minutes later and a girl answered.

"Hello." Said a chipper sounding girl with blaring music in the background.

I moved my phone from my ear to make sure I was calling the right number.

"Um yeah is Anthony there?"

"Yeah he is but he's a little busy right now."

"Busy , busy doing what."

"To tell you the truth I'm not sure but he went upstairs a few minutes ago with um Whitney."

"Are you fucking kidding me." At this point I'm growing to be irritated.

"Yeah I could call you back though when I see him but he was pretty drunk the last time I seen him."

"Yes thank you I'd appreciate." I gave the girl my number and name then hung the phone up.

Fucking great now I'm stuck here cause I can't leave this lady here alone and I don't know Mr. Bridgewoods number to call him and tell him what's going on and I don't have Anthony's brother or sisters number.

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