The Morning After.

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"Move over, damn a real nigga ain't got no space." I said with tiredness in my voice.

"My fault but you are in my bed." said a familiar but I couldn't match a name to it.

I definitely wasn't ready to open my eyes either. 

" Who the hells house is this?" I asked myself after I heard the mysterious person leave the room.

I sat up and looked around for my phone which was on the black nightstand, which made it clear that this actually wasn't my bed or room because my nightstand is blue.

I open up my phone and I see 5 missed calls and 2 text messages.

Two missed calls was from my mom two more was from Jazz and the last missed call was from Steph one of my other good friends.

The text messages was from Jazz asking why I'm not answering my phone and her threatening to "come get me."

Hilarious how could she come get me if she doesn't know were I'm at. Shit I don't even know were I'm at.

But those texts was from 10:58 this morning and now its 11:32 am.

But wait it's this late already and ain't no one cooking breakfast? I don't smell no food being cooked.

I finally decide to get up and I notice I have sweats on.

"I aint come here in no sweat pants." I said out loud but still walking to exit the room.

I finally get out the room and I'm looking down the steps wondering if I really wanna go down there.

"Finally you're up I was starting to think I was gonna have to cook breakfast." said the same voice from the room which made me jump a little.

I turned around to face him and he was sexy as I don't even know what.

I had to pull myself together though.

" Yeah, you sit here and think I'm gonna cook for you if you want to." I say and walk back into the room with him following behind.

"You can't cook for me Bianca?" he said in a cute little voice.

" Well actually I can I'm just not going to." I say matter a factly.

"But-" he was getting ready to say something but I cut him off.

"And wait how you know my names Bianca?"

He looked at me weird then said "Well is that bracelet your wearing yours?"

I looked down at the silver bracelet with my name on it that my mom got me about two or three years ago.

" Oh yeah that's mine." I say smiling and feeling stupid at the same time.

"Plus you did tell me last night at the party." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh shit that's right. Damn we didnt do anything right?" I asked hoping he was going to say no cause I didn't remember much.

"Actually we didn't but thanks for letting me know you wouldn't want to." he said and flopped and his bed.

"No I didn't mean it like that I just ment cause I was drunk and-"

"I'm just messing with you, I mean like who wouldn't want me." He stated more than asked.

I walked over to his bed and sat next to him.

" Ughh cocky much?" I said with a little giggle.

"Mmhmm." he said while looking into my eyes.

Then I saw him leaning towards me, then it happened.

We kissed and I felt a little spark, then he pulled me onto his lap and started rubbing my leg.

"Your beautiful." he whispered into my ear.

" Thanks." I said and started smiling.

Oh I remember his name now its Antwan right shit probably not.

No Anthony its definitely Anthony.

" So....Anthony." I say unsure if that's even is name.

"Yes ma'am." He said and touched my cheek.

I had to smile a little cause that was cute. " I'm thinking about helping you with breakfast."

He started laughing like I was kidding or something.

I got up and pulled him with me down the steps and was looking fur the kitchen, then I found it.

"Do you have pancakes." I asked opening the cabinets.

" I wouldn't know I never cook." Anthony said and shrugged his shoulders and sat down at the table that was in the kitchen.

I turned around to scan the kitchen for the pancakes that might not even be here.

" Oh you wouldn't know if there's any pancakes, but its sitting right next to you." I say with a straight face.

"Wow I really didn't see that I swear." He said with both is hands up.

" Whatever any closer it would've bit you." Something my mom would always say to me when I claimed I couldn't find something.

So while I'm cooking we get to know each other better, and he tells me everything we did yesterday which wasn't much.

Finally it was time to eat and we sit at the table across from each other.

After a few seconds of quietness I had to ask "Whos' sweat pants do I have on?"

"Mine, why?" He asked with a mouth full of eggs

"Nothing just wondering." I say while swallowing my last piece of pancake when the door bell rings.

I Looked at Anthony "Aren't you gonna open the door?"

"No." He said sarcastically and walked towards the door.

Yea I'm nosey so you know I was listening.

"Hey I'm Jasmine is my friend Bianca here?"

Oh gosh how did she know I was here. I thought to myself.

"Yeah come in she's eating right now." Anthony said walking back over to me.

"Bianca, Jasmine's here." He says looking a little sad.

"Hey hun wassup." I say and get up to hug Jazz.

"Nothing but we gotta get to ya house asap no rocky." Jazz said returning my hug and obviously trying to be funny.

"Why whats going on?" I asked confused

"Can we play this 21 questions game when we actually get to your house. Please?" She said with enfaceses in her voice.

"Ughh sure I guess."

Jazz walked out the house first and I was following behind until Anthony grabbed my arm and kissed me deeply and bit my lip a little then pulled away.

" Can I get your number?" He whispered to me.

" Yeah, sure you umm, of course you ugh." I started stumbling on my words cause that kiss left me speechless.

I put my number in his phone and gave him a quick kiss goodbye.

I had finally got to Jazz's car in the front of the house.

" What took you so long ?" She asked giving me a questionable look.

" Oh nothing at all." I say with a smile

"Mmhmm I bet" She said looking at me one last time then started driving.

Okayy so is this story good or not cause if it's not imma stop writing this book.

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