The letter.

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After leaving her parents house last night, he and Toph decided to just sleep in Appa's saddle under the stars.

The morning sunshine breaking across the horizon, in shades of gold and pink, woke Aang from his peaceful slumber.

He laid there a little while, just enjoying listening to the world around him come alive.
When he went to turn over, something was in his way, something warm, and that smelled of sage.

His eyes snapped open.
There, curled into his side with her head on his shoulder, was none other than Toph.
He couldn't believe it. He had no idea how they came to be in such a position.

She was so different asleep, relaxed.

Last night was the first real time he saw the side of her she tried to keep hidden. She was the strongest person he knew and the fact that she let him that close, meant the world to him.

As the sun rose higher, golden ray's touched her face and his breath caught in his throat.

How had he never noticed how beautiful she was before....oh yeah.


She stirred against him, slowly coming awake.
She was in the middle of snuggling closer when she froze.

Shooting up right, she shoved her hair out of her red face, scooting away from him.

"Sorry." She said.

"It's okay. It got a little cool last night." He told her, trying to smooth things over.

"Yea, well, you better forget it happened." She said, punching his arm.

"Ow!" Rubbing the offended spot, Aang stood and stretched his arms above his head before waking Appa.

"Come on buddy, it's time to wake up."

Appa groaned in response but opened his eyes to give Aang a lick.

Airbending himself dry, Aang jumped back on the bison's head and took the reigns.

"So...we should be there soon right?" Toph asked him.

"Yea, should be by late afternoon or evening."

"Are we going to talk to people about Zuko's mom?"

"I don't know, I don't think she'd be in a big city if she didn't want Ozai to find her."

Toph hummed.

Aang had no idea how to even start trying to find her, he only knew her name. And what if she changed it?

But he had to at least try. For Zuko.

"We'll figure it out. Fire nation citizens tend to stand out, so we can just ask if anyone remembers a Fire nation woman passing through eleven years ago." Toph offered.

"You really think that will work? That's a long time Toph."

"You got any better ideas Twinkle-toes?"

He sighed. No he didn't.
But, he was determined to not let it get him down. Any idea was worth trying.

After an hour of flying, he couldn't take it anymore, not knowing what the letter said was killing him.

"So, when we land for lunch, do you want me to-"

"Don't." She cut him off.

"Are you sure?"

She hesitated and in a voice so low he had to strain to hear her,

"No. I'm not. But I don't know if I want to know."

"I understand, but if you change your mind...."

"Thanks Baldy."

He smiled. She loved nicknames.


It was driving her crazy.
What could possibly be in that letter?

She wanted to know but something was stopping her.
She almost felt... afraid.
And she hated it. A lot. She knew she would have to have him read it to her soon but did she really want him to?

What if whatever was in there, was so bad that he looked at her differently?
She didn't think she could handle that.

Waking up curled into him, scared her. She wasn't use to letting people that close.
But what scared her even more, was the fact that she liked it.

"You ready for lunch?" Aang called from Appa's head.

Feeling her stomach growl, she wasn't sure if it was hunger or nerves but she figured he had to be hungry.

"Yea sure."

Appa landed and she slid down his side, grateful when her bare feet touched the ground.

Aang fixed them a simple lunch of rice and dumplings, the tension to Toph, seemed unbearable.

Maybe she should just get it over with.

Maybe she should wait till after they were at the air temple.

Maybe she should have him burn it.

"Toph? You okay? You've barely touched your food."

Aang's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"Is it the letter?"

She stayed silent.

She heard him get up and start rummaging through the bags and she thought her heart would beat out of her chest.

Aang walked over and sat down beside her, his leg touching hers and his comforting scent of fresh air and mint wrapping around her.

"If you're ready I'll read it now, if not we can wait till we're home. But I want you to know that I'm here. Always."

She took a few steady breaths and held her head high.

"Read it."

She heard the seal break.
Paper unfolding.
Aang was quiet for a few minutes before she heard his sharp intake of breath.

"Aang? What does it say?"

He didn't answer. His heart beat was so fast, she thought he might pass out.
Whatever was in the letter was bad.
She knew it would be but his reaction was making her feel so much worse.

Aang was always calm, so this almost terrified her.

"Aang?" Her voice broke as she said his name.

He stood up and took a few steps away from her, she could feel him shaking.
She cursed her lack of sight.

Coming to stand behind him, she turned him to face her.

"What. Does. It. Say."

He shallowed hard.

"Toph, I-I don't know how to say it."

Her nerves were eating at her, making her temper flare.

"Just tell me!" She yelled.

"Toph, I don't know if I should."

"Aang, I swear you better tell me or I'll-"

"They're not your real parents Toph."

She froze. Her blood pounded in her ears. She had to have heard him wrong.


"The letter, it says they aren't your real parents. Apparently Lady Beifong couldn't have children, so, they found you."

This couldn't be true.
But she knew he wasn't lying.
All her life they had kept her hidden away from everyone. Was this why?

Was this why she was so different from them?

"I'm sorry Toph."

Aang pulled her into his arms slowly, hesitantly, giving her the choice to push him away.

She didn't....

Hope you all liked that little twist!

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