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She felt helpless, standing outside the burning stables, hearing the poor animals trapped inside panic.

Trying to smother the fire outside was all she could do for now.

"Zuko! Aang! Don't!"

Kataras frantic cry startled her.

"What's going on?!" She yelled, desperate to know what was happening.

"They're inside!" Her answered her.

Toph froze. Her friend and the love of her life, were inside the burning stable.


She ran to get to them, to save her family, but before she could reach them, two strong arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her up off the ground as if she weighed nothing.

"Let me go! I have to help them!" She screamed, slamming her fist's onto her brother's arm's.

"You can't! You're still recovering and if you go in there, you'll get yourself killed!" He yelled back at her, trying still her frantic thrashing.

"I don't care!"

"I do! I just got you back!" He dragged her away from the fire.

"Katara! Keep her here!" Xiang called to the waterbender.

"What're you doing?" Toph asked, even as that heavy feeling filled her stomach.

Katara came over and hugged Toph tightly.

"Xiang what're you doing?!" She asked him again, trying to keep herself from shaking.

"Watch over her! You hear me?!" He yelled desperately at Katara, before turning and running to the fire.

"No!" Toph screamed, reaching out her hand to grab her brother.
This couldn't be happening.
She couldn't lose them all.
She could feel Kataras heart pounding just as fast as her own.

They couldn't lose the men they loved after just finding them. She couldn't lose her brother. The spirit's couldn't be that cruel.
The rushing footsteps and yells from the people around her, faded away until all she could focus on, was the painful cries of the terrified animals and her own heart shattering.

Just before she could give into terror,
the wind picked up around her, tree's were pulled from their roots by the force of it, the earth shook beneath her feet and she could hear wood splitter.

People gasped as the temperature changed from hot to cold.

She knew what this meant.

"Aang?!" She cried out.

The earth pitched forward, knocking her and Katara off their feet.
The sound of water rushing past them reached her ears.

"Katara!" She reached out blindly for her, having been pulled apart when they fell.

She felt her hand being grabbed and held onto Katara with all her might.

Please let them be okay.


It was all around him.

Using his fire bending, he tried to keep the flame's from reaching Appa more than they already had.

A piece of wood fell from the ceiling, sending sparks flying up into his face and he brought his arms up to protect himself.
Looking up, he saw Aang standing before him.

"We have to get out of here!" Aang shouted.

"How?!" He didn't see how they could.
The fire just kept growing.

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