Always Be Together.

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Breathe in.

Breathe out.


Staring at Appa, just laying there, his large, gentle eyes closed.
Aang watched him breathe.




His friends tried to get him to sleep but he couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes all he saw was Appa burning and it always made him sick.

He couldn't imagine the bison not by his side. He wanted his children to meet the gentle giant one day and see their faces when they flew on his back for the first time.
Katara kept telling him that it was normal and good that he was sleeping so much, but it did nothing to calm his worry.

So, he stayed by Appa's side, counting his breaths and praying for him to wake up so they could soar though the sky once more.

I guess this means we'll always be together.

He clung to the memory of the so long ago day.
He just hoped it was true.

"Hey Twinkle-toes. Hungry? I brought you a steamed bun and some soup."
Toph said coming to sit beside him and held out the dishes to him.

"I'm okay." He replied, not taking his eyes off of his furry friend.

"Aang, you have to eat. What will you be for him if you keel over from hunger?" She pressed.
She didn't say so but he knew she was just as worried as he was about Appa and he didn't want to add to it by not eating and she was right.

He took the bowls from her.

"Thank you." He said, staring into the warm soup.

"It won't help if you just look at it ya know." She said with a small smile.

He took a sip, then another. Realizing all at once how hungry he actually was. Concern for Appa stealing his every thought to the point he hadn't even felt hunger until now, even though it had been two days since the fire.

Finishing the soup, he reached for the steamed bun, biting into the soft dough.

"I'll go get you some tea and desert." Toph stood and brushed off her pants before heading back to the house, leaving him alone with his bison.





Her heart was heavy as she opened the door to the kitchen.
Worry for her two boys weighing on her.

"Well, did he eat?" Katara asked her from her spot in front of the stove.
Her and Toph had been making every dish they could think of to entice Aang to eat.

Cakes and fruit pies now lined the countertops and table.

"Yea, I came to get him some tea and something sweet."

Katara got to work on the tea while Toph picked Aang a dessert.

Finding moon cakes, she smiled and picked the best smelling one's.

"How's Zuko?" She asked as she filled a plate with the sweet cakes.

"He's doing better. Resting easier at least." Katara told her tiredly.

"And you? You've been busy healing people and giant flying bison's since you got here. You have to be exhausted."

Katara sighed, bringing the tea to Toph. "This is what I do. I can't just sit there while people and flying bison's are hurt."

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