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The next day, Aang decided tonight was the night. He was going to ask Toph on a date.

His stomach was in knots and his palms were sweaty.
Toph wasn't just anyone, so it all had to be perfect.

After cleaning up, Aang headed out of his bedroom in search of Toph.

Figuring she was with her students, he headed for the training yard, shoving open the doors and stepping out into the sun shine, his heart started pounding. What if she said no and he'd ruined their whole friendship?
He couldn't bear the thought but he had to ask her.

His feeling's for her only grew each day.

Spying her in the middle of the yard, teaching a little boy how to earthbend a rock, he lost his breath.
She was gentle and actually patient with the young boy who couldn't have been older than seven, he saw a side to her he had never seen before.
Her maternal side.

Aang was awestruck. He never thought he'd see this, yet there it was.
His chest tightened and an image of Toph as mother sprang into his mind.

"The Boulder sense's some unsaid feelings for the Blind Bandit." A deep masculine voice spoke up from behind him.

Aang jumped three feet in the air, startling a few students in the process.

"The Boulder?! You scared me." Aang said once he was back on the ground.

"I'm right though aren't I? You love her." This surprised him. He'd never heard The Boulder speak this way.

"Don't look at me like that. It's obvious. And it's okay, I was in love too once. Broke my heart." He continued with a far away look.

"What happened?" Aang asked him.

The Boulder sighed.
"She was in love with someone else. Now they're married with six kids." He said with a small sad smile.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

The Boulder chuckled.
"Yea, me too. She married my brother."

Aang's jaw dropped. His heart going out to him.

"It's okay though. People move on. I mean, look at me! I'm The Boulder now and her and my brother are happy. Ask her out before someone else does. The Boulder is done giving advice." He clapped Aang on the back and walked away.

He couldn't believe what just happened. He was seeing new sides to people everywhere.

"Hey Twinkle-toes. What're you doing?" He hadn't even known Toph had walked up to him.

"Hey. I was actually coming to ask you something." He was going to do it. He didn't want to miss his chance with her.

"Well, shoot." Toph said.

Aang took a deep breath.
"Will you go out with me tonight?"


She was shocked. Had he really just asked her out?

A date? She thought to herself and her heart went wild.

She knew she had feelings for him and she knew that he cared for her, but that's all she thought he felt for her.
He had been caring and thoughtful but that's just who he was. He was there for all his friends.

"Do you mean.... like a.... date?" She asked him, scared he'd say no but also scared he'd say yes. This would be her first date and she had no clue what to do.

"Yes, a date. No saving the world, no talk of finding Ursa or talk of your parents. Tonight, I want to take you to dinner as just Toph and Aang. If you want to."

She felt her face heat.

"Okay." She said with a smile.

"Wait really? Truly?" He sounded surprised.

She laughed. She couldn't help it.

"Yes Airhead. I'll go out with you."

Aang gave a loud whop and scooped her up, spinning her around.

"We leave at seven, so be ready." He kissed her cheek and set her down before running off.

Wow, she thought.

She was actually going on a date with Aang.

What the heck should I wear?!


Checking his appearance once more, he left his bedroom and made his way to Tophs.

Smoothing down his shirt, he knocked on her door.

When she opened it, his eyes went wide.
She was stunning.
Her hair down, with a braided crown.
Light green and tan dress, tight bodice that flared out at her hips, with short sleeves.
Her only jewelry, was her arm band and a simple gold bracelet that he had given her for her birthday one year.

She shifted her weight from one foot to another and he realized he had just been standing there staring.
Shaking himself out of his daze, he took her hand.

"You look beautiful Toph." He raised her hand to his lips.

He loved it when she blushed like that.

"Yea, well, I have no idea what you look like but you smell nice so there ya go."

"Are you ready for dinner?"

"Yes I am."

Aang took her to the best restaurant in Ba Sing Se.
In his opinion.

It wasn't huge or overly fancy and the people that owned it were some of the nicest he'd ever met.
And the best moon cakes he'd ever tasted.

He pulled her chair out and their waiter came over.

"Hello, my name is Pao and I'll be serving you this evening. Could I get you both some tea?"

"Yes, green for us both please" Aang said.

"Right away." Pao bowed and left.

"So, what do people do on dates?"

Tophs question surprised him.

"Uh, well, talk, eat, get to know each other better."

"I've known you for years though Twinkle-toes."

"Ha, yea, how about just spend time together?" He reached across the table and took her hand.

"Hmmm, I guess I can do that." She said with a coy smile.

Pao brought their tea.
"What would you like this evening?"

"Moon cakes please, two of every flavor." Aang order.

"Right away sir." Pao hurried off to fill the order.

"Dessert first? Aren't we a little old for that now?" Toph asked, raising a brow at him.

"Not at all. Besides, they're the best."

"Alright Twinkle-toes, I'll trust you this time." She said with a small laugh.

Watching the candle light play across her beautiful face, a light pink blush on her cheeks, Aang knew this would be the best night of his life.

He hoped she'd feel the same....

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