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"So, how're we going to ask these people about Ursa?" Toph asked him three days later.

He had been asking himself that same question ever since he told Zuko he'd help.
The last thing he wanted was to let his friend down but if he was being honest, he had no idea how to find her.

"I don't know really, I guess we just go with your idea."

Easier said than done but it's something.

They had decided to start in the lower class part of Ba Sing Se, figuring that Ursa would want to avoid the busy part of the city.

Spying a cabbage merchant, Aang approached him.

"Excuse me, sir?"

Turning around to face the person who called to him, the merchant jumped back, flinging his arms across his cabbages.

"No! Nope! Do not come any closer!"

Aang had no idea why the man was acting this way. Looking at Toph she shrugged her shoulders.

"I just need to ask-"

"No! Stay away from my cabbages!"

"Uh, okay?" Aang said raising a brow.
Ba Sing Se was probably the weirdest place he had ever been to.

Deciding not to press the odd man, he and Toph went to find someone else to question.

As they walked away, he could have sworn he heard the merchant telling his cabbages he'd protect them.

"What about a fabric shop or something? She'd have had to get different clothes at some point." Toph suggested.

"Yea, that's true. Let's start looking for one." Taking her hand, they continued on their way. Hoping they'd find something soon.

Knowing it would probably do no good (and possibly get him punched) Aang carefully brought up the subject of Tophs parents.

"So, I was thinking, maybe while we look for Ursa, we could look for-"

"Don't." She cut him off.

"Toph I know you're upset but-"

"It's not that I'm upset. I just don't want to go looking for people that obviously didn't want me. Why should I waste my time on someone like that?"

"I just thought that maybe they'd be different than the Beifongs. More accepting so to speak."

"Aang, I don't need to chase after parents to "accept" me. I have all of you and I know my worth. If I wasn't good enough for them then, I won't be now. You and the gang and Iroh are enough for me."

His heart skipped a beat.

"So I'm enough for you huh?" He asked her with a gentle nudge.

"I'm pretty sure your head is big enough without me feeding your ego." She told him with a chuckle.

Aang threw his head back laughing.
Causing quite a few people to turn and watch them.

"Well of course it is if the greatest earthbender in the world thinks I'm enough for her." He said, enjoying the way her face turned red.

"Yea, well, who else but the Avatar could handle all this?" She asked him, flexing her arm.

She was actually flirting with him, and he loved it.

After a few more moments of walking (and flirting), they finally found a fabric shop.
Opening the door, he and Toph stepped in and we're greeted by an elderly woman.

Grey hair pulled back in a bun, wrinkles framing her green eyes and a gentle smile on her face, the woman was even shorter than Toph.

"What a lovely couple. How can I help you today my dears? Perhaps wedding dress material hmm?" She asked with a smile.

Aang immediately started sweating and he knew Toph could feel his heart beating out of his chest.
He hadn't even had the courage to ask Toph to dinner, let alone anything else.
Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, he felt a little better knowing the old woman's words had just as much of an affect on her as they did on him.
Red faced, she dropped his hand.

"Uh, no, uh, actually we had some questions about a woman that might have come here a few years ago, if you wouldn't mind." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

The woman hummed her disappointment. They really did make a beautiful couple, and it had been a while since she had made a wedding dress.

"Well, I don't know if I'll be of much help, but I'll try my best. Come into the back and I'll fix us some tea."

Following behind her, Aang and Toph walked to the back of the little shop to a kitchen area.

Sitting down at the table, Aang went over all the questions in his mind while he waited for the woman to join them.

"Here we are! I hope you like green tea, it's my favorite." The old woman said as she placed the tea tray on the table.

"Of course, thank you. Forgive us but we didn't catch your name." Toph said as she carefully reached for a cup.

"Oh my! I forgot my manner's. I'm Bay-ling. And you must be Master Toph and Avatar Aang. A pleasure to meet you both." She said with a bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Bay-ling." Aang said standing to bow as well.

"Now, why don't you tell me what brought you here, a woman you said?"

"Yes, a few years ago, a friend of ours mother went missing and we're trying to find her. We think she may have passed through here." Toph said.

"Do you remember what she looked like?" Bay-ling asked the two in front of her.

"Well, she was from the Fire nation so black hair and Amber colored eyes is all we really have to go on." Aang said. He wished they had a picture of her.
It would have made this whole thing so much easier.

"Hmmm, amber eyes you say? A young woman came through here year's ago with those eyes. Had a hooded cloak on though. Scared little thing that one, that's what made her stick with me all these year's. Hate to see someone so young on the run."

Aang perked up and looked at Toph who nodded. Bay-ling was telling the truth. First day looking and they might have a lead.

"Did she say where she was going?"

"No, no one on the run ever does. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. Unless you want that wedding dress." She suggested with a big grin, looking hopefully between the two.

"Oh no no!-"
"We're not-!"

Bay-ling laughed as they spoke over each other. She wondered if they realized how in love they really were.

Her and her late husband had been the same way. She still missed him fifteen years after he passed.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, my shop is open. It would be an honor to make the Avatar's bride's dress."

"Uh thank you." Aang said, still very uncomfortable.

"Right, well thank you for the tea." Toph said.

Leaving the the shop, they were embarrassed and disheartened.

Maybe tomorrow would yield more answers....

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