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"Thank you, Shoyo-kun. Firstly, why did you ask for us today?"

Shoyo froze once more, only calming down when Noya started to play with his hair again. He breathed deep, and tears started to well in his eyes.

"M-my father and mother."

The police officers both looked at each other, having an idea of where this was going. They seemed to have a silent conversation, and then the female officer spoke up.

"Shoyo, would it make you more comfortable of only one officer was in here with you?"

Shoyo sighed, relieved, and shook his head 'yes'.

"And would you like for Nishinoya-kun to stay here as well?"

Hinata nodded, once again, a little more hesitant this time. Noya is bound to find out anyways.

The male police officer left the room, the tea Noya offered him in hand. Noya could see him sit on the chair in the living room.

He turned his attention back to Shoyo, who began to shake slightly. He played with his hair more, but that wasn't quite enough. He hugged him as tightly as he could, which made Shoyo breathe deep.

He smiled slightly, overjoyed that he could make one of his best friends feel a little better.

"Shoyo-kun, where would you like to start?"

Shoyo told the female officer his story. Noya became more and more agitated, but he made sure to try his hardest to comfort a crying Shoyo. The officer asked to see Hinata's bruises and cuts.

"Do you want me to turn around, Shoyo?"

"N-no, it's okay Noya-san. You saw already."

But Noya hadn't seen the worst of it. Shoyo stripped down to his boxers, and Noya saw a massive black and purple bruise on Shoyo's right side. Noya inhaled sharply, as it was swollen and looked like Shoyo's ribs were broken.

Noya felt his heart shatter.

"Shoyo, is this why getting hit in the face by volleyballs doesn't seem to phase you?"

Shoyo nodded a little, tears streaming down his face. He was pale white, barely more than skin and bones. Noya assumed that the reason he saw him eat so much was because he didn't get to eat at home. He also assumed that maybe the pain made him throw up, since there appeared to be several shoe prints on his stomach.

"Shoyo-kun, we need to take you to a hospital. We'll make sure they don't inform your family, but you need to be treated for your wounds."

Shoyo seemed to panic a little, so as soon as he got dressed, Noya hugged him. He finally breathed again, as Noya clung tighter than ever before and started crying. He couldn't hold it in anymore, he had been trying to stay strong this whole time.

Shoyo agreed, and the police escorted them to the hospital. They asked a few more questions, about Natsu. They left after about 15 minutes to go get her and make sure she was safe.

Shoyo looked at Noya, who was breaking down as he held his hand. He put on his fake, sunshine smile and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't worry Noya-san! Everything will be okay! I'm sorry you had to be a part of this."

Noya shook his head a little, and only a few, silent tears ran down his face.

"You don't have to pretend to be okay anymore."

These words made Shoyo freeze. His whole life he had been told that if he let anyone know about any of this, Natsu would be killed. He fully believed his father, and feared that he had returned home before the police got there.

"Thank you, Noya."

Shoyo fell asleep then, the pain meds kicking in. Noya knew that he was supposed to tell the nurse when Shoyo passed out so he could be taken back for surgery, but he waited a few seconds. He watched the way Shoyo's eyes clenched, the way he twitched in his sleep.

Noya informed the nurse that Shoyo was sleeping, but that he was restless and appeared to be having a nightmare. The nurse put one more syringe of medication into Shoyo's IV, then told Noya that he would have to sit in the waiting area.

Noya began to panic when the two hour mark hit, since nobody updated him on Shoyo or Natsu. That was, until he got a phone call from Asahi, wondering why Noya wasn't answering his texts.

By this time it was 10:30 pm, so Noya knew that Asahi was very worried if he was calling this late. He took a calming breath and answered his phone, only to hear Asahi's panicked voice.


"Asahi, please, take a deep breath, calm down. I'm with Shoyo, and we're at the hospital. I can't tell you any more than that, but we are both going to be okay. Don't tell anyone else, please, please."

"Are you sure you're okay? And what do you mean the hospital? Why can't I tell anyone? Why are you calling him Shoyo? What's going on?"


Asahi took an audible breath, which made Noya smile from the other side of the phone.

"Can I at least come see you both?"

"I'm not sure how Shoyo will react. But you can at least sit in the waiting area with me."

"Okay. I'm on my way. Do you want your favourite hoodie?"

"Yes please, Asahi-san."

"Anything for you, Noya. I love you."

"I love you too."

Before Asahi arrived at the hospital, the police officers from before came in through the sliding doors, with Natsu in between them, holding both of their hands.


"Hi Natsu!!!"

"Why are we at the hospital, Nii-chan?"

"Your Onii-chan needed to see a doctor for something, don't worry."

The female police officer let go of Natsu's hand, and asked her to sit with the other officer.

"Nishinoya-kun, how is Shoyo-kun?"

"He's been in surgery for a while. He should be out sometime soon."

"You're an amazing friend for taking care of him, you know that, right?"

Noya blushes a little, but is just happy that Shoyo is safe.

"What's going to happen with Natsu? His parents?"

"Mr Hinata is in custody right now. He was brought in for aggravated assault, actually, because some occurrences at a bar. Ms Hinata is currently at a domestic violence shelter. Natsu will be taken to her Oba."

Noya sighed a little, relieved that Shoyo's mom and sister are being taken care of.

"What about Shoyo?"

The police officer smiled slightly, but it looked tired.

"Shoyo-kun has a few options. Since he is 15, he could technically live on his own. He would have to have a permanent residence, and at the age of 17, a job. He could also live with his Oba, that is, if he wishes to."

"Where does their Oba live?"


Noya panicked a little, realizing just how far that is. Shoyo would have to transfer schools.

"Would he be able to stay with me?"

"If you can convince your mom, then it counts as a permanent residence."

Noya nodded, determined to live with, and protect, Shoyo.

The police officer smiled a little more strong, seeing the look on Noya's face. She knew that he was truly a great friend, that he would give up anything for Hinata Shoyo.

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