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and i know, she'll be happy by his side

and i know

"oh, nakamura-san. wow, i should really stop having people walking in on me crying," akagi bitterly chuckled.

nakamura frowned at his behaviour. she knew akagi fairly well. they had spent time together before due to them both being close friends of l/n's.

nakamura took in the sight of akagi's tear-stained face. it wasn't a sight she was familiar with, nor did she like it. it wasn't something she'd want to experience again.

"akagi, why are you crying though?" nakamura asked. she wasn't used to seeing akagi upset. nobody was. he was known for being an optimist. a positive and joyous person.

"i've realised how much heartbreak really hurts," akagi bluntly stated with a snicker, earning himself a flick on the forehead from the girl with him.

"don't put it so lightly! how are you really feeling?" she asked, placing her hands on his shoulders.

'eh? she's asking me how i'm feeling? she isn't sure i'm feeling happy, like everyone else?'

"to be honest, i don't know..." akagi whispered, all traces of joy, gone.

nakamura lowered his head into the crook of her neck, allowing him to cry into it.

akagi bawled for a good minute of two. heartbreak hurt a lot more than he had expected. it hurt as much as physical pain. he had a lump in his throat which just wouldn't leave him alone, and his chest hurt oh so badly.

'i didn't expect pain like this.'

she has ended up satisfied.

perhaps i'll end up being satisfied.

she hugged the boy lovingly, "akagi? do ya wanna go for some ice-cream?"

this was a new side of nakamura, akagi had experienced. the side he was acquainted with was the girl who would talk about other boys from the school and their good looks.

but then it hit him.

she hadn't been like her old self for a good year. she had been looking out for her friends more and talking to them about their own interests. she had especially been looking out for him too.

she cared.

doki doki.

"yeah. i'd like that."

satisfied | akagi michinari [✓]Where stories live. Discover now