Chapter 1

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Five years later: 

New York Sona Mansion:

10 AM (ignore the time difference )

Navya: NIDHIIII!!!!!

Aryaman rushes to the room Navya is in.  

Aryaman: What happened Princess? 

Navya: Your Cupcake happened. 

Aryaman: What did she do now? 

Navya: She got paint of the floor. Look at the floor. 

You can see red small footprints around the house. 

Aryaman: aww this is cute. I need to take a picture. (he takes his phone out and takes a picture )

There was a small girl running here and there. She realised what she did. 

Nidhi: Sorry mamma. I forgot that I dropped the paint and then I stepped into it. Sorry mamma(She said holding her ears)

Aryaman: Look princess forgive my cutie pie. She is holding her ears. The one and only Nidhi Naveli is holding her ears.  

Navya gives out a chuckle but quickly puts on her angry face. 

Navya: You are always on your cutie pie's side. No one ever takes my side. Wait until Sahil come. Chun Chun ke badla lenge (Choose to take revenge)

Aryaman: Ok then take your revenge but our Jodi will bother you more. 

All started laughing 

Swarg Mansion Mumbai: 

 7 AM in the morning. 

Nandini: Bacha log come downstairs breakfast is ready. Sweetie and Rishu you guys also come downstairs and have your breakfast. 

Nandini was already at the breakfast table with Chacha, Chachi, Fab5 and Abhimanyu. 

Chaaya: Nandini Bhabhi sirf (only)10 minutes. The children are nearly ready. 

Nandini: Come fast otherwise you will be late for school guys. Sweetie is Rishu awake. (she shouts )

Chaaya: Ha Bhabhi he is awake. He is just packing his bag for college. 

All come down and have breakfast. While having breakfast everyone is talking.

Manik: Sweetie were you able to sign the deal with Nidhi and Family for our album. 

Chaaya: Yess Bhaiyu but

Mukti: But what sweetie. 

Chaaya: They are calling us to New York for 6 months. 

Nandini: don't worry we can just home school the children for 6 months plus. We own another hospital in New York. I don't think anyone minds. 

Rishabh: Didi sorry I can't go I have important thing happening in college. Sorry. 

Manik: Its fine. I will let Chacha and Chachi stay here as well. Chacha can manage the business here and Chachi can look after the house. 

Alya: That's a good idea plus Chachi can check the parlous sometimes. 

Cabir: I can ask for a 6 month leave. They can't refuse as they need me. 

Dhruv: When are we supposed to go sweetie 

Chaaya: Next week.  

Alya: Then we need to go shopping as soon as possible. 

Sania: Ha Lets go. I need to do lots of shopping. 

Abeer: Why? Bhua and Sania didn't you guys go last week? Hai Mata rani why do girls never understand anything 

Cabir:(thoughts)sometimes he reminds me of Madhubala. Madhubala where are you?

All chuckle at Abeer's comment 

Alya: Champ we went there for stationary. 

Shravan: Didn't you guys also buy new outfits. 

Sania: We did but we need to go shopping again. 

Arjun: Why? 

Alya: Because we need to buy gift for them. 

Dhruv: Guys let them go shopping. They will continue to bother us until they didn't go.  

Alya: Ha Dhruv is right. Plus I will be spending the money that I earned. 

Mukti: That's not true. You are also spending my money. 

Alya: Your daughter will be spending your money. 

Cabir: Sania I thought you will be like Mukti and hate the name of shopping but you are like Alya  when it comes to shopping. Nandini tell their school that they won't be coming to school for 6th month as we are going out on important family business. 

Nandini: Ok bhai. Guys come fast now. I need to go to work at the hospital as well. 

All say bye to each other and everyone leaves to go to their respective places. 

New York: 

Sona Mansion: 

Navya: Bhai they have a lead on Sahil. 

Aryaman: What is the lead? 

Navya: They found out that someone adopted him. Can I go to India? Please Bhai. I want to find Sahil as soon as possible. 

Aryaman: But your life will be in danger. I don't want to take any risks regarding your life princess. Plus if anything happens to you what will I tell Nidhi? I can't lose another sister. 

Navya: Please Bhai its only for 2 weeks plus I will call 3 times a day. 

Aryaman: Promise. 

Navya: I promise. Bhai there is also a small issue. Next week there is a band coming from India with their family. They will be staying with us for 6th month for their album. They also have children so I thought that Nidhi would have some company. 

Aryaman: Don't worry I will take care of them. Promise me that you will take care of yourself. Please call me if there is an emergency and please don't be impulsive and don't go anywhere near him. 

Navya: Don't worry I will take care of myself. I promise that I will call you 3 times a day and if there is any emergency then I will defiantly call you. I promise to stay away from him. Also take care of yourself don't just take care of everyone and forget about yourself. 

Aryaman: Don't worry. If I don't take care of myself Choti Navya will come to the rescue. 

Navya laughs at Aryaman's comment. 

This is todays chapter I hope you are enjoying my story. 

Bye guys    

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