Chapter 6

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Abeer knows he is adopted but he doesn't mind cause he knows his Dada will even die for him.

Navya Room:
Navya is a having a panic attack. She is sweating & shaking and continuously shouting
"Leave me".

Cabir tries to reach for her and hug her but is pushed my Navya.

Abeer goes to Navya and sits on her lap. He shows her his Matarani necklace.

Abeer: Mama please calm down. I am here na.

Navya calm down as she has found her Sahil. She hugs Abeer tightly and then continuously kisses his face.

Navya: Sahil. My bacha(child). Where were you all these years. I looked for you so much.

Cabir: Navya his name is Abeer not Sahil.

She hugs him and says

Navya: No he is my Sahil. Look he is wearing my matarani necklace.

Nidhi: Ha teddy bear. He is Sahil.

Abeer: I finally have a sister and mother.

Nidhi: I finally have a brother and a father (she went and hugged Cabir )

Navya: What the hell are you guys doing here? (to Fab5 and Abhimanyu& Nandini)

Aryaman: They are that Indian band Princess.

Nandini: Navu why are you angry at us. We should be angry at you for leaving us and then not contacting us.

Navya: (she puts Abeer to the side and goes to Nandini) So you are telling me that I shouldn't be angry. Where were you guys when I was suffering for 9 months. Did you guys not try to look for me once? Where were you guys all these years?

Cabir: We thought you died. Every time we tried to find you we ended up with reports of your death. Please forgive us. You don't know how much we missed you.

Navya runs to her friends and hugs them first Nandini and Abhi then Alya and Dhruv then Manik and Mukti and then lastly she hugs Cabir. She starts crying.

Everyone goes out as they know Cabir will be able to take care of Navya.

Navya Is continuously crying

Cabir: SHHHH Madhubala why are you so emotional of the sudden. We are here na and you have found your baby boy. You should be dancing happily then why are you crying?

Navya: Cabir I am scared what if he takes away this happiness from me. I saw him, while I was rushing to come to New York thankfully he didn't see me. O yeah Nidhi wasn't well. (She stands up) I have to check on her.

Cabir: Calm down. She is completely fine. We knew you weren't going to come until you find the clue about Sahil so Aryaman lied.

Navya: I am so thankful that you found Sahil I mean Abeer. If it weren't for you then something really bad could of happened. Thanks Cabir

Cabir: I was waiting for the day Navya Naveli would thank me. (Navya smiles)

Navya: Cabir I want to tell you everything about my past. Please don't judge me.

Cabir: Did you ever judge me then why would I judge you. I just want you to live happily.

Navya: it all started back then when I stopped him from harming you, Mukti and Nandini. It all started before I came to college. You guys and him were already enemies as he was two timing Mukti. I feel into his trap and so did Nandini, I was cautious of him. Abhimanyu Bhai also wasn't there. I found out his truth 3 days before Musicana. He was trying to follow you and get your truth out but I already knew so I tried to distract him but was unsuccessful. He found out and took a video of you and Raghav. The next thing that was even more shocking to me was that Raghav was just playing around with you. I tried telling you and Manik and you guys didn't believe me. No matter how much I tried. Then I kept on following Harshad and all his plans against Cabir were failed. He had a recoding of Raghav and Cabir which I switched into him and Raghav. After Musicana Raghav and Harshad were insulted and thrown out of the college. (she pauses as she is on the verge of crying, Cabir puts his hands on her shoulder) They tried to kill me that night because they found out it was me. Then everything got better but they returned to ruin our life.

Precap: Flashback

Sorry for the long wait. This is for all of you guys that were waiting. Thank you for supporting my story.

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