Chapter 4

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All 4 go up to Chaaya's room.

Chaaya is having a panic attack as she broke something and thought she will get beaten.

Cabir enters with Aryaman, Abeer and Nidhi.

Chaaya: Leave me. I didn't mean to break it. Leave me please don't hit me. It was an accident.

Cabir: Sweetie listen to me. Its Cabir Bhai. Listen I am here. Nothing will happen to you. Nidhi can u bring your veena here. (he says while hugging Chaaya)

Nidhi: Yes teddy bear.

Aryaman: (thoughts) He is such a nice guy and they even rescued Chaaya then how come they never tried to find Navya. I know someone was looking for her what if it was them. I think I should talk to Cabir about Navya.

Nidhi bring her veena with the help of ramu kaka

Cabir: sings a song for me please.

Nidhi starts singing Agar tum sath ho and Abeer joins. video)

Cabir: Sweetie look into my eyes. I am here na then why fear. (She looks into his eyes.)

Chaaya is slowly calming down. She calms down but she still hugs cabir feeling embarrassed.

Nidhi: You don't need to feel embarrassed sweetie.

Aryaman: Yes don't worry. We know how to deal with this. My Princess also has panic attacks. So Chaaya please don't feel embarrassed.

Cabir: Ha sweetie. Don't feel embarrassed.

Abeer: Sweetie let's go eat ice cream. Plus we can look around New York.

Chaaya: I don't want to go. You guys can go without me.

Nidhi: If you don't come we also won't go. So please come na sweetie.

Chaaya: Ok then Let me get ready.

Aryaman: Sure can you also help Nidhi in getting ready.

Chaaya: Sure

Aryaman, Cabir and Abeer go out

Abeer: Dada I am going to go get ready. (He goes)

Cabir: Thank you so much for trying to not make her feel embarrassed. Does your sister actually have panic attacks or did you say it for condolence.

Aryaman: My sister actually has it but worse than Chaaya. My princess suffers the most during those attacks. She hates touching so we can't hug her. The only thing we can do is play music and be with her.

Cabir: Chaaya's panic attacks used to be worse but she got treatment. Why doesn't your sister get treatment?

Aryaman: She doesn't want the treatment. I have told her to do it but she doesn't want to. She always tells me that she is fine and she doesn't need treatment. To be fair she rarely gets the panic attacks.

Cabir: Do you know why Nidhi was crying? Did you know she knows everything that has happened to her mother?

Aryaman: Is she fine now?

Cabir: Yes me and Abeer we made her understand why you and your sister are hiding things.

Aryaman hugs Cabir.

Aryaman: Thank you so much. I knew she found out but I didn't know how to approach her. Thank you so much.

Cabir: It's fine. Let's go get ready otherwise we will get a lecture from the children.

Aryaman: Yes let's go and get ready.

Both go and get ready.

After 20 minutes everyone is ready.

They go out to the ice cream parlour.

They were playing 8 questions to know things about each other.

Nidhi: Tell me about your bff and why they were your bff.

Aryaman: My princess. She supported me when I needed it the most she became my Angel. She also gave me My Cutie. (all smile hearing that)

Chaaya: I don't just have one bff I have 5 bff. They stayed with me in my bad time. Sorry I can't choose

Abeer: I have 3 bff they have stayed with me for their whole life. They never left me and they trust me more than they trust themselves. I can't choose either.

Cabir: I have Fab4 and NanAbhi but I have a more important bff. She was everyone's peace place. She was smart like Abhimanyu, Innocent like Nandini but also a devil like mukti. She was a calm person like Dhruv but when angered she was worse than Manik. She loved Fashion and loved to be independent just like Alya. She rarely broke down. She was the peace place for all of us. She knew everyone's deepest secrets. The biggest thing I hated that is that she thought that she can handle her issues by herself. She disappeared. My Madhubala just disappeared. I can't find her. (he starts crying)

Nidhi: I told you. I like Fab5 as they are an important factor in my Mums life.

Aryaman: That's because My Princess and Nidhi's mother name is Navya Naveli.

Cabir received the biggest shock. Cabir remembers Nidhi telling Cabir about Navya's rape, kidnap and imprisonment.

Cabir: Where is Navya?

Aryaman: Why did you guys not try to look for her?

Cabir: Harshad told us that she died in an accident but we didn't believe him. I continued to look for Navya but I always ended up on records that state that Navya has died. Where has Navya gone?

Aryaman: She has gone to Mumbai.

Cabir: Shit tell her to come back as soon as possible.

Aryaman: Why what has happened?

Cabir: 2 weeks ago Harshad was realised from Jail.

Aryaman: Wait how is that possible. I got him to get to get life imprisonment.

Cabir: Well he is out just tell her to come back we can find Sahil later.

Nidhi: Ha Mamu tell Mamma to come back. I am very worried.

Abeer: Ha tell Mom to come back.

Nidhi:(thoughts) He is definitely My brother but I am surprised How come his dad is teddy bear and why did he call Mamma Mom. Teddy bear is also connected to my Mum and brother. I need to tell Mamu about Abeer being Sahil. First concentrate on getting mamma back.

Cabir: Please call her back as soon as possible. Tell her she isn't safe in India and if she stays there Nidhi won't be safe either.

Aryaman calls Navya she answers

Navya: Ha Bhai

Aryaman: Princess please come back Nidhi has a high fever and she is missing you.

Navya: Give the phone to her.

Nidhi:(weak voice)Ha mama (fake coughs) I miss you come back please.

Navya: Ok Nidhi I am coming back. Give your mamu the phone.

Aryaman: Ha Princess.

Navya: Ha I am coming back book me a private flight. I will be back in 10 hours.

Aryaman: Ok Princess please come back fast I am worried. Ok bye.

Navya is coming back

Precap: Meeting with Fab5 and Abhimanyu and Nandini.

Thanks for reading sorry for the late update.

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