Chapter 2

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1 week later: 

Nidhi: Mamma you always leave me here. Why can't I come with you? 

Navya: If you leave as well who will look after your mamu? 

Aryaman: I don't need to be looked after. 

Navya: Yes you do. What have you eaten today? 

Nidhi: Nothing because he was busy arranging everything for you 

Navya: That's why. I am keeping him with you so you look after him. As soon as you 2 get home. You are going to eat. Forget the meeting Aryaman. I told the P.A to bring the band and family to our house so you don't need to welcome them. Only rest for today and Nidhi don't let your Mamu work. 

Nidhi: Ok mamma.  

Aryaman: Ok Princess. Now go and call me when you get there ok. Remember your promise. 

Navya: Ok bhai I will. You guys also take care and call me if there is any emergency. 

Nidhi: Ok mamma. 

They hug. 

Navya goes. 

Aryaman and Nidhi go back home. 

Fab5 come. They are welcomed by the P.A(Neil)(You will rarely see him) of Navya. 

Neil: Hello everyone. Madam has gone out for a 2 weeks and Sir he is at home with Nidhi Madam. So they send me to get you to Sona Mansion. 

Flashback (Cabir & Mukti)

Navya: If I every had a girl I would name her Nidhi. 

Flash end 

Mukti: Who is Nidhi? 

Neil: She is Madam's daughter and Sir's niece. 

Alya: How old is she? 

Neil: I am not allowed to disclose that Sorry . Please come. Sir is waiting at home. 

Nandini: It fine. We would like you to introduce yourself. 

Neil: Sorry Madam. My name is Neil. 

Chaaya: Nice to meet you Neil. 

All go to Sona Mansion. 

Sona Mansion: 

Aryaman and Nidhi have just eaten. They are preparing for the guests. Nidhi is preparing her aarti ki tali. 

Fab5 and family were in 2 cars one for the children and Chaaya and one with Fab5 and NanAbhi. 

They reached the mansion. All were mesmerized. The Mansion was so much bigger than their own Mansion. 

Neil: Welcome to Sona Mansion

Sania: Wow the Mansion is so big. 

Neil: Madam and Arya Sir created this mansion with their hard earned money. Nidhi madam designed the mansion. Lets go inside. 

Dhruv: Sure lead the way. 

Cabir POV

Neil rang the bell. Then the door opened and a small princess sprang out. She hugged Neil. 

Cabir POV end

Nidhi: Hello Neil Bhaiyya. 

Neil: Hi Nidhi Where is Arya Sir? (He asks breaking the hug)

Aryaman: I am here. Thanks Neil for bringing them. You can go back home to your girlfriend Naveena. (He comes with the aarti ki tali)

Neil: (He is blushing a bit) Thank you Sir. Bye Cutie . (He winks at her)

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