Chapter 7

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Student1: Do you know who put the story of Harshad and Raghav? 

Student2: Yes I know Navya swapped the CD and put the footage of Raghav and Harshad 

Student1: How do you know Navya put that video of Raghav and Harshad?  

Student2: I saw her do it. 

Harshad: (thoughts) How dare you do that? Navya I won't leave you. Watch me destroy you to bits. 

Harshad leaves and phones Raghav. 

Phone conversation: 

Raghav: Why are you contacting me, you idiot? 

Harshad: Who the hell are you to call me idiots? You are the idiot here.  You were keeping relationships with your students. By the way do you want to know the reason why you and I were thrown out of the college. 

Raghav: Yes I want to know who did it and I want to ruin that person to bits. 

Harshad: It was Navya

Raghav: Then let's ruin her

Meanwhile Fab5 & NavNi were celebrating as they defeated Harshad. 

Manik: Thank you Navya for saving Cabir 

Navya:  If something like that would happened to Nandu or Abhi I would want someone to help me as well. So it's fine don't worry. 

Manik: Thanks Navu 

Navya: Navu? 

Manik: Sorry I just see a small sister in you so Navu came out. May I call you Navu. 

Navya: Sure I don't mind but only if I can call you Manu. 

Manik: Sure I don't mind either now give your Manu a hug. 

They hug

Navya gets a phone call. 

Navya: It's Abhi. Wait for me Manu. I will be back. 

Manik: Ok Navu. 

She goes into the swimming pool area. 

Navya: Ha Abhi Bhai. Why haven't you called me? I missed you so much. 

Abhimanyu: Awww Navi I also missed you. By the way I have a surprise for you and that is also he reason why I couldn't call you as I was so busy arranging it for you and My Nandu. 

Navya: (excitedly asks) What is the surprise Abhi Bhai? 

Abhimanyu: I am coming to Mumbai today. You guys have to come and collect me at 3 o clock. 

Navya: OKKKKKK . I am sooooo excited. I finally get to see you Abhi Bhai. Ok bye I have to tell Nandu as well. 

Nandini & Fab5 were in a room talking together when Navya came running. 

Navya: NANDINIIIII (she is out of breath )

Nandini: What has Happened Navu? 

Navya is trying to get her breath back 

Manik goes up to Navya and check for any injuries. 

Manik: Ha Navu what has happened. 

Mukti: Navya what happened

Alya: Please tell us before we all panic

Navya: Nandu....Abhi Bhai

Nandini: What happened to him? Tell me fast 

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