Chapter 4 - So He's A Rogue

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-9 Years ago-

"Pleaaaaase?" The man asked, hands folded in front of him as he bowed his balding head.

Darren gripped his books a little more tightly, regretting ever looking at this man. This ghost had been following him around all day. Unfortunately Darren had mistaken the spirit for a new teacher since he was not quite able to tell the difference between the living and the dead yet.

"She's gonna look at me weird." He glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one could overhear. 

"I just need you to tell her and then I'll leave. That's it. Just a few simple words and I'll be gone, I swear!" The ghost pleaded desperately. 

Darren didn't know who this man was, but he was somehow connected to the school librarian. There was something he claimed she needed to find and Darren was the only person who could relay the message for him. 

It's not that Darren didn't want to help the spirit, it was just that he was often made fun of for his odd behavior, such as talking to himself or relaying cryptic messages. Unfortunately if he didn't do as this guy asked, he was sure to haunt him for the rest of the school year.

Glancing up and down the hall, he gave a quick nod towards the man who 'whooped' in glee as the teen quickly scurried towards the library. Inside, he found Ms. Powers on a stepping stool, carefully organizing the books on the shelf above her. He approached her and stood silently, not quite able to work up the nerve to speak.

"What are you doing?" The ghost asked, exasperated. "She's right there! Just say it!"

Darren shook his head, his cheeks blushing furiously as he quickly lost his nerve to address the woman. He was about to forget the whole thing and leave when she stepped down and smiled at him.

"Yes?" She asked, her mousy brown hair perfectly framing her face. "Is there something I can help you find?"

"Do it." The ghost urged.

Darren just stared at her, his mouth flapping open and closed as he failed to cough up the words. She waited patiently, but her smile soon began to falter as his ridiculous display carried on for far too long. Then, he finally blurted out what the spirit wanted him to say. "The papers are in the match box behind the unicorn!"

The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise, but before she could even ask what the teen meant, he lost his nerve and bolted out of the library. The ghost followed close behind with a big grin on his face.

"Thank you!" The man hollered after him.

"Go away! You promised!" Darrin spun on his heel, pure embarrassment painting his cheeks red. A normal person could probably have tapped on the woman's shoulder and explained that they had a message for her. Unfortunately Darren had a terrible social phobia that made him unable to speak up properly around anyone but his parents. 

Luckily that started to change after he began seeing ghosts. Thanks to his frequent run in's with the dead, he found himself forced to face his fears and was slowly coming out of his shell. Had this ghost made such a request a year ago, Darren would never have even made it into the library. 

"You screaming at the walls again, Schitzo Freak?" Came an uncomfortably familiar voice.

Turning, Darren realized he had stomped his way towards the gymnasium and had failed to notice the pool of kids stepping into the hallway for break. Three of them began approaching him.

Quickly he tried to turn before they caught up, but found his escape already cut off by a fourth person.

Jasper's gang.

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