Chapter 29 - Holly

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Many things went through Darren's head that night.

He wasn't sure how he felt about what happened or if he should even take Jasper's confession seriously. The man was grieving and had tried to use Darren to distract himself, which made the rogue feel strangely awful.

At the time, Darren admitted that he felt a little bit happy when Jasper was declaring his love, but now that he knew it was out of desperation, he found himself disappointed.

Did he want Jasper to love him? 

That was a very serious question that he simply could not answer.

After all these years, Darren had convinced himself that he didn't need anyone else to care about him because he could do that all by himself. He still believed that actually, but it wouldn't hurt to know at least one other person did too.

He had thought that Sophie cared a little, though now he wasn't so sure. As for his Uncle, well, he wasn't as close to the guy as people thought. They only lived together, with Darren helping pay the rent. The man did offer advice every now and then, but the two just didn't reach that level of comradery that people expected, mostly because he quickly realized that his uncle had a tendency to close himself off from people, including his own nephew.

Jasper had fallen asleep about an hour or two into his breakdown, and the rogue didn't have the heart to move him, so the two slept like that all night. Come morning, Darren awoke to find Jasper missing. He checked his phone and found that he had slept in, so he assumed that the Alpha had snuck off to work. 

Not wanting to think too much about it, the rogue quickly got dressed and wondered what he was going to do today.

Opening the bedroom door, he was startled to find Holly's apparition on the other side.

The little girl looked paler than before, and she was shivering worse than ever.

"Holly? What is it? What's wrong?" He tried to coax her into speaking and kneeled down. "Tell me where you are?!"

Her teeth chattered dangerously, and she pointed downstairs as tears began to stream down her face before backing up and fading away.

Curious about what she was trying to say, Darren ran to the living room, but found nothing. As a matter of fact, it appeared that he was alone in the house. This in itself was odd since that meant he was technically breaking pack rules right now, but then again, with Jasper being the new Alpha, he probably decided to be lenient about it. That or there was someone hiding around here and he didn't know it. 

Just to be sure, he wandered around for a bit before stumbling across Mary and Liam's bedroom.

Yes, it was rude to dig through a dead man's things, but Darren felt like there may be a clue or two in there about Liam's mysterious 'lead'.

Entering, he found the room to be twice the size of the one he was sharing with Jasper. There was a large, four poster queen sized bed with a dark brown comforter and a bear rug on the ground. He also took note of the two deer heads hanging on the wall. Over all, it looked more like a mancave than a married couple's room.

He opened a few drawers, searching for something, anything that would give him a clue about what Liam's lead might have been, and at the bottom of one of the drawers, his hand brushed against something.

Pulling it out, he found what appeared to be a plain leather bracelet. 

Why was this hidden in a drawer though? From the looks of it, this was nothing special, and certainly not something that could get mixed up with the laundry?

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