Chapter 14 - I'm Not Your Friend

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Liam had on his usual poker face as he sat across from Darren. Mary was out back tending to the garden, Gerrit was at work, and Jasper had been asked to leave the room so the two could talk privately.

    This was inevitable. It was just yesterday that the rogue had sent Liam's protege' into shock, got his son punched, then backtalked him in front of an audience. Darren was due a lecture.

    "Let me make one thing clear." Liam began, his tone icy as he looked down at the rogue. "No one talks to me like that. Do you understand?"

    "No." Darren rebuffed with inflated confidence.

    The Alpha frowned at his response. "You don't seem to understand who is in charge here."

    "It's hard to when the person in charge doesn't act like it."

    Suddenly the air became thick and the Rogues Collar began to vibrate as it fought to keep the Alpha's presence at bay. "You will not speak to me in that tone. This is my pack and I will not tolerate insolence. If you continued to disrespect me, then I will not only ban you, but I will make sure to destroy that collar of yours, as I'm sure that is the source of your arrogance."

    Darren's hand flew to the collar, fearing what would happen if the Alpha actually went through with his threat.

    He wanted to scream at the man and tell him he's not his Alpha, but the reality of the situation was that Liam held the power in the pack whether Darren liked it or not. For now, he'd have to put up with it.

    With a glare, Darren lowered his head in submission, acknowledging his place, but just for the moment. Once the investigation was over, Darren planned to find away to make one last jab at the man before getting banned, but not until the children were found.

    The rogue's act of submission seemed to appease Liam as he nodded in approval and lessened the force that had filled the room. "So you do know submission. Good."

    Darren had to bite his lip to keep himself from snapping like he wanted.

"Jasper and I decided that your ability could come in handy for this investigation. Since you already have experience with such matters, I have no problem allowing you to stick close as we work on this case. In the meantime, remember that you are still a rogue and must obey the pack's laws. You should have been more severely punished for sneaking out of your aunts house, but I was lenient and let you stay. I will continue to let you stay, but with the same stipulations as before. However..." Liam paused, making sure Darren was listening. "It would be wise not to agitate Jasper again. He does not need the added stress."

    Suuuuure, like he's the one who needs it easy, Darren thought, but nodded silently instead.

    "Good. You may go." Liam dismissed him, and Darren all but flew out of the dining room and nearly slammed into Jasper himself.    

    The man had been standing on the other side of the door, waiting for them to finish. It was a surprise when the rogue smashed into his rock hard chest, and even more so when his body tried to react to their sudden proximity.

    Not wanting to make a bad situation worse, Darren jumped away as fast as he could. Unfortunately this resulted in him bumping into the nearby end table and knocking over the lamp that was on it. Reflexively he turned to grab it, but lost his balance and tripped over his own feet. The next thing he knew, two strong arms were wrapped around his chest and holding him up.

    He watched as the lamp fell over, then bounced on the floor. Apparently it wasn't even made of glass and he had panicked for nothing.

    Relieved, Darren took a moment to register that Jasper was still holding onto him. A short struggle ensued as he fought for freedom, forcing the man to release his hold and step away.

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