Chapter 35 - Departure

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Darren sat anxiously at the dining table with his belongings. Every now and then he considered getting up and checking to see if the Alpha was awake yet, but he forced himself to remain where he was until he had the right words prepared. 

Come with me...

An ache in his chest had the rogue feeling short of breath as he mulled over Jasper's possible reactions. 

He didn't feel like they were well enough acquainted to run away together, but he couldn't help but feel like that would be a preferable outcome.

But then the more logical side of his brain told him that the man wouldn't agree. Jasper had been specifically raised to become the Alpha of Parkwood, so of course he would say no. Plus it wasn't like they had been bonded for very long. He knew he was getting ahead of himself with such daydreams, but it was nice to think about...

In the end, the most realistic outcome was that he'd have to leave by himself. 

After everything they had been through, Darren knew deep down that he didn't really want to leave Jasper, but he didn't trust himself to be able to help run a pack that never cared about him. Without a connection to the town, he would definitely make some rash decisions out of spite. 

"What's all this?" He heard the groggy Alpha ask as he stepped into the dining room in nothing but his pajama bottoms.

'Here goes nothing', the rogue thought as he took a breath and braced himself. "We need to talk."

"Is something wrong?"

Darren tried to piece together his speech, but no matter how many times he ran it over in his head, it never sounded right.

Might as well just get it over with.

"I can't stay." He managed to mumble half heartedly. 

Jasper looked confused, but then his expression softened, and Darren felt a rush of emotions cross their bond. 

A sense of hope blossomed in his chest as the rogue prayed that the man would offer to join him, but that was quickly dashed by the reply he received. 

"I know."

...What the fuck did that mean? And more importantly, WHY WASN'T JASPER TRYING TO STOP HIM?!

Darren had hoped the guy would at least act a little upset or maybe ask him to stay a bit longer. Maybe discuss how they were going to keep seeing each other or work out a long distance relationship. Literally anything but, 'I know'. 

"I-" Jasper hesitated. "I have some things I need to work out on my own anyways. This is...Probably for the best."

For once, Darren was completely speechless. 

"You leaving now?" Jasper asked, gesturing towards the bags.

"Er...Yeah?" Darren's voice cracked and he quickly covered it with a cough. "You...Don't have a problem with me leaving? Not even a little?"

"You were already planning to leave, weren't you?"

"Well, yeah, but I mean...Last night...I thought..." Darren felt unable to finish that sentence since he knew he was the one at fault for having preemptively packed his bags. His momentary panic that morning had him ready to flee town in an instant, but Darren stayed because he knew Jasper deserved to be treated better than that. "Don't...Don't you want me to stay?"

Jasper smiled sadly. "I want you to do what makes you happy. And I know...I know you can't be happy here. Even if it's with me."

Darren's chest tightened as the man turned and gave one last glance back. "See ya around I guess."

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