Chapter 17 - Reflection

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-8 years ago-

It was after school and Darren was looking forward to spending the rest of the day doing nothing. This was one of the rare occasions where he hadn't encountered any spirits all day, and without a local poltergeist pestering him like usual, he was free to do whatever he pleased. 

As he walked home a hand suddenly grabbed the strap of his backpack and yanked, spinning young Darren till he was turned completely around. "And where do you think you're going?" Sneered Lucas Macoby, one of Darren's many enemies from school. It wasn't like they had anything personal against each other. The issue was that Lucas liked to hang out with Jasper, and since Jasper liked to pick on Darren, so did he. 

Caught off guard, Darren glanced around and noticed a few other kids emerging from around the corner. Noticing he was distracted, Lucas decided to shove him back in an attempt to knock the smaller teen over. Luckily Darren was able to catch himself before faceplanting the pavement, but as he regained his balance, Jasper appeared. 

Like a deer in headlights, Darren watched as the future Alpha approached him with a snarl. "Did you think that was funny? Ignoring me in front of all those people?"

Darren's mind worked rapidly to understand what the guy was talking about. He didn't recall having a direct encounter with the bully all day.

"Hey! Say something Schizo!"  Jasper jabbed a finger into Darren's chest. "You know how embarrassing that shit was? All you had to do was pick it up!"

That last bit sparked something in his memory. After class, there had been a pep rally and everyone had to attend. Near the end, some of the students were allowed to leave early. Since he didn't enjoy fighting the crowds, Darren was one of the first people to head out. Just before he had made it to the auditorium doors though, a baton skidded across the floor and stopped at his feet. Darren barely registered it and couldn't care less where it came from. He heard someone say "Bring that here!" but thanks to the chattering of the other students, he hadn't recognized the voice nor considered the fact that it was directed at him. So instead of picking it up and trying to find the owner, he ignored it and left.

"That was Courtney's baton." Jasper explained, to which Darren recognized the name as a girl that the bully had been trying to date since middle school. "I ordered you to pick it up for her, but you just ignored me like I wasn't even there, AGAIN! It's like you don't even realize I'm the next Alpha."

"Totally disrespectful." Jacob Dobbs jeered from the group of onlookers.

"I say we teach him a lesson." Lucas suggested. "It's about time he learns his place."

Jasper shoved Darren backwards, much harder than Lucas did, and the teen went flying onto the pavement this time. One of the straps on his backpack snapped and a few of his books spilled out. Jasper took the opportunity to kick the contents away. 

"Show him who's boss!" Jacob called.

"Take him out!"

"Kick his ass!"

The entire gang began cheering for Darren's demise as Jasper stood over him like a domineering monarch. The future Alpha then glared down at his victim. "I'm sick of you ignoring me like you're better than the rest of us. This time you have to make a choice or face the consequences. Either submit and acknowledge that I'm your Alpha, or get your face smashed in."

This wasn't the first time Jasper had threatened Darren with violence, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. The guy had an obsession with him. It seemed like Darren's silence only pissed him off more. Did Jasper really think he was being quiet as an act of defiance? To be honest, after all the years of taking the counselors advice, Darren realized that none of his pacifistic responses worked on the bully. The more he held back, the angrier it seemed to make the future Alpha, and quite frankly, Darren was getting sick of it. 

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