Chapter 11 - Another Problem

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It was a split second reaction, but in the end that was what saved Darren from a world of hurt. Instinctually, Darren managed to duck down in time to avoid the fist. Unfortunately he didn't account for the fact that Gerrit was directly behind him, thus causing the man to take the brunt of the attack.

    Since Gerrit wasn't built for combat, it was no surprise that the sheer force of that punch was enough to knock him out cold.

Kenny froze up as soon as he realized what he'd done. Darren, on the other hand, kneeled down immediately to check on the unconscious man.

    Once more, the rogues anger boiled to the surface and he glared up at the obstinate Kenny who was still trying to register his own actions. Then his gaze fell upon Liam as he emerged from around the corner in response to the commotion. The Alpha instantly spotted his son laying on the ground with Darren kneeling at his side and Kenny standing above him. In the crowd, Beth stood with her hands over her mouth in shock. This was not going to end pretty.

    "What happened?" Liam barked, and Darren felt that familiar force fill the room.

A visible wave of submission coursed through the crowd as their shoulders slumped and their gazes shifted downwards. Jasper remained practically comatose though, while Darren shot to his feet as though summoned by name.

    "The same thing that always happens." Darren explained in an abnormally calm tone. "Thanks to the lack of self control around here, your Beta," He vehemently pointed towards Kenny, "Decided he had a right to lash out like a madman while Gerrit got caught in the crossfire. Maybe you should try properly training your underlings instead of letting them run amuck like you usually do, eh?"

    The Alpha stared Darren down, his expression as hard as stone. "Do not attempt to lecture me in my own home."

    Once more the Collar buckled under the Alpha's pressure and Darren found himself out of breath and slightly dizzy, but as usual he refused to back down. "Right, because a good leader never acknowledges their mistakes, or the mistakes of the people who serve him." He slowly slumped to the floor as the strength in his legs was sapped. A purple haze was beginning to invade his vision and he blinked rapidly to clear it away so he could continue his stare down with Liam. "It's not like Jasper is sick because his mentor didn't reel him in before he hurt his own mate!" He emphasized the last words to make sure everyone in the room heard before collapsing beside Gerrit.

    When he came to, the first thing he noticed was the night sky. The next thing he noticed were his cramped legs. With a groan, he sat up and realized he was sprawled across the back seat of someone's car.

    "Oh good, you're awake." Sophie sighed.

    "Sophie!" Darren couldn't help  but cry out in relief. He didn't know what he'd have done if he woke up in the company of anyone else.

    His euphoria was short lived though as he remembered how he got stuck staying with Jasper in the first place. He glanced at his aunt cautiously through the review mirror. "So...Are you mad?"

    The woman smiled sarcastically. "Why? Because you ran off without telling me, got caught out in the woods without an escort, then got into a fight with one of the Beta's after causing Jasper to go into some sort of coma? Noooooooo."

"In my defense, disaster is my middle name."

    Sophie reached back and gently swatted Darren's leg. Apparently she wasn't too angry about all the trouble he'd caused so far, which was a relief.

    "So what's the situation I'm in now?" He wondered. It couldn't be too bad if Sophie wasn't on edge over it.

    Sophie rolled her head back in an exaggerated motion as she explained. "Liam decided that it'd be best if you went back to staying with me until they get some sort of report on you. I've been warned not to let you out of my sight again though, so please, for the love of the Moon Goddess, do not go for anymore midnight strolls without telling me."

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